Knight Class 01

Story by PermaFrost on SoFurry

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#5 of Knight Class (Dropped)

Hope the change in perspective goes well, and I suppose thing will go calm for a while --not sure if I even can say that--. Comment if you feel like it, especially on the new characters --and grammar or course--.

Until then

The sun had just risen around an hour ago, but Héctor had been awake since three. Ridding in the carriage powered by a magic engine, he sat a tad anxious. He considered himself pretty adaptable, but even he found such big change difficult to get used to in a mere couple of days. The first ones had been nerve-wracking; he had barely been able to sleep and had just submitted himself to bed out of exhaustion. He thought many would've liked to experience what was happening to him, but those fursons simply didn't know what they were talking about.

It was still hard to believe, that he would be named a Pilar by His Majesty. Such title was one of great of power, only second to the King itself. They were called the protectors of the Kingdom, each one of them being a guardian for each one the thirteen provinces. Héctor couldn't help but to wonder why he had been chosen, even though it was widely know that anyone could be a Pilar. A Pilar could only be named by the King, with no clear requirements, so it was considered kind of godly fate. It was even rumored that one of the current Pilars had been a beggar.

However, he was yet to take the Oath. The tiger was found still too young and he was requested to at least finish high education. As such he had been, somehow, enrolled into the Fremont Academy of Royal and Magic Studies. It had actually been surprising, and it was the reason he had come out early. Though regular classes wouldn't start until a week time, he was required to assist to the propaedeutics for his 'advanced course'.

But Héctor wasn't nervous about going to a new school as much as going with his 'condition'. No matter how many times he had been told it was okay, he was still concerned about it. The fact that he had been asked to keep it a secret, even if temporarily, didn't help at all. He knew the marks on his eyes wouldn't show unless he wanted, yet he was starting to doubt that. They had appeared that day without his knowing. He didn't know if it was the correct thing to do, but he would try to cope with his new life. It was kind of what he had wanted after all, and it wasn't like he didn't have hope of being 'cured' or at least control it.

"Feeling a little nervous?" A bright and merry voice asked. The crimson macaw across him lifted his wings and waved them optimistically. "You'll be fine, you'll be fine! This is actually just to get to know your classmates so you don't have to worry."

Héctor let himself raise his sight from the floor to look at the furson. Frederick Collins, Pilar of the Province of Loto. Before the white tiger's arrival, the avian had been the youngest of the Pilars, thus under the assumption that he could get along better with the macaw this had been appointed to instruct him. But it wasn't just that, Sir Collins was also a socially gifted furson, capable of befriending anyone. Even the reclusive feline couldn't help but open to him, even though he would normally find such perky characters annoying.

"You might want to be careful with your commanding instructor though. He can be a handful."

It also seemed sometimes that the parrot knew every furson in the city, if not, everyone with even the smallest reputation for sure. Héctor remembered the day he had meet Sir Collins, the avian had been all excited about their new young comrade and had looked pleased to know he was to train him. Maybe it had something to do about finally becoming a senior. The two of them had yet to have any kind of training session, but Héctor was looking forward to it. It was unknown of a Pilar who hadn't been a great warrior and mage, and he felt some pride at that prospect.

"By the way, Baen told the principal that you're a Pilar in training, but she's the only one who knows. It's supposed to be a secret for now, right?" He added that, finding amusement in the mischievousness.

Héctor didn't have a problem with it. He would've most likely kept it to himself anyways, not wanting to attract attention. And he couldn't deny that he also found it thrilling, to play such game. However, it was also worrying, to think how long he would be able to do it, and he wasn't only thinking about he being a Pilar.

The ride was actually a long one, at least for Héctor's normal standards; the castle and Fremont Academy were located in almost opposing sides of Lera. On the way Sir Collins would talk about his time as a student there, a story so full of comical exploits that the feline couldn't help but laugh despite his reluctance to do so. At long last the carriage stopped in front of the iron gates and the two fursons descended from the vehicle. They stood there some minutes, admiring the construction, before the avian talked again.

"Well, I would've liked to walk you to your classroom, but surely you'll be fine." His cheery tone leaved to wonder if he felt disappointment at all. "And of course, don't forget to have fun!"

Héctor couldn't help but feel like a little cub at that situation, and he usually wouldn't like that, but Sir Collins seemed to be an exception. The tiger simply nodded and stood there, seeing the macaw enter the carriage and leave. Now that he thought about it he didn't know how long the propaedeutics would take, but he guessed Sir Collins knew, and he would pick him up once done. Once the carriage was out of vision he turned to admire the gates once more.

Beyond the iron bars stood magnificently the Fremont Academy's campus. Comprised of a Middle Education Division, a High Education Division, and a Superior Education Division, the grounds were bigger than the castle's. The constructions, just like the castle, were less simple than the rest of Lera, and each one seemed to show some influence from a different region of the kingdom even in the construction materials. From the front door the paved path separated in the three, each one leading to a different Division.

