Meeting of the Minds (Act1, Book2, Chapter11)

"steal it." "yes, exactly." karla grimaced. "you can't steal linux code and use it on windows. you can't steal windows code and use it on an apple phone.

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Gutpunch 7: Revenge of the financial deficit

-you've got to steal some things for me. tugg repeated the words in his mind. surely there was a catch. brona was malcontent, without a doubt. but just to steal something. -what's the real catch?

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Fifty Two

Roy had gotten away with stealing because i hadn't realized he'd done it until he was already gone. if i ran up, slugged him, and then took money off him, i would look like the world's boldest mugger.

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A Boy and His Lucario Part 2

He was flustered, who would steal candy? but then he stopped. 'who stole my candy bar? is there someone here?' he began to look around the house, but could find no sign of anyone or his candy bar.

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Chapter Two: Preparing for the first game.

Two factors get in the way of you stealing me." by stealing he meant claiming as a mate. "what?" she asked curiously.

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Tales of taliber

He thought about stealing it but he couldn't steal. he needed money and fast. mulling over ideas in his head but coming up empty, he decided to bury his nose in another book.

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The Clockwork Falcon - part 11: a Backwards Job

In a society that so heavily valued intellectual property, stealing from an inventor was like stealing from a policeman; you were that much more likely to get pinched.

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Herdnan- Chapter Eight

And even then you were stealing cough syrup!" cymaenie shrugged. "alright, so i keep myself busy. what crime is there in that?" kiryan had a good hearty laugh on that comment.

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"young villas birchsoul, you have been accused of stealing from our village's food stores. as you are well aware, no doubt, those who chose to disobey our village's rules do not go unpunished."

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They were able to steal eggs out from under the chickens without disturbing the birds at all.

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CU: Sunset

So, why did you steal his underwear?" zack chuckled. "there's this thing back on earth known as '4th of july'. it's where you raise your flag up to salute for some people for doing whatever it was they did that day.

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Never Trust a Cat

'so you must be the little thief who keeps stealing my food, huh?' she purred, bumping him against her nose. 'hmm, now you've finally been caught.

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