Seeker Origins: Chapter Eleven

Story by Hemlyn on SoFurry

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#4 of Seeker Origins

Year: 2080, May 16th.

Time: 12:00am

Location: Southeast District, Warehouse 27.

The past two days had been the unluckiest days of my life. However, I did have a knack for not being killed during the lack of luck. It was the only thing that kept me alive once the warehouse office was filled with bullets. I fell to the floor and tucked my tail between my legs, hiding my body behind the large desk in front of the window. I barely took any notice of the White-Wolf lying low on the other side of the desk, hiding from the blue assailant as well. All sounds were drowned out expect for the noise coming from the rifle and the bullets impacting with every surface but my body.

The gunfire subsided after a few seconds, though my ears were still ringing afterwards. The only other noise I could hear beyond the ringing was the faint sound of police sirens. I instantly jolted back up at that sound and looked up at where the assailant was, only to find that he wasn't there, but in the same room that I was in! My vision landed on him quickly as he drew two large knives in his...claws! I was dealing with a Reptile! I even took one long look at his eyes, only to find that his eyelids were scaled, and the outer areas of his eyes were bronze like mine.

I quickly drew both of my knives as well, holding both so that my thumb-claws were resting on the hilt of each blade. From what I could see, the White-Wolf was still lying on the floor, though I wasn't sure if she was dead or alive. I hardly had much time to think about her situation as the Reptile quickly vaulted over the desk in front of him, coming face to face with me in less than a second. I reacted as quick as I could and arced my right knife downwards, only to have the Reptile quickly rotate his body and simply avoid my blade, constantly staring into my eyes through his facemask. I could already tell this Reptile wasn't normal; his speed and agility told me that straight away.

I didn't waste a second in bringing my left knife up to slice the Reptile across his back; however, he had anticipated me as I had anticipated him and spun around, backing away from me by barely one foot, narrowly avoiding my blade on purpose, as if he were teasing me. The Reptile hadn't raised either of his knives yet, even when I lunged at him again, spreading both my knives in order to trap him between me and the desk behind him. However, my efforts counted for nothing when the Reptile ducked and spun around to my left, avoiding me entirely in an instant!

I was about to look back, but he had already countered and hooked his right foot-claw around my back, forcing me forwards onto the desk. I could barely move due to the force and pressure the Reptile was putting onto my back. My ears picked up the sound of sirens again, louder than before and making my body react out of desperation. I thrashed with my left claw, trying to stab at the Reptile's leg; but it was too late. He had already reacted first and jumped to my other side and, at the same time, throwing me away with his right foot-claw, slamming me and half of the contents of the desk into a wall.

My back and legs were in pain from the beating the Reptile was giving me. I was barely able to force myself back up, leaning against the wall to stay standing. The Reptile simply tilted his head slightly at me as I spun both blades in my hand so that I was holding the tip of each blade in each claw. I took one quick glance at the broken window to my left, making sure my plan had no faults before I acted. The Reptile acted the way I intended and focused on the two knives I threw in his direction, catching both of them between the palms of his hands as he dropped his own knives. By the time he looked back at me, however, I had already made it to the window.

I was already aware that any more attempts at fighting back would be useless, so I had to run. I quickly jumped out of the window, planting the palms of my claws on the wall in front of me and creating enough friction for me to drop back down into the alleyway without breaking my legs. However, once I had fallen back down into the alleyway, there were already people waiting for me on each side, covering both exits. They were all Canine, dressed in the same outfit; a full set of black body-armour covering them entirely, other than their heads - and their foot-paws which were covered with a pair of large black boots.

I quickly reached down to draw out both of my revolvers, only to find that they were gone. Even my knives had been left behind when I distracted the Reptile and jumped out the window. I gasped in shock, feeling completely vulnerable and useless. I had never been in a fight without a weapon before, and the sheer thought of it came as a shock to me. The sirens had now died out, leaving just me, the armoured police and now the Reptile in the same alleyway. I could feel the Reptile right behind me, raising one claw before I could even react.

I felt an immense amount of pressure on my body as the Reptile forced me up against the wall, not allowing me to look back and see what he was holding in his claw. My suspicions were immediately swept away as I felt a needle-like object stab into the base of my neck, injecting me with some kind of fluid. I tried to resist or at the very least struggle for my freedom, but my body had begun to go limp against my will. It felt as though very tiny sparks were setting off in my body, ridding me of all muscle control as I fell limply into the Reptile's arms.

