Lonely Oak Chapter 35

suburbs slowly transitioned to flat grass and speckles of trees and shrubs. every now and again, they would come across a rise on the right or the left of their little street that had that green erosion-proof toothpaste.

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Summer Heat: Chapter 1

Living in the suburbs drove him mad. he hated all the rules that were laid on him. "want to bet..? try living in a run down, bug infested one bedroom apartment with your alcoholic father." cale went silent thinking about that.

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It was a short drive into the office- her home was on the edge of the suburbs, but it wasn't too far to downtown racine.

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Hell on Earth. Chapter 23. END

Leviathan spread his thick arms wide, a giant soap bubble spreading between them, slowly enveloping everything in sight, wrapping the group of students and teachers and the collected rubble and half of the london suburb within its swirling shell.

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The Prize

Most of the friends he made were only online ones as his parents very rarely let him go into the suburbs for a play date. in fact, he had only actually seen his maybe a dozen or so occasions.

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New Friends

The city which he lived in was very much considered one that was a suburb, removed from much what would be considered the core of city life.

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Rabbits Don't Tell

Foxes stayed uptown and usually drove themselves around, while the wolves kept to the suburbs. scarves and coats helped to keep them warm on that unusually cold mid autumn day.


All You Need is Love: Chapter 1

Their house was out in the rural suburbs of the city. it was an old house and had been paid off long ago. it was theirs now and david was thankful beyond belief for that. it had a fair bit of land as well.

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Resolutions - Part 10 - October

Being in the suburbs brought back memories of high school and living with my parents.

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No Frills

Yup, sure enough, as arty drove down the suburb, he saw that there were two cars in the driveway, one of them fit the description and license numbers of the wife.

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The other route

Jin's house is pretty far from our suburb area. he lives over the bridge, near the city. when we were still in high school, he would take a fifteen minute walk to and back from the school bus stop.

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Stopping Dragonien

At first people didn't even believe what they saw as the young-looking, slender giant walked through the suburbs, but once he began to stride through the city streets, the shaking ground and enormous paw-shaped craters made it clear this was not merely a shared

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