ST: TDF Chapter 1
Falco glared at her while wolf sneered back at the blue avian. "watch it, o'donnell," falco said, taking a threatening step forward, her feathered hands balled into fists.
Invention of the Week #6: Vino Wine
Jeff's feet became avian in nature with black claws in place in nails. his legs became more shapely while his hips widened outward along with his rear.
A Price for Everything pt 4
The wind was streaming past him so fast that even his predatory avian eyes were watering from it, the slightest gust tugging at his feathers so hard that it felt like they were about to rip free of his body.
File #1
A purple feathered avian-like species walked into the room, encased in the familiar mustard yellow of starfleet operations and starfleet security. "captain, the admiral's shuttle has landed in shuttlebay one.
Steering One's Future CH3 - Muddy Trail
Scratchy caw echoed from a nearby corpse of a dilophosaurus as a giant avian with grimy feathers sat perched up upon its prey, devouring large chunks of flesh with its beak.
Refuge In Refraction: Chapter Three
Donna stepped back and looked above as a few avians flew by in blurs, screeching as they did. she knelt down and grabbed one of her knives, tensing. the avians flew overhead, perching on the cliffs above. "who goes there?"
Knight Class 01
Before the white tiger's arrival, the avian had been the youngest of the pilars, thus under the assumption that he could get along better with the macaw this had been appointed to instruct him.
The Labyrinth
"hey, joey come to hear what this avian has to say." the older retriever wasn't long before he arrived. once he did, the younger boy shared the information with him.
Sky Ocean Chapter 10
Gar's avian eyes widened in momentary confusion. "harvy? i thought you would be at school today." harvy grinned nervously as she scraped the eggs and bacon onto two plates.
Aaru - Chapter 24 (The Crystal)
The only one that didn't was an avian; who appeared to be of the same race as master jun'lao. the white feathers made them stand out more clearly than the others in the poor light.
Eternal Blue 9: Forbidden From Heaven
The avian fell; dazed to the ground and quint ducked another sword swipe as he grabbed the first bird's weapon. "alexis! give the book called 'escapism' on the bookshelf a tug and get the others out of here!
The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Twelve
"avians! and winged creatures!"