Venturing: Siren’s Cal
A mysterious voice had called out to the Vaster Police. But before anyone else could trace the line back to him, it died. Now, they need to figure out the source of the voice and the upcoming city that Ling and Yang knew about. Can anyone answer these questions?
Venturing: Siren's Cal
Twenty years ago, I had a crush on Yang. The prime police chief officer and a regular officer. Twenty years later, I married her and sealed the deal. Our party was massive and we had invited many who are our friends and allies to our party. We had the three realms joining us: Chaos's R7, Neither's Winter wolves, Sand police dragons and Cyber dragons. The party had last for hours. Upon the midnight was when the numbers of invitees had deceased until it was just us, Vaster Police.
Three whole months since that party, we had gotten a call from one of the inhabitant dragons. Located Northeast from where we were. We had flew straight there, curiosity were upon our faces as we wandered what kind of crimes had been done. I heard Zander and Kyro muttered to one another about the crimes this culprit perhaps committed. But the rest of the way, it was really ignored. So I did not had the time to listen to their entire conversation after all. We reached that location and we decided to land upon the grounds. Violently vibes shook underneath our feet that Zander commented "We should definitely get a road that is rubbery so we do not acquire any cracks from the ground." But his comment fell on deaf ears as our eyes were attention towards the house in front of us. "Is this the place?" Kyro questioned, Yang nodded silently in answer. Folded her wings and stepped forth, raising her claw into the air. She knocked onto the door of the house several times. Upon the next knock, the door fell backwards. Dust emerged from its surroundings as our eyes widened in surprise. Then Zander held our his wings growling something underneath his breath as he followed Yang inside the room. Following the black dragon came Kyro, Natty then me. "Why am I always last." I whined, frowning after seeing Natty heading in. Yang and Zander chuckled a bit.
No one said anything as the words fell upon the silence. We entered onto the first room, surprise to see that the room was smaller than what we initially thought. But what was even more surprising was that the room was not finish. Brown spots dotted the painted red walls. Some of them larger than the others. Kyro stepped to the walls and stare for a moment. Then threw his paw against the surface of the wall before taking a short trip down. For afterwards, he removed his claw from the wall and spoke towards the rest of us. HIs voice was low and almost to a whisper. "Guys. This paint is still wet somehow." "Why the heck is it still wet?" Yang narrowed, shifting her attention towards me and Zander whom said nothing after her. She shook her head after a pause in the silence, then wave her claw as she turned around and headed across the room. "Ling, with me. Zander you are with Kyro and Natty." "Sure ma'am." Zander started, Kyro nodded. I frowned but followed her across the room. Into the new room we had just entered in.
I looked around the new room. Spotting instantly two big sofas stationed at proximity of one another. However despite the short distance between one another, one of the sofas were directly leaning against the window on the left side. The other was facing the opposing wall where the television was. Ling sat upon the sofa, her tail curled off the edge. As she turned her attention towards me, I sat down adjacent to her and she spoke. "What is with the paints buckets at the living room suddenly?" "Not sure, dear." I responded, but reminded her of our marriage of one another. She blushed, red rosy cheeks before gazing away. Silence fell afterward. Then it was broken by Kyro's voice who radioed in from our walkies. As our attention from one another was swayed, we got up onto our feet, running straight to the previous room and entered. There we saw Kyro pointing upon the red paint on the floor. The brown spots adjacent to the red. We gaze at the two paints. Then slowly rose our eyes to the walls that surrounded us. Slowly, it had made sense somehow.
"There is something else too." Natty growled, gaining our attention as she suddenly came out of nowhere too, which Yang flinched. Natty rolled her eyes and said nothing else in response before pointing to a letter that was lying against the brown small table at the center of the room. Yang promptly stepped forth and grabbed onto the letter. She tried to unfold it to reveal the contents inside, but was surprise it was just a letter and not mail instead. The letter was a single R. I tilted my head to the side, before speaking what my thoughts were screaming at me for. "Does it meant the R7 in Chaos?" "I highly doubt that." Zander muttered, his arms crossed as his eyes looked upon the letter then changed his view towards me adding onto his statement, "I think that R belongs to something else other than the famous group in the Chaos realm." "If that is true. Then we should be able to see other letters scattered around the house then, right?" "Right." Zander remarked shortly, but fell silent while his eyes shifted back to Yang's claw. He muttered something that I clearly did not hear while Kyro grabbed onto Natty and pushed her forth towards the other room. They disappeared rather quickly too as Yang said to me "There is no label telling what this letter does." "We will find out if we manage to find the rest of them. Kyro and Natty already started to head on out. They'd be back, or we will gather in the next room."
