Storm Chasers

But the false act of dizziness only added to the whimsy that the titan showed in his actions in place of malice.

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Guro Challenge #6: Surgery

"woo, dizzy. decent stuff yer gave me, fox." the healer started shaving romsca's belly, clicking her tongue in thought. "i can give ye somethin' stronger, knock ye right out."

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The UmbreGlace Experience: Chapter 1

I immediately got dizzy and struggled to stay awake. then it was just black. when i came to, i was looking at the sky. i squinted and looked around. i was in the back of a pickup and my hands and feet were restrained.

MHO pt 3 - Highland Bunnies - Chapter 11

Puffs of gas would emit from certain flowers that would either tickle them or make them dizzy when they passed through.

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A little dizzy and he shook it off. he fixed his white hoodie with a big red x running across the chest area.his dragon ears perked up and went behind a vent cover and crouched.

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The Starling Master

He knows each bird's history: the little triumphs, little wars, the stormy hymns their choir outpours, the dizzy height each fears, and soars, and cries aloud to see, cries out most endlessly.

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Tales of Zootopia: Taera and Winston

When they had one year left to live, they were suffering through agonizing headaches and dizziness, but as long as they had each other, that didn't bother them in the slightest.

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2nd Person Pig TF

You lose your balance on the downstep and smash facefirst into the ground, which results in dizziness.

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06 - Observations

"we will be dizzy when we come out of the teleport spell," shade warned. "can you glamour us up some shadows to hid in?" the lieutenant asked his second. shade grunted and bobbed his dark gray head a bit.

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 3 - Evolution

Kyurex breathed heavily feeling a little dizzy, but still he continued. "everything has to be complicated...." he sighed.

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What Fascinates

It smelled dizzying, like illusion magic. "mm... my apologies for alarming you," the naga said. "this glamour spell could use work." "_identify_yourself," jhanna repeated.

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Meeting (And Zonking) Your Idols

A few rings of colour were enough to make him go stiff and dizzy once again. domino had gotten over his eye strain, evidently, judging from how eager he was to stare into the wolfdog's eyes.

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