Resolutions - Part 9 - September

Madame klein was a jolly beaver from montreal who also spoke german and arabic fluently. it was great to have another instructor who was eager to teach and she had a lot of office hours so we could spend time practicing our speaking skills with her.

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After Armageddon Chapter 5

Will replies "ich spreche ein kleines deutsch aber sie sprechen deutsch überhaupt nicht. sie kennen englisch aber." (i speak a little german but they don't speak german at all. they do know english however.)


Ermittlung auf 8 Pfoten - Eigenwillige Ermittlerin (1)

Tatsächlich passte der altmodische schlüssel und die kleine blechtür gab den blick aufs innere frei.

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Nice To Meet You, Man

"is that a real pair of calvin klein jeans? you know those show off your hips, right?" cinnamon nods. "that's kinda the point," pepper speaks for him. "we're strippers; were supposed to show off our body." "well good for you two.

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Alone (2013 Edit)

He looks like a calvin klein model and a giorgio armani model had a lovechild. i sighed and looked into his eyes. they were twinkling with youth. a swell of pain in my heart hits me. "why would you want me?" i ask quietly.

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Love's Battlefield - Volume 13

"forrest already knows how i feel about klein, but my own personal feelings aside, even he deserves a second chance." stated the bunny with a subtle knowing smile.

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Promised Land

To be interwoven with the klein, rakim and mnemos series to become my 3rd & final draft of surface altogether. let's hope third time's the charm, why don't we. enjoy!

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Drachenmenschen - 17. Angekommen - SFW

„hallo meine kleine. schön, dass du auch hier sein darfst."

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Die Katze

Und reichte mir dieses kleine gerät, wo ich meine unterschrift draufkritzeln musste. ich nahm es entgegen und kritzelte meinen namen auf das gerät und reichte es im lächeln zurück.

Der Fhìr-Gaou

Eher aus dem unterbewusstsein heraus nahm er eine bewegung im schilf ein kleines stück von ihm entfernt flussabwärts wahr.


Margias Untergang teil 1

Die dragonfire hatte nur kleine verluste an den gaußkanonen erlitten, die kartätschen lafetten waren zum teil von trümmern zerstört worden, aber die notreperaturen liefen bereits.

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Surface (Chapter 4)

It was in brazil that mano had first met klein. their initial casual greetings at a peace march had somehow morphed into a much more involved conversation without either of them having really seen it coming.

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