Yang walked up to me. "Guess this means we will find the stairs and head towards the next floor above us." "Are you sure there is another floor in this house?" I questioned, glancing to her while she nodded in response. But said nothing. She walked through the door in front of us, disappearing afterwards. I exhaled, spread and folded my wings in anger before following her out the room. I entered into the next room with the two sofas where Kyro and Natty announced, they had found the letter 'D'. Yang turned to them while Kyro walked up to her, placing the letter upon her claw. She folded her claw and nodded silently, smiling only faintly before she turned around and walked out from the room. "Great! Now we just have to find the other letters then." Natty started with a smile upon her face and Kyro nodded in response before the two of them started for the exit door, disappearing too. The trio of dragons left me alone inside the room. As I stared upon the sofas then to the television across from them. I had not noticed that a remote was sitting on top of one of the sofas. With a swift speed run, I grabbed onto the remove. Turned on the television and turned.
The news channel was on. The reporter was a green scale dragoness, reporting about some kind of murder happening round town. It was perhaps around this place where I was at. But I would not know that however. As I continued watching, I heard more news about the murderer. A black scale dragon who lives inside a red brownish house. I blinked, thoughts circulated around my mind as I pondered silently. But shook my head, knowing it was all false. Continuing on watching was when I heard Yang's voice from upstairs. I turned off the television just as I heard loud vibrating footsteps coming close and I turned to the door of the entrance, spotting Kyro who was standing there. A smile leaned upon his face. "Letting your officers do all the work for you?" He questioned me, I chuckled and got up onto my feet walking to him. "Nah. I was just seeing what news this culprit was watching." Kyro rolled his eyes upon my response, but pushed nothing as we split our ways. A short distance from the previous room behind me leads to another room across from it. Between the two rooms was a staircase, ascending to the floor above. I walked up the stairs. Reaching the next floor where I turned my attention around the halls and stared in silence. I had notice how quiet and tranquil the atmosphere was. It was almost bothering me aet most. While I felt uneasy, I frowned and folded my wings. I turned towards the door onto my left, stepped towards it and grabbed onto its knob. I opened the door and looked inside.
A large room, the floor was garbage and filled with trash. The bed was in the similar state as the floor. Overall, the room felt messy and gross that I almost needed some fresh air. I quickly closed the door with a loud slammed that it quakes the walls and floor. Sending some pictures and frames upon the grounds, shattering them upon the floors that lies below. As I looked towards the scattered pieces of frames and pictures, I walked by them. Weaving myself away from the sharp pointed glass before entering onto the other part of the halls. I turned my attention towards the sides, spotting two doors. One of which was opened already. I had determined that Yang had already entered onto that door and have decided to go for the other one towards my right. But I had not realized that a short hallway was between me and the right door. I headed down the hallway and stared down onto the close door in front of me. While I reach for the knob, something stopped me. I turned to the side, gazing at the white wall. I tilted my head to one side and narrowed my eyes, narrowing my visions in order to see what was there. I did see something however, like a bump or some sort of hill. But I was not sure what it was.
Moving a bit closer to the wall, I ended up staring directly onto it. A conformation was settled in my thoughts as I quickly noticed the large bump, clearly visible. I blinked before reaching out towards the bump. Peeling back the white paint that was covering it which reveals a letter. The same letters that we were looking for however. I smiled without hesitation and grabbed the letter from the wall. Recognizing that the letter was 'K'. "Found something!" I yelled across the halls. My voice carried out through the hallways. In response, I heard rapid footsteps. I had expecting to see Yang popping out from the door. True to my statement, I found her leaning her head against the opening of the door and peer her eyes towards me. She walked out and smiled only faintly while raising her claw, exposing the letters that she found in the bedroom and bathroom. 'W' and 'O'.
