Midget Love

Story by Majy on SoFurry

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#2 of Perfect Insanity

It had been some time since lunch that day. The sun was starting to set slowly in the horizon as Warden sat at his desk, his little pet dragon obediently resting on a pillow on that very desk. It had been a while since they moved to this new odd place that could be known as the white house. It had recently been redecorated to The Warden's likings, the carpet and roof had a similar sun and moon pattern as did his old office. He sat there in his chair with his boots on the desk in a rather casual way. He tipped his helmet down to cover his eyes as he started to drift off, Nothing like a bit of an evening nap you could say.

During all of this a certain accountant was busy at his own accord. He was surrounded by a few ladies, probably whores or something, as he sat in a rather luxurious hotub with a glass of champagne. The girls themselves wore skanky like Superjail outfits, black with the Superjail emblem branded onto the back of their shoulders. They wore bikinis shorts and tops. Sipping rather casually Jared relaxed leaning back against the jets as he hit a button on a remote. A huge screen came down with images of the outside world. There were various things going on the screen. Soldiers killing people to tanks rolling about, even those giant tripod like things were walking about making sure all was well in the world of Superjail. One of the girls brought a platter to him with a pyramid style stack of cigars. He took on and put the tip in his mouth as the girl lit it with a zippo lighter, he puffed it until he was satisfied that it was lit.

He lay back watching the carnage as he puffed his cigar casually letting puffs of smoke from the side of his mouth. The cigar it self seemed to be that of a very high price and quality. He preferred not to use the filtered ones as if to get the most out of them. Even in the tub he kept his eye patch on. He had lost it in the battle when protecting the one thing he loved most in his life. Her name was Cherice, she was to a midget with rather squirrely hair and blue glasses. She was a part of another huge jail known as Ultra Prison. Recently these two had joined forces to become one big force to be reckoned with. Speaking of that he began to wonder were she was at the moment. He longed for her company as he got up out of the tub.

Two of the women brought him his hat and clothes as they dressed him. When you had this kind of power you didn't really need to dress yourself when you could have some one else do it. He seemed satisfied with his short time in his private quarters as he went off to go find the girl of his dreams. He excited the room almost tripping out of it. His shoe had caught on something though he didn't think much of it at the moment. He was a midget on a mission right now. He had business to attend to as he went into an elevator and pressed a button. The elevator moved up rather quickly toward the sleeping quaters of the staff. "Level 5" The feminine mechanical voice said rather pleasantly. You could imagine the voice sounded almost like Nova in a way. He tapped his foot waiting for the doors to open. What seemed like almost hours was only a mere few seconds. He quietly stepped out of the elevator, his boots clicking on the floor as he did so.

Meanwhile during all of this Cherice had one of the servant girls brushing her hair. Every time the girl pulled to hard she became frustrated at the servant and yelled at her yet at the same time felt really bad about it so she would eventually apologize. She was applying her makeup while this was going on. Her room was lavish with stuffed bears and girly posters. Her walls were a calm pale pink and her bed was a darker pink with beautiful pillows. It was a four poster with curtains and every thing. She looked at her self in the big mirror as he looked at her nails. It was such a big change from being the Mistress's personal servant in a way to having her own servants her self. She was happy to be with the man she loved even if it meant destroying an entire nation just to be there.

There was a knock at the door as Cherice sent the servant off she was that kinda person that was more comfortable doing things herself. She opened the door to see Jared who no longer had that cigar from earlier by the way. He had a pretty bouquet of flowers for her as he sheepishly smiled and held them toward her. She lept forward and hugged him. Such a gesture was one she wasn't used to and she was quite appreciative. If one looked out the window one could see it was now nightfall and dinner would be served soon. Since the take over Superjail had gotten some decent chefs much different from the old cafeteria workers.

Soon it would be dinner were every one would gather for tonight's banquet. The two hand in hand went off down the hall to one of Jared's new favorite spots which was the highest point in the entire building. The beautiful balcony were the dining room was. He led his girlfriend off down the hall hand in hand both being lost in thought of each other for the moment.