Kovu and Mipa: Titan's Demise
He felt a tooth sink into an orbital cavity, popping the eye in the process, but the snake's skull was still too stout to crack with his jaws.
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Thirty
I looked from her to aesop, with mcgus' eyes still burning a hole in the back of my skull, and lowered my hand. inside my head, i breathed an imaginary sigh of relief. legion didn't want a fight.
"Brave New World"
The tzenkethi-drone set the tip of its prosthetic against the side of his skull. there was a razor-sharp pain for a moment. he wanted to scream. he couldn't.
680 Sphynx Kitten
Revealed beneath the disturbed material of the breccia is the darkened, long ossified curve of what appears to be an animal skull, grinning sightlessly up.
Thirteen Tales (2019): Sixth Tale
Part of his body sunk into the ground to the point only his serpent skull poked out of the earth. "but we haven't gotten started yet!" kickaha explained. "i really wanted to do a full test run before-" "it's over! you win!
Draconian Peril Ch.3
Dropping the three skulls behind him, ryuu lifted one back up, and tossed it with his tail. the skull hit baku between the eyes, waking him with a start. "here, you wanted me to bring you proof of my victory."
mercenaries short 2 - an unprofessional diagnosis
Yet if you observe this x-ray" she tapped her earpiece and the projection of a lion skull was produced.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 9
The claws stopped moving, her recent thoughts hummed inside her skull like booing ghosts. what did she just think about?
Kaiju ga Gotoku 9.4 - The Final War
Roberto turned his back to the guard, before suddenly backflipping over his head and driving a violent kick to the back of the skull.
Enfield transformation
Your hair darkens to blue as well as your skull grows out into a more triangular vulpine design. which should hurt, but doesn't, although the absence of sensation is perhaps even more off-putting.
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Finally getting threw his thick skull that the weapons were behind raun he " grabbed" a nine iron and threw it with all his mind. the club went through the raichu's skull causing a blood explosion.
Otherworlder: Landfall
However, when she reached up to check the ivory bones jutting from the top of her skull, she grimaced. _zek. zek, zek, zek!_ "no, no, no," she hissed under her breath, fingering the sizable gouge in one of her horns. "this won't do.