"Seriously. Why are we playing 'easter egg hunt' for these letters anyway?" I growled as Yang. A great feelings mixed in the depths of my stomach as silence fell between us anyway. Knowing for sure that she never had an answer, I ignored the question and shook my head. Before motioning her as I headed down the stairs back into the first floor where the last letter was found and called by Zander. Returning to the starting room, I had realized that everyone else was already there. Except for Yang who was following close behind me however. As me and Yang gathered around the table, Kyro exhaled and settled his letter upon the table in front of us. I lowered my eyes and saw three letters already gathered. They were; 'R' 'D' and 'C'. "We know for certain that letters 'D' 'C' and 'O' relates towards the moon." Kyro revealed to us as me and Yang nodded. "That was the obvious part." Gloated Zander, but his voice fell to the silence while he grumbled. Keeping quiet while Kyro continued,
"But despite knowing the three letters. We are unsure about the other three. R, W and K. What did they meant? Why were they gathered alongside D, C and O?" "Maybe they relate towards the spiritual realm?" I questioned, Kyro shook his head. "There would be an S, if it was." "But the R relates to the R7, does it not?" Natty countered, Yang nodded her head. "Natty is right. R represents a lot of things that is related to the four realms. It could meant, R7. It could also mean the Spiritual or Chaos realms." "So it is broad, is what you are saying." Zander concluded, stealing a glance towards Yang who nodded. But fail to acknowledge Zander staring at her. The black dragon nodded before exhaling as silence fell overtop of us.
None of us said anything while our eyes stared off upon the letters stationed upon the table before us. As Zander tried to break the silence, Kyro muttered something underneath his breath that Natty was able to hear him at all. "So... now that we had signified R. What about W or O for example?" "That just it." Yang frowned, but concluded. "We do not know what either of them signified at all. Or what does these letters have anything to do with the current case." "Do you think that someone might had left it here on purpose? To drive us out from the overall equation?" I blurted out as all eyes fell upon me. Deep hard ponders were across their faces as I stared onto them. I had not realized how quiet the atmosphere was however when I heard ringing in my ears. I promptly folded my wings and cough. Listening to the silence while expectantly waiting for either Kyro, Natty, Zander or Yang to say something. But something above interrupted our conversation. Faint it was as our heads raised to the ceilings. I tilted my head to one side while glancing over to Yang who nodded. Silently, we drew our pistols and slowly speed run towards the stairs. Up towards the second floor.
From there, we split up amongst ourselves. I with Yang. Zander on his own. Kyro together with Natty. Yang and me started for the left; heading straight for the door that was close and to my surprise, locked as well. Kyro and Natty headed to the other door where I found the letter at. They gathered themselves at the entrance, poising themselves for an counterattack as if someone had infiltrated our hideout. Zander was on the other side of Kyro and Natty, already barged inward and started firing. With flashes emerging from the side of the wall, that was our signaled to start. We took the initiative and rushed through the doors; shouting "Vaster Police". We entered into the small room. The same room where I had deemed the place as smelly and dirty. But surprise surprise, the room was already cleaned. No clothes or smelly things upon the flooring. I looked in disbelief while Yang looked confused. Our pistols were lowered as I motioned Yang. She nodded and we separated ourselves towards the ends of the rooms. I took the far left side and found a closet. It was pure white. With black thing stripes running across it. It was kind of surprising for me to see a closet here than it was before I had first arrived onto here. But nonetheless, I was curious and started for the closet's knob. I side it to the side and stepped closer. Unaware of seeing loads of bags and junk hovering above me. Thus, was already too late when the junk piled onto me, 'Drowning' me in the sea.
I gasped in response and attempted to pop out from the surface of the junk. With Yang giggling in response, crossing her arms with an unusual smirk running across her face. "You look like a mess." "Maybe I do." I commented while we giggled more. We heard running roaring footsteps and turned our attention towards the left. For through the opening door was the three other dragons. Kyro spoke out with panic seeping from his voice, "What is going on? What happened?" "Do not worry guys." I waved it off as all eyes fell upon me. They were a bit surprise; however Natty and Zander suppressed their chuckles as I got up onto my feet. Dusting anything that clinched onto my scales, I spoke towards the others. "Find anything inside the rooms? Maybe our introducer?" "Well no. The second floor's rooms were abandoned somehow. Nothing lived inside these walls." "Kyro is right." Yang remarked, "Despite my mate failing epically. There is nothing here despite junk and little clues." "But we did find the six letters however." I pointed out, Yang nodded slowly. "Yeah Ling, we did find the six letters." She repeated.
