Lost with Life Chapter 3

Link is a guard, busy dealing with the odd and strange people in the markets. he is one of many guards, but often at night, he gets a strange feeling as if he is missing something.

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A trade Commission-The most painful things happen to the innocent ones

All around the house movement came from unknown sources, strange and unique smells although strange scents were playing havoc with her brain.

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The Secret Laboratory

The plot is: a 29 year old boy gets kidnapped and wakes in a strange laboratory, he is laying on a hospital bed and has a grey jumpsuit on.

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StrangeOwl chapter 6

"now run strange owl!" "do not let my sacrifice be in vain!" i had no choice. i turned and ran through the entrance and out of the cave as the mountain gave a great groan.


cynderxspyro love n lies ch7

And all but one strange figure dissapeared. he dropped the staff last moment, and it cloppered to the floor.

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Luna and Thief, OI Ch 9

The growlithe only made one strange yowl, and that left a human to walk in. "oh god, she's..."

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Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 10

The design was strange and unmistakably the form of a dragon, but none toothless had ever seen before. this human was silent and when he would talk with others it was always in clicks and strange grunts and noises. all of which was not understandable.

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Chapter 1 – First encounters

, and he also seem to have some strange black gauntlet, with rose lines on, on his right hoof and he either hit the monster with it or shot a strange blue-white blast from it at them.

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No Longer Alone

No longer alone: by thwale the strange gateway suddenly appeared before us... we had come to investigate strange events in this small northern town but this was the last thing we expected to find.

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Chaos Pokémon Chapter 2:Poke-what?

(with that, they all came rushing in the e.r to meet the strange pokémon and once in all gathered around him) ???-\*groin\* misty-look, he's waking up! (with that the strange pokémon slowly opened his eyes to the gang.) ???-ahh!

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Beneath the Soil

Your plump little nose has just gotten that much more sensitive, picking up on crisscrossing scents that feel both familiar and strange. the strongest scent of all also happens to be your own, a pungent, sulphurous smell that feels strangely comforting.

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Chapter 2 - Rage

Then we realized that while strange and primitive, this world is also full of wonders.
