Carrier Wolves - Chapter 2: Hyperdrive
They were currently at rest, so taylor pushed the release button on his restraints, and floated out. it seemed that the gravity module had been deactivated. looking around, he noticed they were in open space.
Contact - Part 5
The fox strained with hackling, pained snarls as the restraints dug into its wounds. the wolf flicked her charred hand as she walked to the fox. grabbing ahold of the fox's chin before she forced it to look at her.
MoonDust, Chapter 3
Once the four-point harness was snugged across her lap and shoulders, she sat still and tried not to think about why the restraints were needed.
A Mental Release that Tears Space-Time
She sighed as she continued to work on iris and making sure her mind wasn't damaged when she broke through her mental restraints.
"BLEU" - Thingy
It took form as small dilemmas, as the proactive traits conflicted with the newly manifested restraints of self-reservation.
An Unsatisfied Customer
I instead only felt the restraint of cold steel accompanied with the sound of a chain dragging along the ground. my arms were in a similar situation, cuffed tightly together and held above my head, likely with another chain. where was i?
Prolouge to Sexy Justice
Even when she was heavily restrainted. she has super strength, and a skilled assasin. yet a modle prisoner, she has taught most prisoners the form of meditation and calmness.
It was clear to him his escape was intended, although it did take some time for him to slip out of the restraints. he didn't spend much time theorizing or trying to understand exactly what was happening. the lack of real answers would drive him mad.
Hittin' The City
Calamity would feel no restraint and i had little to spare. "if they find out i was gone, i will try and smother you with a used tampon. i may murder you. i may not.
Chapter 4: The Change
Being an older child, the law did not require harris to have as many restraints as a younger toddler and so he only had 3 point restraints in his harness, this would prove problematic for jane and james if they were spotted by the public safety team assigned
A Dragon for Christmas Part Six: Can it get any worse?
Kilmor was surprised to learn that the table had restraints on each corner, something he didn't realize the last time. his other arm was tied to another corner. roger still had the gun trained on him.
Honor Above All Else chapter 6
Kitt nodded "i hope i can have more restraint this time." kway smiled "yeah that'd be nice. don't know if we could afford to get the temple rebuilt." kitt wandered the halls of the temple, his muscles twinge as the energy pushed at his insides.