Rough Start
Skilled against armored enemies. good luck." the floor gave way, and calder shouted as he fell. luckily, he landed without any pain, and found himself equipped in light metal armor, a small round shield, and a spear.
Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 12
Then, a few moments later, the combat armor completely shorted out and collapsed forwards, the combat armor falling forwards on its squarer face and the glass shield popping open with a puff of smoke, expelling the driver inside.
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 46
Flora conjured wooden armor across her body as flash regained his footing and created another kusarigama. "i'll save you from this," he hurled the ball at flora, but it bounced off her armor. "i don't need saving!"
Krystal and Chase: Hidden Threat p1
"chase, as you know, your armor was upgrade recently because of your objective." hiigan stated, not noticing krystal's nervousness, "because of these upgrades, your ai unit, jennifer, will be able to be removed from your craft and input into your armor.
Black Knight
All over the ground were old discarded weapons and armor ranging fromt eh most standard of knights and peasants to the armor of several kings from places the knight did not recognize.
Crusader Part 11
Smash through the knight as gore rushes out before the knights armor explodes.
Rebuild, Renew: Chapter One: "Prologue"
"This is the People's Radio coming to you with the daily update. Today comrades, progress has been made with taking over the whole state of Nebraska! Our brave partisans have fought tooth and nail while destroying every fascist and...
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 54
The entire armor flashed briefly, branches of chilly, glowing and bright blue light pulsed throughout her armor like pumping blood veins.
Meet the Black Stars; Garok's Story
He answered to the fully armoured alien the long tailed creature waved for its partner to walk over as the orange stripped armoured alien shoved the butt of its weapon into a guardsman's face that crushed his skull in a single blow.
The Order of the Dawn Knights Ch.1 (Not mine owned by my friend and Yes i have permission to post it here)
"im going to help you don your armor my boy." conrad nods as his heart begins to race "armor i thought it would be fencing, and the king is going to help me! this is amazing!"
Birth of a Burning Soul.
A voice echoed from the armour, commanding and powerful. the young badger maiden obeyed without a second thought. she kneeled at the base of the throne and bowed her head. "this armour was once mine. gathriel, the eagle hearted.
"help me with this armour dear boy" he says and the stable hand does as he is told to do first fastening up the armoured chest plating and then his leggings as he straps the sword to his body and then helps his master put on his shield, then the master says