Dark's History: Opening

Story by DarkStormDragon on SoFurry

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Dark's History and how he came to be who and what he is. Part 1

~You slowly enter the massive castle after what seemed like days of walking through the very beautiful and lush valley, the sheer size of the castle seems impossible, the doors that stood at the top of the front stairs alone were at least two hundred feet tall and two feet thick. You had passed through a smaller door within one of the two larger ones, the door you passed through was still massive being it stood ten feet tall, once you had pushed it open and moved inside, you got a few steps from the door as it shut behind you with a resounding and echoing slam. Deep within the castle you hear a voice that for a moment seems to chill your bones as it rings out and rumbled through the main hall.~

"Well... Come in" ~suddenly the sound of claws on stone catches your ears as the sound grows closer, the sound soon grows clear as a figured appears within the dim candle light of the candelabras on the walls. Slowly the form grows to something about the size of a great Dane, at first you think it may be a dog coming to attack, you want to turn and run but your frozen with fear, with a sudden screech and the sound of panting a small Drake stands before you, it is red in color, appears female due to the body shape and the way her snout is formed, she bows and turns to one side motioning deeper within the castle as if asking you to proceed.~

~After a moment, you move deeper within the castle, the Drake walks along beside you, the shuffle of her scales and her claws soon become like a rhythm as she moves beside you, her eyes glance about as you pass rooms and other halls ways. Soon she directs you past the Throne in the end of the main hall, as you pass you cannot help but marvel at its size, what creature could possible need such a large chair. The Drake turns and walks into an archway that has stairs just beyond it, she bows once more and motions for you to go up, as you start to climb the stairs, she remains at the bottom watching you disappear around the first turn of the spiral stairs.~

~You walk upwards for what seems ages, no decorations adorn the walls or the windows, just the red carpet that lines the stairs themselves, but after moments you start to hear the crackle of a fire, the smell of the hickory burning within the hearth, once you round the last corner of the stairs, you see another door opened onto a room full of books and shelves. As you approach the door a voice rings out, deep and gruff, seeming to come from a shadow in the edge of the room behind a great desk.~ "Welcome to my study, please come in and sit."

~As you hear the voice a claw seems to almost materialize from the shadow itself, slowly extending out from it as an arm soon follows, you seem to have lost control of your feet, your heart pounds in your chest and your body wants to turn and run away, yet there you are getting closer to the chair in the center of the room close to the fireplace. You watch in shocked horror as the figure slowly starts to spill out of the shadows.~

~A massive Dragon, slowly begins to take shape as if being given birth to by the shadow, his body silhouetted by lightning as it takes form, slowly both fore claws, then the snout, slowly a neck then a massive muscular chest, the first hind leg, then the other, after moments the tail and wings emerge till he stands before you in all his might. The shadow snaps shut behind him as his wings crackle loudly folding to his back, his tail makes a raspy sound like sandpaper on wood as it sways behind him seeming to have a mind of its own, slowly he walks towards you, each time his hind claw falls on the wooden floor you feel the impact through the seat of the chair. ~

~he stops mere feet from you, his piercing Ice blue eyes locked on you seeming to drill two holes through you, his scales a dull gray color the black Tiger stripes around his body barely stand out from his scales, his claws and horns are black as night, his body crackles and pops with each breath as his leathery scales rub against one another. He stands for a moment looking at you then he moves to sit behind his desk, folding his massive claws together to prop his snout up while he stares at you for a moment.~