Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 10

Story by TaoHowling on SoFurry

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#8 of FanFiction - Destiny With A Dragon

Chapter 10: Tatterd Wings

Destiny With A Dragon Chapter 10

Confusion filled the air around Hiccup, thousands of different voices pierced her ears with screams, cries, and moans. It was all too unnerving to Hiccup and the thought of escape was always at the forefront of her mind. To his dismay there was no way around, she was trapped in a net she could not fly over. Toothless was far gone as far as Hiccup knew. Whatever they were doing to him would not be pleasant and she knew it. Large chains held Hiccups wings to her sides preventing any type of flight. This caused Hiccup to be uneasy as the idea of stretching out her cramped wings was out of the question. They were heavy as well, her steps where tasking and hard to make. She seemed to be walking through an eternity's void. The worst part of it all was that she was blinded, she could not see anything. All that greeted her open eyes was a black cloth that she suspected to be a blindfold or bag of some kind.

From what she could hear there was one of the strange people guiding her through the mess of what sounded and smelled like other female dragons. Hiccup could tell what types of dragons some of them where but a large amount where new and unknown. She was dying to see what they looked like and how they behaved. Step after step the sounds and smells faded into the distance and then suddenly all seemed to echo in a confined area. Hiccup kept walking as she had been guided, though she was surprised when she ran into a wall. Nothing was pulling her, she was alone. Using the wall that felt like rock she tore a hole in the sack covering her head to unease her dying suspicions. She was right about one thing, she was no longer being guided by anyone. However she was in a cave, small as well. She was alone in a cave, her wings locked without Toothless. Nothing seemed accomplishable, being without Toothless seemed empty. She had planned what to do in order to free herself but it would require her wings being free. Thinking back over her plan she ran her head in the wall chastising how stupid it was. "Why would they ever release my wings... Did I really think I could fly right out?" With nothing but jumbled ideas of escape, Hiccup moved to the front of the cave to see what mess she was truly in.

Her eyes began to tear at what she saw. What laid in front of her in the fast area gave her an even better reason to escape as fast as possible. Each dragon from the sound and smell seemed to be female, each in turn had their wings locked to their sides. The sick part that made Hiccup convulse was there wings. Almost all of them had rotted at their sides from being void of movement. Only small bits of tattered membrane was left, flight was impossible and from what she could guess, it was far from recoverable. This is what Hiccup was doomed to, loss of her flight. She remembered why wings and flight where important. As it was the life of a dragon, how the hunt, mate, move, and all around live. Without flight a dragon was good as dead. Each of these dragons was worse than dead, they sat rotting in their own flesh till the day they would die.

Hiccup moved to the back of the cave and curled inward on herself. It was all too large to take in, the loss, the smell and sight. She only hoped Toothless was not in the same problem she was, and that he would be with her soon once more.

Toothless pulled hard, the harness wrapped around him pulled tight as the object they were pulling slowly moved. A large stone, square like in nature, carved by what looked like the hands of the people who had enslaved them. It's weight was alarmingly large as it took more than thirty full grown strong dragons to pull the block up the incline. Toothless gave another pull on command digging his claws deep into the soil ripping up the dirt below him. His muscles strained and exploded with pain when all of a sudden he started to slide backwards. Darting his head back Toothless saw that one of the bigger anchors had fallen and was no longer holding the weight. Toothless's claws dug at the dirt but the amount sure mass of the brick pulled them all back. Toothless knew if this where to fall the people who had enslaved them would be frustrated at a loss of progress. Toothless took a big breath and willed his body to stop the decent. His claws dug deeper, his wings that where once locked now where flapping forward to keep everyone still. It had hurt and cause a tear in his wing but the product was exact and he was able to keep the stone still. Still flapping and grunting, he seemed to do this for more than an hour when they actually made progress. When they final began to climb again Toothless was relieved and flapped even hard to speed up the process. It was then that Toothless noticed the on looking eyes of the strange people. Dark and cold, watching him push hard and work to his extreme.

