friends back together
Ray shoots them down and closes the laboratory doors much to the scientists protests and asks the soldiers to hand out normal guns to the students as they gather near the shooting isle. ''so you guys are ready and had some shooting lessons ?
City of Light: Chapter 8
Where the inquisitor was holed up was in a laboratory located right beside one of the walls that separated this district from another.
Pokemon Story - Brothers till the End of Time
The godfather and godson headed outside to the laboratory back yard lot, and placed the small device on top of a cut tree stump.
Pokemon Story - Brothers till the End of Time
The godfather and godson headed outside to the laboratory back yard lot, and placed the small device on top of a cut tree stump.
The Owners of Livestone
This led to the second batch of thylacines being developed in back room laboratories. but they were found out about and the specimen euthanized.
The Demon in the dark before the Angel in the light (ch 3-4)
The laboratory was in the human world so time went by faster i was amazed and alice babied me even though i had the body of a ten year old boy but i didn't complain it was nice to be held and read to and fed instead of being poked&
A Furry Love Story - Politics of Creation
I was all cooped up in a laboratory, and i became curious about computers and how things worked. i learned a lot about the human race through computers, even more than some of the scientists.
Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 01
It was that fact that she was a genetic soldier created in a laboratory to be what was known as a super soldier that made her peculiar to say the least.
Journal of an Ultimate Lifeform: Chapter 4 ~ Conflicting Intents
When we returned to the ark, i retreated to my personal sanctuary, the central laboratory. maria and i used to look down at the earth and wonder what it was like down there.
Show and Tell
Leonard sighed, motioning for z to follow him deeper into the laboratory. "i've told you before about predator and prey, have i not?" z nodded. "well, what you witnessed was that very concept in action.
Ninja Wolf: Chapter 1: Prologue
I've learned that some people's reactions are that we are the work of the devil; others think that we are just freaks of nature and will kill us and most likely take us to laboratories. no thank you, i prefer living.
Scott's Remote | Chapter 3
Finally settling on a personal favorite of his childhood, dexter's laboratory (unsurprisingly) and he happily settled down in his place. he lifted the tip of the bottle to his lips and closed his eyes, as he began to suckle on the bottle.