Kurt: imprisonment
Asked a feminine voice making kurt turn to see a labrador "get him!"
The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter Bunny - Chapter 6
Granted, a billion muscles that were still definitely girly nonetheless. because only girliness could even begin to comprehend what this felt like.
The Rivalry
His shoulders cracked in forward, leaving them in feminine shape as sam felt his figure contort into a feminine hourglass shape, his hips wider and waist more narrow.
Midget Love
Her room was lavish with stuffed bears and girly posters. her walls were a calm pale pink and her bed was a darker pink with beautiful pillows. it was a four poster with curtains and every thing.
New Year's Wish (Anthro Polar Bear TF/TG/MC) [TRADE]
Jack's shoulders caved inward as they lose their broadness while his arms became much more slender and feminine. his nails became dulled black claws on both his fingers and toes, while they also became dainty.
Roo Asked For It [COMMISSION]
Drew's eyelashes elongated while his eyebrows thinned, becoming much more feminine in nature. drew brought both of his hands onto his muzzle, feeling it in amazement.
Trophy Assistants
The feminine restorer agreed: the professor was a marvelous man, but sometimes the badger could be rather forgetful. which always ended up causing troubles for those under him.
1 : Obscured
"no, we're texting the girlies." he almost giggled when he said it, and gave scilius a tap on his tail with his._elliot likes my mom, he might be the first._ "now, these girlies have piercings right?
"The Thin Line," Part R
Be another squirrel femme previously not engaged in hostilities.
Trying on New Clothes
His entire body definition was gone, changed to a more feminine version. while he still appeared male, he was nowhere near the musculature of his masculine self he knew all to well. what once were strong arms were now twigs.
The sword of the forest
As i walked up to the sign that said, "farleville", i saw sissy, one of my skitties, sitting on it, looking as if the owned the whole town, as felines often do... "hello, sissy. are you staying out of trouble?"
Patricia's Potion Shop: 3rd Customer (Skunk TF/TG)
On top of that, his nose became small and pink while his eyes became more feminine with longer eyelashes. noah stopped, having a mirror with him to view his changes. "whoa, this looks like it's really working."