Chapter 4: The Change

Story by CyrusP on SoFurry

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#5 of The Wolf of the Goddess

A twist on the environment, this place is a technology pinnacle,

I did a little change on the settings.

Creative Commons License

The Goddess Series by CyrusP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

James woke up to immense pain in his whole body, It felt as if a white hot rod had been jammed up his spinal cord and was burning him inside out.

Out of pure instinct, he began to howl, the pain starting to feel like it was tearing his insides out as he lay there convulsing on the padded mattress of the crib.

James didn't care what had to be done, he just wanted the immense pain to be gone.

He tried to stand up, but the pains in his seat, chest and spinal cord intensified to a point where he fell back down gasping for breath.

As he lay there out of breath, he started to cry pitifully, just as he saw his very concerned mommy came running into the room, being trailed by a smaller wolf who had a very scared look on his face.

She immediately ran over picking him up from the crib gently whispering into his ear, "Shh little one I promise everything will be okay in a little bit."

However, the action did not have it's intended effect, as James howled even louder than before, because when he was picked up, he felt like his spinal cord was being wrung into two pieces.

As he sat there in pure agony, he wondered if this was what hell was like with the last bits of sanity still in him he managed to block his pain out and let his body autopilot take over.

Jane, however did not know that James was not in control when he tried to kill himself, his body's pain overriding the self preservation instincts and actually trying to choke himself. Looking into his eyes, Jane saw the pleading to let James end his life, because of this, Jane felt the pain of a caring mother watching helpessly as what she thought was James suicide attempts while being forced to pin his arms down and hold him close to her.

As much as retreating into his mind did for his pain, he could still feel the white pain seeping in through the protective barrier that was his mind. James wondered how long passed as he convulsed and voided into his already full diaper, sharp pains constantly racked his fragile body as his organs were slowly repaired and added to his body.

As he convulsed for the final time, he lay there in his sweat soaked sleeper in the arms of his mommy looking up at her with fear manifested in his eyes. However, Jane knew that there would be no more convulsions and smiled down at him.

"You did it for me and I'm so proud." She said happily trying to hide the anxiety in her voice, "Now lets get you cleaned up and back to sleep."

James could only nod in agreement, this time only feeling slight pain from the strained muscles in his neck.

Jane efficiently, but gently pulled the soaked sleeper off of James and tossed it into the laundry basket in the corner of the room.

As she laid him down gently on the table, not bothering to apply the straps as that would only serve to torment him and was unneeded, she lovingly and carefully wiped his waste away. She then gingerly applied some rash cream as the skin under his fur started to look a bit sore. She then taped on the diaper carefully, so as to prevent leaks from occurring.

"No need to worry Harry, you can just go back to sleep, it's over now." She said nodding towards Harris. With his shoulders drooping from relief, Harris promptly left the room closing the door behind him.

Picking James up and placing him back into a clean sleeper and fitting the mittens back onto him, Jane took him over to a rocking chair, turned off the lights and began to hum a soothing tune that put James to sleep in an an instant as the exhaustion set in.

*Early Afternoon the next day*

James woke up the next morning to a feeling of happiness, however he had no idea why he was happy and how he even ended up in the bed.

James only remembered the day before, remembering his brother, Cecilia and Mommy.

As James yawned, he realized he had wet his diaper, his first instinct in that case was to wave at the baby monitor that was usually above him. However, he found that this was unnecessary as he was laying in his mommy's arms. The exhaustion from, 'wait from what?' he thought ,'well the exhaustion from something I guess.' He just concluded and promptly fell back asleep in the arms of his mommy.

Little did he know that because his brain matter was replaced during the 9 hours he had slept, causing him to not remember anything from the past life nor the pain of what happened 10 hours before, however he could remember everything that happened while he was here.

About an hour later, James woke up to a shifting of his position as his mommy stirred from her sleep.

"I see youre finally awake little one." Mommy said.

As James looked into her eyes, he saw relief flood them. 'Relief from what?' He thought, 'Ah well it probably doesn't matter anyways.' He concluded giving his mommy a well deserved hug.

"Ah, little one I see you still remember me. How about giving mommy a kiss?" She asked pulling him up close to her muzzle.

'Gladly Mommy.' He thought licking her all across the face.

"Ok little one, now that I know you're fine, now we can discuss what happened last night, I know you might not remember what happened, but that's because you went through the transformation. Normal puppies don't usually become transformed, but puppies like you who changed from humans...."

The rest went blank for James as he tried to realize what happened. 'What is a human? Was I a human? How come I don't remember?'