Taking his Student Code from his vest's inner pocket Héctor took a look at the integrated map, starting to walk down the right path. The handbook described the Academy rules and regulations; it also included some useful miscellaneous information. Héctor was supposed to receive a Code at some point during the first week of classes, but Sir Collins had given him his own so he could prepare beforehand. The feline had been really grateful at his instructor and had been amazed at the luz book complexity despite its relatively small size.

After some minutes Héctor found the High Division Main Building. He found it a little nostalgic as the edifice showed allusions of the Province of Garda. It was interesting to see how the rural and city look merged together, and still be pleasing to the eye. The Main Building was where most classes took place; that applied especially to Advisory. The surrounding buildings were used for more specialized purposes like combat or magic training, Dining Hall, or Assembly Hall. The 'advanced course' homeroom was located on the third story, together with administrative offices and rooms for diverse uses. The ground floor was for first years use, the second floor for the second years, and the fourth floor were rooms for extracurricular groups, archives, and storages.

Gratefully the Code also contained a layout of the building, which seemed to be the same since a decade or two. Héctor found the advanced course's room fairly easy to locate, noticing that on the entire story only one large room was designated for that course. He thought that all the students would take classes together. It was an obvious statement, but he wondered how it would work once the second years returned from break.

The tiger stood in front of the room's entrance for a moment and flicked his ears, listening attentively, trying to figure out if someone was already inside. He didn't catch any noise. Decisively, he twisted the knob and pushed in the door, and halted under the frame to observe the space better. The room was indeed large, but not as much as he had expected from the map, even so he guessed it would easily accommodate a hundred of fursons; thought guessing had never been a strong point of his. Héctor's attention was quickly diverged from the room when he noticed two fursons sitting on the nearer rows.

At the most front sat a tall lizard with rough looking skin; it was unsure whether his black color was almost covered of dark yellow freckles or it was the opposite. He wore deep brown long pants and jacket; the garments had various pockets to accommodate necessary supplies. It was a standard outfit for physical training just like Héctor's, save that the feline wore a deep blue vest instead of a jacket and a white short-sleeved shirt underneath. They had been notified to dress that way for the propaedeutics. The big scalie just sat unmoving with eyes closed, not even acknowledging that he door had opened.

The other furson sitting on the second row did turn to take a look at the newcomer. He was also a lizard, but much shorter than the other, even than the feline. His golden eyes told that he was distant and analytic. His bluish gray scales were clad in training short pants and vest of a sober violet, with a similar shirt to Héctor's. His expression was cold, or more like stoic. A trail of short spines could be noticed coming from the back of his head, most likely they continued down his back to his tail. He just looked at Héctor briefly before returning his gaze towards the front of the room.

Héctor knew he had come sufficiently early, around half an hour before the start of the propaedeutics, but he had expected a few more fursons to be present.

"I invite you to come inside" a husky voice whispered behind Héctor.

His fur puffed slightly at the surprise, and he turned his head to look at his back. There stood a taller lion in green clothes, the same getup as him. He had the usual sandy brown color and dark brow mane, but his eyes were a steely gray and bore a confident, almost cocky, smile. His posture was matching to his expression, paws on waist and chest puffed out. It was then that Héctor realized he had been frozen on the door more than he had been aware of. Btu before he could do anything the lion raised his arms and placed each one on Héctor's shoulders, and started to gently push him inside.

"Good, right this way. Why don't you sit next to me?"

The lion guided him to a front seat in the right side of the room, which was split in two by a corridor going upwards just like the rows of chairs in a staircase-like arrangement. He took the second seat from the corridor and the lion the first; the other fursons were in the opposite side. Héctor remained silent as he watched his unexpected companion rest his arms and head on the desk and close his eyes, a content tail behind him.

For Héctor that situation was actually more uncomfortable than having to speak to the stranger. He had to sit unsure whether he had to say something or just remain quiet. The second seemed the correct answer, not that he would have dared to speak. He only had some seconds of rest, some minutes later, when his attention was shifted to another furson entering the room. A dog, more precisely a husky, with brownish gray and white pelt, he was clad in some hue of wine. As he crossed the threshold he halted momentarily to bow the present fursons, and next he continued his way to a seat on the third row behind the felines.

And some minutes before the starting time the door flung open another time and a bright orange bat came in. His clothes were completely black and he had some white markings on his face. He didn't venture further though, and instead remained next to the entry, his back resting on the wall. His acknowledgement of the other fursons was a simple nod.

Somehow Héctor found it promising, the fact that big or lousy displays of greet weren't necessary there. Of course next he remembered the lion next to him; he was certain the other feline wouldn't result as the feisty folks back in his hometown, but rather a new type of 'friendly' guy. He withdrew from his thoughts when another furson crossed the door.

