Pokemon Story - Brothers till the End of Time

The little espurr wasn't just holding chase's hand out of affection, but also out of consolation and comforting.

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Pokemon Story - Brothers till the End of Time

The little espurr wasn't just holding chase's hand out of affection, but also out of consolation and comforting.

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{Pokémon/Babyfur} Demoted To Diapers

Colby says before quickly running onto the playground, with matthew and miranda following from behind to supervise the little espurr.

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Have a heart, would you?

They were divided, though more out of confusion than disagreement, and the espurr raised her hand and asked, "what is a socialist state?"

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{Pokémon/Babyfur} From Bully To Baby

While this game of catch continues, an espurr curiously walks up to the group, wondering what it would be like to play with some of the older kids. "hi! can i play with you guys?" the little feline asks them.

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Plush New Pillow, ch 1

Even as an espurr, he was an engine of destruction, tearing into pillows or mattresses and gulping down their fluff. and if you thought evolution would mellow him, you were mistaken indeed. as a meowstic, all that increased was his appetite.

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Merry belated Christmas!

"careful jason-kun, you might turn into an espurr if you stare too long." raiki jokingly said as he waved his hand in front of jason's face. "yeah... yeah... whatever." jason mumbled with a grin. "oh yeah, i almost forgot."

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Game of Squash

The camera panned down to a grinning espurr who was waving at the camera, who was dressed as the 11th doctor from doctor who. "this year, the prize is $100,000, a free spa day, and a movie pass good for an entire year to watch free movies anywhere!

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She who sought Revenge

"four, denryu is my starter, blair was the cutest espurr when she started to travel with me, genie was a togapi that was given to me by a friend, and keys just started

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