James came back in time to hear, "... I know this might be a lot to take in but the reason why you don't remember is because your brain changed too.

"Speaking of change, Isn't it about time to change your diaper?" She asked. And indeed it was time, as James's diaper was getting quite full of all the heavy urinating that he had been doing during the night. A moment later, Jane sniffed the air and knew she had another mess to deal with.

"Lets get this over with," She said pulling off his sleeper.

Somewhere in his mind, James felt that he should be embarrassed about him being strapped onto a table and having his messy diaper changed, another part told him that it was natural and that he was to accept it.

He went with his natural tendencies and just accepted it as it was much easier to do that than to struggle against the inevitable, and quite frankly, he seemed to like his diapers as they gave him a comfortable feeling and made him feel secure.

He decided to sit and be a good little puppy for his mommy, soon after, the change was complete. However, instead of putting him back into the sleeper she left him in nothing but a diaper, She then took him into the kitchen and strapped him into the high chair before walking out for a moment to bring back some food.

In the moment she walked out, James felt his stomach rumble, all of a sudden he heard crying and whimpering, looking around and not detecting anyone nearby, he realized that the crying was coming from none other than himself. 'Wow," He thought, 'This is becoming involuntary, I'm actually becoming a puppy now.' He thought worriedly. However, at that moment Mommy came back in with a bottle to see what the fuss was about. Her ears, being that of a canine's, could pick up the sound of his growling tummy over his crying and whimpering, naturally she could come to the conclusion that, either James was becoming a puppy again, or that James was just extremely hungry. Leaving nothing to chance, she hurriedly slipped the bottle into James's muzzle stroking the fur on his head as he nursed.

The effect was immediate as the whimpering completely stopped as he was busy drinking the milk. Afterwards, his new stomach felt bloated as he was lifted back over his mommy's shoulder and burped again.

James could hear the T.V sounds coming from the living room and thought that his mommy left the T.V on, this was quickly disproved when a very disheveled Harry came in from the other room with an empty bowl that he presumed was full of milk and some form of grain. James was surprised as he thought that Harris was at school.

"Okay gentlemen, If we can get you pups into the bathtub, and give you a bath, maybe we can go to the PARK today, though I shouldn't even bother with how messy you guys are going to get." She said chuckling softly.

Soon the pair of brothers were stark naked and found themselves in a bathtub and surrounded by soapy water. They were soon giggling at each other's undeveloped bodies when their mommy came in. Soon they were fighting it out splashing water in each others faces and giggling, Mommy included. After the battle, the arduous task of cleaning began, scrubbing everywhere, Jane didn't stop cleaning until she was satisfied that both her pups were sparkling.

After the bath, she took Harris out, giving him such a thorough grooming that even the older pup put up a fuss. As she was brushing their fur, Harry started struggling and trying to run away.

"I'm a guy we don't need to brush our fur." He whined

Jane just promptly answered with, "Good hygiene isn't only for girls you know."

Harris couldn't wait for the demeaning treatment to be completed, as he waited he watched James as he played with the rubber duck that was floating on the water. Harris then realized that James was only standing up because the water made his body lighter, and that the only reason he was able to stay up on the water was because he was doggy paddling.

"That's strange," He thought out loud, "I didn't know that anyone could swim this young."

"That is strange," Jane remarked proudly, "I never have seen any puppies who could paddle this young. Well, maybe you're an unusually strong puppy." She ended with a smile.

Through this distraction, Jane quickly finished the process of fur-grooming and quickly diapered and clothed him in just a pair of nylon mesh shorts. "It's a nice day out today, you won't need a shirt, especially since we're going to the PARK. Now go watch some T.V while I get your little brother dressed."

As Harris left, Mommy picked up James and quickly dried him off, giving him a quick kiss before beginning to groom him. As she began to run the brush through his soft tufts of fur, she began to speak, "James, I know for a fact you're different from the other wolves that came in like you. However, as different as you may be, Remember that I will always love you no matter what. Also, I can tell the little puppy inside you is begging to come out." She said pointing to his chest, "Let the little one in you out, you're going to be like this for a while, you'll be here for a while so just enjoy the attention. Sometimes, your brother might not be happy with you here, but just know that as a family, we all love each other no matter what happens. It won't be too hard to become a little one again, let him run free inside you, It's not always that you get to become young again. Heck I want to be young again too." She said with a smile, "Just take advantage of this while you can, you'll be an adult before you know it."

"No regrets." She whispered into his ear.

If James had remembered his past life, he would have remembered that the old pendant he had, had the same motto engraved on the back of the wolf's body.