Another dog, but that one was obviously an adult doberman. His black and tan color scheme was a common trait, but it was Héctor first time seeing one with natural ears and tail. Now that he saw them he noticed they both were actually longer than he would have imagined. The doberman wore a black suit, with white trims and two flats as long as the coat itself. The doberman also halted briefly and observed the room before walking towards the front, where he stood behind the podium.

"It looks like everyone is here" he said in clear voice.

Héctor found himself surprised at the dog's announcement. He had expected many more fursons to come, taking in account the classroom size and the Academy's prestige across the Kingdom.

"We're a few minutes ahead, but there's no need to waste any more time."Somehow a yellow flower appeared on his right paw which he presented to his students. "I am Neal Hortz, and I will be your Commanding Instructor these two years. Please, take care of me." He flashed a toothy grin. "Then, why don't you introduce yourselves? You can say anything, even just your name is okay." His head turned directly to the bat reclining on the wall. "If you don't mind, Mister Vindic."

The bat granted him a rebuking glare and a raised eyebrow. The doberman clearly knew the names but most probably wanted the youngsters to introduce themselves to their classmates. Whatever the reason, the bat complied.

"I'm Egon Vindic, from the Province of Laurel. And I'll say it now, don't ask about my family, and stick your nose out of my business." Even if his words were rude his voice hadn't been disrespectful, and he had spoken quietly.

"Yes, we understand that" responded Mister Hortz with a calm smile. "Next, the white tiger over there."

Héctor felt his stomach tighten a little; it was always the hardest for him to deal with new fursons or being a center of attention. He stood up slowly, and clenched his fist in reassurance.

"My name is Héctor Furor and I come from the Province of Garda, and..." his speech stopped. He wanted to say something else, but his mind had gone blank. "And... I guess that's all." He sat back, his body a little warmer.

"Don't worry, you'll grow more comfortable soon" the doberman cheered. And before he could speak further the lion next to Héctor stood proudly and started.

"My name is Arlen Deck, next head for the Noble House of Deck. I was accepted last year but I had to wait for the Cycle to finish first, so I'm seventeen years old. I'm here to honor the name of my family."

"Yes, I heard of it. It'll be a pleasure to finally have you here, Mister Deck" the doberman added. Afterwards he directed his eyes to the husky behind the felines, who stood and spoke with silky voice.

"I'm Coy Pervenire. I also reside here in Lera, and my objective is to achieve the title of Knight of the Crown."

"A noble objective, Sir Pervenire." Mister Hortz didn't need to signal the next student, the system was clear. As such, the smaller lizard stood up and straightened, putting his hands behind in a courteous manner.

"I'm Brian Certami, from the Province of Retne. I came here in order to become a knight and heighten the name of my House." He gave a slight bow. "Glad to become your acquaintance."

"Same here." Lastly he turned to the bigger lizard, which still had his eyes closed. Hortz waited some seconds, but the scalie didn't move, he then decided speak. "Won't you say anything?"

"I don't find it necessary" was his simple answer, not even moving.

Héctor felt the air inside the room tense a little, but it could've been just him. He recognized he himself was a socially evasive furson, but he thought that lizard was a step further. The instructor, unfazed by the lizard's attitude, just went on, his tail visibly waging behind him.

"Oh well." He was clearly excited about something. "As we're done with the introductions, please follow me to the practice field."

He literally jumped from the platform where the podium stood and walked towards the exit. The rest of the fursons quietly stood and started to follow. Héctor glanced at the bigger lizard, which he had recognized as a komodo monitor, finally opening his eyes as he stood up. The tiger's attention was immediately called towards the komodo's blood red irises, which he found fascinating. He also recalled that the King had similar eyes, but of a brighter hue.

They exited the building towards the back and followed Hortz until they reached the open fields. There halted in one with soft sand, the one used for combat practice. The instructor indicated the students to line up in the middle of the grounds before starting to speak, his tail still slowly waging back and forth.

"You may already know this, but the purpose of the propaedeutics is to introduce you all to your future challenges in the Advanced Studies Course, which all you may preferably know as the Knight Course. Combat expertise, magic skill, and teamwork are the cornerstones of this course and as such we have prepared some recreational activities to test them. Of course it's also for you to have a good time and get to know each other. So, shall we begin?" He looked at his student and waited to receive a nod from every one. "Then" he raised an arm and again presented a flower out of nowhere, that time white color and bell-shaped, "good luck!"

All of a sudden Héctor felt his footing faltering and out of instinct jumped in the air, just like the other fursons. Looking to where he had been standing he was amazed to find a hole opening in the ground.

"Good reflexes" Hortz commended.

But his praise lingered only an instant. Héctor eyes widened when the entire grounds started to crack in small squares. The tiles plunged and moved aside, turning the field into a pit. Only one fraction remained, floating and unmoving as if nothing had happened, where the doberman stood. With nowhere to land the youngs fell to the deeps, and the propaedeutics began.