"As long as this gets me back to my Hiccup I will do anything" Toothless said low in his throat so as to not be heard from any of the other dragons.

The top seemed to take an eternity, and it was not even the top. This was only the place the people had told the dragons to stop. There whole group was detached and pushed down a dirt road. Toothless's wings where once again clipped to his sides tighter than before. Before he passed the last bend in the road he saw the other group being hooked to the stone. What he saw gave Toothless hope and question. A few of the dragons seemed very familiar. As if he had lived with them before, as if. "The Dragons from Berk!" Toothless yelled back to grab their attention but to no avail. Something else also caught his eye. Although he shook his head in disbelief, Toothless laughed at the idea. He had honestly thought he had seen another Night Fury. He only chuckled to himself and realized that the work load must have been getting to his head.

Toothless was pushed farther and farther away from the designated work area. Soon one by one the people guiding them took dragons to areas behind closed gates where others like them rested. Toothless wondered where he would be placed if his guess for sorting was right. Soon all of the dragons where gone except for himself. One lone man walked him farther down the road. This was the first time Toothless was actually able to take a good look at the people who had taken them. There height was surprisingly small and there width like twigs. It reminded him of Hiccup and how small he was before his transformation. He was painted in many different colors mostly red though. The design was strange and unmistakably the form of a dragon, but none Toothless had ever seen before. This human was silent and when he would talk with others it was always in clicks and strange grunts and noises. All of which was not understandable. His hands where small but strong, he was barely clothed except for a sort of skirt that stretched to his knees. His hair was hardly there but noticeable, his ears where large but not freakishly large. They where humans, Toothless never thought there were any humans like this. They where strange and rude, dark and demanding. Unlike Hiccups people where kind after the constant on slaughter of the dragon race. Toothless smiled at how lucky he was to have found someone like Hiccup, a friend. No, a Love, someone he could come to for anything and any problems.

They finally reached their destination and a strange sight it was for Toothless. Thousands of dragons, female at that. All grouped together wings locked. It sickened him to see how they had decayed over time. 'So this is what happens when you don't use your wings for a long time, they decay. Good to know' Most of the dragons stared at his presence, and Toothless knew that a male in there sight was uncommon until now. Their eyes were sunk into their skulls from time that had passed. Toothless wondered exactly how long they had actually been there trapped like this, rotting away doing nothing. Toothless noticed that none of them talked, it was all whines and cries for mates. Mostly it was just a blank stare.

A large group of caves carved into a large mountain stood before him. There where tons of steps leading to different caves from high up to low to the ground. He was pushed forward to the farthest right cave that looked as if nothing lived within. Coming through the mouth of the cave the human left him and rushed down the steps. Toothless huffed and continued forward. In the dark corner of the cave curled up in a ball was his Hiccup. At last he cave a croon to her and rushed to her side. "Finally I know you are safe"


For those who were confused about the transition, ya it may have been ruff but honestly I think I suck with those love scenes. Also, it was small but I guess you did not see, Toothless and Hiccup fell into a deep slumber at the end of their "Night" together. It was then that this strange people captured them. I was portraying the confusion and it honestly worked well!

Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 11

**Chapter 11: Shattering The Mirror Of Time** * * * Toothless's jaws clamped hard. He could feel his jaw bones ache and moan from the strain. The cold metal in his mouth would not break or release for anything. Not even the strength of a dragons...

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Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 9

**Chapter 9: Continuation & Slave Driven** * * * Chapter 9 :: Slave Driven Toothless's breath was heavy and constant holding the strength of what felt like thousands of Dragons at once. His thrusts where now seemingly soft wimpy swipes at foreplay....

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Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 8

**Chapter 8: Yours Forever** * * * -WN- Warning to all of you who are Reading. Some content within this chapter may not be suitable to all ages. If you do not wish to read then please skip forward to the next chapter when it is ready. If you are...

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