James, however did not find the term familiar, instead he just went and hugged his mommy enjoying the love that his mommy gave to him. He decided that he had nothing to lose by letting his little puppy self out. After all, It was only a matter of time before his instinct would take over for the time being.

He went and kissed his mommy over and over until they were both laughing and giggling with each other.

After the happy session, Jane efficiently diapered James and just as quickly clothed him in pocketless nylon mesh pants. She then picked him up and grabbed her keys and diaper bag all the while calling for Harris to come into the garage. She put her keys in the "ignition" after depositing James and the diaper bag in a seat temporarily.

James was awed by the sight of the car, as it was a massive brown colored piece of machinery. As he was exploring the car, He noticed the lights trying to grab them, but found that he couldn't reach them, as the transformation had made his depth perception extremely awry.

When Harris came into the garage, he quickly pulled his slippers on and jumped into his car seat.

"Harris, would you mind James sitting in your lap while we go? I haven't had a chance to go and buy a car seat for James." Jane said

"Sure Mommy, that'll be fine." He replied with a smile.

He quickly picked up James and pulling him to a sitting position on his lap, Jane quickly walked around and loosened the straps of the car seat so that James could fit along with Harris.

Being an older child, the law did not require Harris to have as many restraints as a younger toddler and so he only had 3 point restraints in his harness, this would prove problematic for Jane and James if they were spotted by the public safety team assigned to the area.

As the family of 3 started moving out, James started squirming as it was not comfortable to be held in a seat on top of an older brother who was very hot, especially because air conditioning could not get through the area between the two boys. The straps digging into his shoulders did not help either.

As the two brothers squirmed in the seat, they arrived at the PARK which was a 40 minute drive away.

Unloading the boys, Jane grabbed the keys out of the ignition and pulled the diaper bag from the seat beside the car seat. However, before leaving she left the car's air conditioning on, as it was a hot day and the car was solar powered so there would be no energy wasted.

As James looked up, he saw that the PARK was a massive structure, somewhere in his head, he thought that the word park didn't match this description.

Harris just held him close watching his awed expression explaining that, "PARK stands for Personal Area for Recreation and Knowledge." Which clarified quite a bit for the confused pup.

"It's basically a library and a playground put together in one." Said Jane

As they walked in, the a warm female voice said, "Welcome back Mrs. Kline, Harris Kline and Unidentified Kline Offspring to the Den City PARK. We recommend registering your child at the front service kiosk for a more pleasurable family experience. Thank you and please enjoy your time here."

The family entered into a wide foyer with electronic screens every few feet with gates located at the same distance.

As they walked in, Jane pulled James from Harris's hands and held him on her hip.

They made their way to a small section with a granite top desk, there was a brown male wolf who looked to be in his mid 30's and a light tan female wolf who looked to be in her late 20's.

"Ma'am I can help you over here if you'd like." Said the lady, her name tag read "May" on it.

As the family of three walked over to the desk, the lady said, "Would you like to register this little one here?" She inquired while smiling.

"Yes, I would, thank you very much." Jane replied cheerfully.

"Ok then, Just fill these forms out, I'll set his account up while you are enjoying yourselves."

"Ok so you were born on day 24 of the month of Vairana in the year 5026, Your name is James Kline..." Jane muttered as she filled in the blanks of the application.

"No teeth yet, diaper size 1 .... and done!" She finally completed.

"Okay thank you Mrs. Kline, your monthly session of 48 hours begins the moment you sign in." She said while quickly typing in some information and printing off a thin slip with an adhesive on one side.

"This is your little one's ID tag, it will replace his collar here for the time being, however it is required you register him at the district safety center within 10 days as the temporary collar is severely limited by the fact that it is made out of paper and is not compatible with most systems."

"I hope you enjoy your stay Mrs. Kline, remember to keep an eye on your little one and make sure your children take breaks every 4 hours." She said with a smile while patting James's head.

"Thank you very much miss, We will enjoy the stay, have a nice day." She said smiling back.

As the family moved away towards the login terminals, Jane pulled the little tag around James's neck and taped it on firmly using the adhesive. She then moved through the terminal with Harris, receiving the green light to move on ahead to an unoccupied family compartment.

As they started walking in through through the privacy barrier, Jane closed the door behind them to reveal a semi-dark room lit by some very dim lights.

Jane locked the door with a smile on her face as she landed James onto a padded seat near the wall, "Now boys, let the fun and games begin." She said smiling broadly.

Harris looked extremely excited, James, however had an uneasy feeling in his stomach.