Eyes of stone : Prologue

Story by iwritetragedies on SoFurry

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#1 of Eyes of stone.

Eyes of stone: A poem and story by 'iwritetragedies'

A pair. Two. Like eyes of stone, they are rough around the edges, but they come in a pair. They are two, but belong to one. Love.

Maybe, eventually, between the two, a rarer stone may be found. A rockfall may tear them apart, but what is a rockfall but a possibility? A pair. A pair of eyes. Eyes of stone.


"DAD!" Troy shouted at his dad, shock on his face.

"Oh, get over it..." Mr.Green told his son.

"Don't tell me to get over it!"

"It's... it's uh, fine, really..." Adam said, blushing at the whole situation. "My dad does this all the time..." He added.

Downstairs, Troy and Adam's mothers were getting aquainted.

"Oh dear. That sounds troublesome." Ms.King exclaimed.

"Don't worry, this stuff happens all the time. You get used to this mad-house after a while." Ms.Green replied.

"Well, my house is nice and controlled." Ms.King said, smugly.

"Oh..." replied Ms.Green, doubtfully.

"Oh you are so easy to fool Anne" Ms.King said. "Dear lord... my house is a warzone!" she added.

"Boys." They both exclaimed before bumping their wine glasses in a toast.

Back upstairs, things were still not calmed.

"DAD! COVER YOURSELF NOW! COVER YOUR...Y-Y-YOUR T-THING. IT'S WIERD!" said Troy, unsure what to call his dad's "thing".

"Hypocrite" The older lizard exclaimed.

"That's different, I have a slit."

"It's still genitalia at the end of the day!"


Adam stood at the side blushing and shaking his head. A shout came from downstairs.

"Oh, put some clothes on love, you're annoying Troy."

"Thanks mum!" Troy shouted down.

Mr.Green walked away, sighing, and walked into his room. He soon reappeared wrapped in a towel.

"Finally." Troy sighed, opening his door letting Adam inside.

"Dude, you don't have to bother, it's cool." Adam explained, sitting on Troy's bed. Troy's house was pretty big, so they had room for 2 king-size bedrooms. Troy had a bed, big enough for two, a cupboard where all his clothes were kept and a TV and console set up on the other side of the room. Other than that. There was nothing else apart from the sky-blue walls and the white carpet.

"It's not cool... It's my dad, naked." Troy said sitting next to Adam on his bed.

Adam laughed. "What now?"


"Why not?" Adam replied rhetorically.

They pulled the double bed across the room to sit on, and both grabbed a pad, setting up the console, and TV.

"Dude, you're dead this time..." Adam said.

"I've been practicing, don't count on it." Troy replied, grinning mischeviously.

3 hours later and the score was 8-5 to Troy.

"DAMNIT!" Adam's character fell to his death, not before being hit my a missile.

"Haha! Told ya, I rock with the missile launcher!"

"It's spammy"

"Less spammy than the chainsaw."

"The chainsaw takes skill!"

"...to press the button and run after people." Troy said, adding an ending to Adam's sentence.

"Whatever." Adam replied.

"C'mon, what about munchies?" Troy asked, heading towards the door.

In the kitchen, they had grabbed a sandwich, and some drinks.

"Oh! Dude! Remember!? Yesterday, Ellie slapped that douchebag, Dean!" Troy exclaimed.

"Oh yeah." Adam replied.

"Well supposedly, her dad found out he threatened to kill her, and knocked him out... idiot has a broken leg."

"Ellie's dad is notoriously violent."

"Wouldn't you be if he threatened to petrol bomb your house."

"True, but remember when..."

The boys gossiped and remenisced for a while. They head upstairs about 01:00AM, and laid in an embrace.

"Peace." Adam whispered.

"Heh, yeah." Troy said, readjusting himself in the bed. They didn't speak for a while...

"Hey, hey Troy." Adam said, getting Troy's attention.

"Uhhh....What?" He said sleepily, rubbing his eyes and turning to face his lover. The time was about 01:35.

"Do you uhh... wanna... you know..." Adam said, blushing lightly.

"Wait until the weekend, babe, we'll have all the time in the world."

"Well, can I at least touch a little?"

"Sure, but I'm still going to sleep, he chuckled, turning back to face away."

Adam laughed, and begun to caress his lover. Troy didn't move, he just enjoyed the romance and the company, but mostly the romance. They fell asleep around 02:15. Tommorow was saturday, exactly 2 months since they met. It was going to sort of be an anniversairy. They were going to go camping for the weekend, alone, but tonight they slept soothed by the cool pre-autumn breeze...