My mind slipped away only seconds after I lost control of my body, the same feeling of fear still planted in my mind as I passed out.


Year: Unknown.

Time: Unknown.

Location: Unknown.

I slowly regained consciousness over a series of attempts and failures. Every time I tried to wake up, my whole body would begin to strain and ache, convincing me that waking up would only bring more pain. Nevertheless, I decided to double my efforts, even if I would be in searing pain. I had to see what was going on. I counted mentally down from three, opening my eyes as wide as I could manage as soon as I had reached one. Unfortunately I wasn't prepared for the immense pain that followed. I let out a loud, long gasp as my eyes felt as if they were being slowly crushed or pulled on; but at least I could now take a look at my surroundings.

From what I could see - and feel - my body was completely naked and restrained on a large lab table, more than capable of holding my weight. My limbs were restrained by thick leather straps, once around each wrist and ankle, then once more along my shoulders and thighs. My torso was also strapped to the table, with one strap running across my chest. I could only move and rotate my head around to see the room I was trapped inside.

I had immediately picked up the fact that I was the only one in the room. I couldn't even see an entrance or door, just a large whiteboard on the wall to my right, though I didn't trust that board at all. In my experience, any room with tiled, sterile-white walls and a lab table in the centre - especially with someone_tied_ to the table - had a whiteboard used as a one-way window, although when I say 'experience', I just mean 'this one time with Doctor Caro'. Besides that, there was absolutely nothing else in the room that I could make note of. It was almost completely bare.

I jumped - or would have done if I wasn't strapped to a lab table - at the sound of some kind of heavy metal door opening. My vision was brought in front of me to find that a section of the wall was slowly swinging open in my direction, revealing two silhouetted figures at the doorway. I already recognise the first as they stepped into the light, dressed in a solid-blue biosuit and staring at me with emotionless eyes; it was the same Reptile that had knocked me out. The second figure stood taller than the reptile an was, in fact, Canine, dressed in a large, leather trench coat, only buttoned up around his chest and covering the top half of his legs, which were in turn covered by a pair of black jeans.

"I expected you to be smarter than this." Artsua said amusedly, looking down at me in what I would have mistaken for pity if he hadn't been wearing a light smile on his face. "Allow me to reintroduce myself; Orion 'lieutenant' Artsua. You've already met my pet Lizard, Subject V."

"And here I thought I had you figured out." I slurred back, still feeling the mental side-effects of the liquid that the Reptile injected me with. "It seems we're both full of surprises."

"Some more than others." Artsua retorted ominously, circling around so that my head was just level with the bottom of his torso. "Do you have any idea how rare a Male Red-Scale is nowadays?"

"One in ten chance of a Female Bearded Dragon being born with the condition." I replied in a monotone voice, knowing the odds off by heart. "Then a one in a hundred chance of a Female infecting a Male via sexual intercourse. Overall, there's about a one in one thousand chance of a Male ending up with Red-Scale."

"You don't look too good, by the way." I added in, looking up at his bloodshot eyes, now looking more like red orbs than eyes. Even his thin grey fur looked messy and uneven. "Need me to mop up some more blackmailers for you?"

"I sense a hint of sarcasm there." The Canine laughed, placing both paws on the edges of the lab-table I was bound to. "So I'm guessing you already know why I really sent you after those 'blackmailers' then?"

"No, actually; but when you say it like that..." I began to reply, now thinking on my claws and trying to conjure up a reason as to what his obsession was with me, and why I was bound to a lab-table by him. "...You never really quit the military, did you? You were given the task of sorting out the South-East district; that's why we have it so easy. You're just luring us into a false sense of security..."

"You're right so far." Artsua encouraged me, still showing his light smile and red eyes. I still had to think on my claws as to what all these 'hitmen' and 'assassins' were all about.

"As for the 'blackmailers'..." I began, now taking an educated guess. " weren't lying, technically. They had some information about you; information that would've exposed you. So you had me take care of them without question, without having anyone so much as look at what the blackmailers were using. The money we stole from them was just a bonus."

