Lemurian religions

It's unclear if pre-austronesian lemurians actually had a religion, as the related andamanese people do not worship natural phenomenon and there is no evidence of unambiguous temple complexes or cultic items besides solar iconography.

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Thanksgiving in Devout America

State-controlled media within the d.s.a. tends to not focus as much on this significant class divide, instead airing classic pre-devout thanksgiving specials before airing the annual parade held within new york city.

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Five nights at Jacks (part 1)

He said "i'll have pre-recorded messages for you every night, to instruct you and such... you want the job?" "certainly" i said "i really want this job" he asked "think you could start tonight?" i nodded.

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Werewolf Origins

It's basically a pre-honeymoon where the couple spends a couple night in the woods together. we were about to head home when i got knocked out cold. when i wake up i'm inside a log cabin and...

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Yugioh NG Ep.2

._ "then i challenge you to a duel and will show you that your pre-conceptions are misleading. talent could be hiding where you least expect."

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #8- The Ides of December

. \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* stefan stared westward out the window across the pre-dawn downtown albany skyline.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Nine: Barriers And Beyond

Original draft - pre-editing this story was written as part of the 2016 national novel writing month. it was written without edits between 12:01am, november 1st and 11:59pm, november 30th.

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Dynasty: Origins, Act 04: Racing Out of Debt

I sighed and tried to keep my concentration on the pre-determined hovercopter racing path. i narrowed my eyes, however, noticing i was creeping up to the second place hovercopter.

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Children of Steel

I ran through the pre-flight checklist, the pre engine start, and finally the engine start. it took me about thirty seconds, practice makes perfect.

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Waking Nightmare

You may as well pre-empt the inevitable. the immature and childish suits you. did you ever truly grow up? did you ever learn how to take care of yourself? evidently not. your hair is ridiculous. why do you even bother brushing it?

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Eyes of stone : Prologue

They were going to go camping for the weekend, _alone_, but tonight they slept soothed by the cool pre-autumn breeze...

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