A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 13
Chapter 13 :: A Long Goodbye -Toothless- "So you helped Hiccup Escape? In addition, you both are friends... And somehow you know Areo?" "Exactly" Burrows had been with Toothless in the cave alone for most of the day explaining his standings. They had...
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 12
Chapter 12 :: Another Magician -Toothless- "Aww Toothless, It has been a long time. The last time we where together you where no taller than my hip" The strange man's words seemed to roll off the tip of his tongue with ease. Like he had prepared for...
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 11
**Chapter 11: Chapter 11 Deep Power** * * * Chapter 11 :: Deep Power "Burrows I can't let them take Toothless!" "Don't worry, he will be fine. He is a big Dragon and all. From what you have told me he can handle himself." Burrows fiddled with his...
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 10
**Chapter 10: Chapter 10 Announcing a Funeral** * * * Chapter 10: Announcing a Funeral -Hiccup- Boom, a large gong like sound rattled the cages where every gladiator sat waiting. Boom, it rang again, this time followed by an announcer. His voice...
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 9
**Chapter 9: Chapter 9 Where are you, Hiccup?** * * * "UAAAAAH!" \*Boom\* "NEXT!" "_Stupid tiny muscled sword wielder_" \*Smack\* "AAARGH!" .....\*Boom\* "NEXT!" "_Can't believe this has happened. Why am I doing this anyway? Oh, stop waving...
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 8
**Chapter 8: Chapter 8 Where are you, Toothless?** * * * Stone walls surrounded him, spider webs filled the corners and blood colored the ground, while the scent of it poisoned the air. This was the place Hiccup woke up to, where he'd been locked...
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 7
**Chapter 7: Chapter 7 Journy** * * * "Are you alright Hiccup?" Toothless asked, a worried look clearly showing in his face. Hiccup looked back at the island that got smaller for every beating with his wings. Berk, his home, his father...he was...
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 6
**Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Watchful Eyes** * * * Hiccup's dreams got shattered as he woke up by a feeling of stinging pain in his left shoulder. He yelped and pounced up on all fours. As he looked at his shoulder, he noticed several bite marks. They...
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 4
**Chapter 4: Chapter 4 Return** * * * It had been one week and three days since the transformation, and Hiccup had gotten a lot better at hunting, as Toothless had promised. He had learned to use his newly senses, and tracking down animals was now...
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 3
**Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Explanation** * * * Hiccup's ears went straight up when he woke up by some rustling sounds coming from outside the cave. He opened his eyes, revealing Toothless trudging into the cave. He walked up beside Hiccup, and stared...
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 2
**Chapter 2: Chapter 2 New Body** * * * Hiccup opened his eyes. His vision was blurry, and the eyes were adjusting to the light. How long had he slept? He felt stiff, hungry, and had a terrible headache, but all things considered he actually felt...
Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 11
**Chapter 11: Shattering The Mirror Of Time** * * * Toothless's jaws clamped hard. He could feel his jaw bones ache and moan from the strain. The cold metal in his mouth would not break or release for anything. Not even the strength of a dragons...