"You're a credit to criminals everywhere." Artsua laughed, sending a shiver down my spine as he leant in closer and whispered. "From there, all it took was a few pushes in the right direction, say a Slave Club. Another couple of 'hitmen' would 'find you' at the Club and get themselves killed in the process...unintentionally of course. That clumsy bird I sent afterwards was just enough to provoke you into investigating why, oh why, everyone was suddenly so interested in you."

"So you lay down a trap for me at the warehouse district." I added in, sensing that the Dane wanted me to finish off his plan. "It was the one lead that I had at the time, and you could easily monitor the district and see where I was going and what I was doing."

"There were even a couple of times where I didn't think the plan would work." Artsua almost jumped from enthusiasm. I could even feel his hands beginning to shake from his delight. "For example, it would have been incredibly hard to give you Red-Scale. I originally intended to use blood samples from V to infect you; but your scaly little friend did all the work for me...and a little extra."

I began to wonder what he meant by 'a little extra'. All Elle did to me was accidentally infect me with some of her own Red-Scale conditioned sex cells. As far as I knew, there was nothing else Elle could have done to me without my knowing...unless she did something in my sleep, of course. Even then, I would be perfectly aware as to whether she had...if she had laid an egg inside me or not. The side-effects of it would be noticeable. For one, Elle's tail would be slightly distended. I would also be subject to stomach cramps, cravings and an occasional migraine. It wasn't possible as far as I knew.

As I thought things over in the uncomfortable silence, I slowly began to work at the restraints holding me in place. I started with my wrists, trying to rotate my claws around and scratch my way through the leather. However, I had suddenly hit a dense wall of pain as I tried to work my claws around. My body was suddenly hurting all over, as if I had taken a whip to every part of my body. My muscles seemed to contract at first to the point of causing a cramp, but settled down as soon as I stopped trying to claw at my restraints.

"I wouldn't struggle, if I were you." Artsua grinned, turning away from me and making a small cluttering noise behind my back. Apparently the room was also equipped with another table.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked, now starting to worry and fear what the Canine had in store for me. It was fairly obvious that it wasn't of any profit to me. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, I just need to take a couple of things out of you." Artsua said casually, circling around so that he was just at my left, holding a small - and filled - syringe; "First of all, the egg that your friend laid inside of you. We can't have that sitting and growing in your stomach for the next couple of months, can we?"

I looked at him in shock, now fully showing the fear in my eyes and the confusion as to how he knew and I didn't. "You don't think I simply shut off all the cameras in the club, do you?" He asked rhetorically, holding up the syringe so I could see it. "Why do you think she went to visit the Doctor in the morning?"

"Second of all," Artsua announced suddenly, leaning down to whisper. "We need to take care of that one - not so little - thing that separates bloodlust from regular lust. I need to make sure my next pet is focused on what I want him to focus on. Of course, for that I'm also going to have to mess around with your head a little...just a little."

I looked up at him in horror, then at the Reptile - subject V - and making one final conclusion. Artsua was going to turn me into...well, another subject V! He was going to take Elle's egg out of me, then take away my...the only thing that classified me as Male; after that, he would...I wasn't even sure what he would do. V was just a husk; he didn't talk, he showed no emotion. Subject V was a husk, a slave to Artsua...and he would be what_I_ would become. In a way, I felt sorry for the Reptile; he was probably like me - he must have had a not anymore. He was likely a shell of what he once was.

"I can promise you two things." Artsua smiled his deranged smile again, showing off the red spheres that were his eyes. "First, you will submit to me utterly and completely. You will obey me without question. Your morals and free will shall die within the next week. Secondly, your little friend, Elle...the same will happen to her."

As soon as the bastard Dog mentioned Elle's name, I reacted and began to thrash around on the table, determined to break my restraints and kill him right there. However, my body was already struck by the same pain I had experienced earlier, forcing my body to give up the struggle and settle down. I had no intention of giving up though and continued thrashing about, pulling my neck away as Artsua closed in on me, intending to inject me with whatever the syringe was filled with. Part of me assumed it was the same liquid that the Reptile injected me with earlier that day.

Eventually my body had started to slow down, giving Artsua the opportunity to stab the needle right into my neck and inject me with the entire volume of the liquid. I instantly felt the effects of the serum as my body began to go limp, still aching in pain but relaxing at the same time. My mind began to slow down as well, causing me to pass out in a matter of seconds.

Maybe it was for the best. I was sure I didn't want to experience what Artsua was going to do to me.