Quietly, I blushed. But did not noticed a towel heading my way. As I was smacked in the face with one, I growled in an unknown direction and said nothing was wiping my face with it. I threw it off to the side before motioning everyone out the door. With me closing behind us, Yang huffed and crosses her arms speaking to us. "Guess there is nothing more for us to find here however." "We did strike the gold clean however." Kyro muttered in a form of a comment as Zander nudged him harshly, growling at him. Natty laughed in the response of the two while Yang and me smiled only faintly. With a flap of Yang's wings, we were urged to go downstairs. Back upon the floor and towards the room where the exit door was. Along the way, we chat about the six letters and the paint. How we were still unsure how the two connects. What is the significance of the letters? And how does it relate to the four realms. While they chatted, I closed my eyes and sighed to myself. I raised towards the ceiling above me just as we had reached the room with the paint upon the walls.
Thoughts seep into my mind. Yet none answered the questions we kept throwing around. The six letters seems to be a whole big puzzle. Along with the paint and what we had suggested after all. 'R equals the R7 or Chaos realm...' I muttered to myself, spreading my wings. We were unknowingly outside. Upon the front yard we had arrived to where the sunlight shines brightly above us. "Guess it was morning after all, huh?" Kyro replied, shielding his eyes with his claw while everyone else nodded in response towards me. "Get some rest. Then we should be able to figure this out if we have clearer heads." "Or work onto other small cases that appear upon our bullet board." Suggested Kyro, I nodded agreeing with the red dragon. As Yang scowled at the two of us, Natty and Zander chuckled amongst themselves. Shook their heads before flying off into the sky while the rest of us walked on the way home.
"Guys! We got a phone call from the same house we had infiltrated." We heard Kyro yelling from his room, A day later from our investigation. Me and Zander looked at one another in surprise; confusion were written upon our faces after spotting Yang and Natty already fleeing heading forth towards Kyro. We both got up onto our feet and ran too. Thoughts running through my mind as I pondered what we would be expecting. Just as we entered onto the room, there we spotted Kyro setting the phone upon the table separating himself and the other three officers as Yang took the chair and folded her claws. Her face hardened while her eyes lowered to the face of the phone. No one said anything for the atmosphere was silent and tense as we heard someone speak from the phone.
"Hello Vaster Police. I am certain that you have infiltrated my home without a warranty of a search. Tsk tsk... how careless of you. And I am sure that your so called citizens looked up to you for tranquility and stability upon the Order realm. Knowing this, you have found little clues. Gave up the search real easy." More laughter afterwards then, "The Vaster police is getting careless. Much like the police unit before you. The one unit where I lead. Where I became the boss. Where I solve the crimes and arrest the culprits whom commit them. All too effectively and efficiently." "Who are you?" Yang's voice spoke out with anger and frustrating seeping from her voice. A laugh came as a response before a set of words were spit out at us, "Is that you...? Yang. Is your worthless 'brother' there too? The one who called you a friend when no one else could?" "Worthless brother?" I growled in response, "How dar-" "Quiet!" Kyro whispered as we all turned to the phone again where Yang and whomever were still continuing their chat.
"I never knew after twenty years that you and your 'brother' are officers of the law now! What rich! Did Argon and Xenon set you up for it? Or was it Sen and lope?" "Who are you?" I heard Yang yelled again into the phone, following up by "Answer the question now," But a pause in silence. A couple seconds went by before a small chuckle echoed from the phone. It was either evil or amused, we all would not know as our eyes settled upon one another in silence before returning to the phone. Just in time too for whomever was on the other line to speak, "Vaster Police. Twenty years ago, I was an officer. A rising star. One that would be given the lands of the city of which I lived in. All of that was taken from me thanks to the unforgiving war that came upon the lands. All thanks to you and your friends. I had remembered that you all lived in elementary school when the author had first wrote you all down. As for me... forgotten by the rest. A Mary sue by many. A worthless character who deserves to be quelled off. Well... not anymore."
"You remember Crescent city right? That place where the first and second civil wars had taken place. Kicked started this whole story timeline with the start of the wolf dragons, now known as 'Blizeons.' Well let me tell you something... Its back. And coming for vengeance on all those that had forgotten its existence. That includes, you and your brother, Yang." A small smirk emerged upon our minds as the next few words came directly upon us, "Look out Vaster Police. Your ancestors, including those monks that you adore so much, will not save you now." Then the phone died.