Latias and Latios EP.2 (Part 10)
_" "_okay, but i must warn you, this may hurt a bit._" adam held latios claw. he felt something coming out of him. he felt a pulse through his claw. every time he felt his claw pulsed, he felt a little better.
The Outlander 1 4
claw rapped his metal claw heavily on the tabletop, bringing the meeting to order. "thank you all for coming. i will now go over the final strategy for the invasion," he began running his normal claw over the drawn ley-lines on the parchments.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 47
_go, nilia..._ danado prayed, fighting to stay upright while innumerable teeth and claws punctured his flesh. _please, just go...
Certain doom in the claws of the owlbear.
Tickle torture
The wolf ignored his pleas and continued scraping his claws along the fox's bare soles. his toes wiggled and splayed as the wolf tickled him. he held the fox's toes back as he scraped and clawed at his sensitive soles.
Dark's History: Opening
He stands for a moment looking at you then he moves to sit behind his desk, folding his massive claws together to prop his snout up while he stares at you for a moment.~
Seeker Origins: Chapter Eleven
I started with my wrists, trying to rotate my claws around and scratch my way through the leather. however, i had suddenly hit a dense wall of pain as i tried to work my claws around.
Family Bonds: Chapter 7
He then noticed that his right claw was wet from when he caught himself. he looked down at where his claw was and saw a moist, red patch on the ground. he lifted his claw up and turned it over, revealing the red liquid on it.
Chapter 1: Gentle Hands
Flamedramon's claws had grasped onto the lion's blade with both claws. their bodies leant against each other trying to win the battle of pure strength.
Latias and Latios EP.2 (Part 8)
His claw looked like latios and latias' claw, but the back of the claw is yellow instead of blue or red. latios was astonished. "_i'm sorry._" "_what is it?_" "_i am so sorry..._" "_what is happening to me?_" latios didn't say anything.
The Sylarium : Part 7
Thorolos held up a paw and marvelled at each flawless new claw. aside from how clean they looked, they were identical to his old claws. he craned his head back to look at his wing joint.
The First Rain
._ _artashir growled as he felt the claws pierce his skin and fur, one in particular deep, and hassin laughed as he clawed down, all in their fall before art slammed onto the ground with a oof and his strength lessened enough for the claws to drag on his