This has led to an interesting phenomenon where some residents use the backside of the board for themselves, be it for advertising, friendly banter or art showcasing.
How the Coonyx came to be - short story
A few of the thieves ventured on as the others danced and bantered around the cabin, their intentions unknown.
Ferocity Chapter Four
Ichigo added, finishing their usual ritual of playful banter. toggle acted hurt. "i knew it, you were just toying with my feelings."
Chapter 19: What Tala Did
They had then taken supper, laughing and talking as tala and achai exchanged playful banter, and afterward, everyone had gone to bed. yatokya remembered falling asleep with tala curled in his arms.
Serval and Sheep (Chapter 13)
Does that make it more or less weird for you--" hafsa's banter is cut short. her ears swivel, pointing behind her, where a distant wall of trees loom. she snaps to attention and turns to leer at the murky forest.
Two Lost Lambs in the Forest
C'mon, the picnic is back past those three ash trees . . . " she paused in her banter. the ash trees she had so carefully kept track of when they had run into the forest a few hours earlier to play were nowhere in sight. james looked around.
Tails of a Cloud Skunk Ch 2: Career Trajectories
Every second his mind wasn't either occupied watching playoff hockey or bantering up at chiller's was, instead, spent focusing on the more negative trend those meetings might take.
The Adventures of Mut the Dragonborn ch1
Mut mumbled to himself, knocking the head off the zombie with the back of his fist, never looking away from his target, his playful banter gone, his relaxed mood now far colder, his gaze deadly. "now, that wasn't very smart was it?"
Across a Hare's Distance
Falco bantered, nudging the hare, "again with the collusion! let 'em play for themselves!" fox spared a smile for peppy, but lifted the microphone up to his muzzle without further recognition.
The Will of Kings - Chapter 1
It was hard to believe how serious he had become after such lighthearted banter. but then again, someone had left him alone for all these years. "do you hate him for dying?" he looked shock, and then indignant, as i hit the nail squarely.
Chapter 1- reunited
Nate confused from the very beginning, gave up on trying to figure out their banter. "you are such a damn hard target if it wasn't for me being straight.....and you with this otter i might have tried to get you past three years."
Chapter 1- Reunited
Nate confused from the very beginning, gave up on trying to figure out their banter. "you are such a damn hard target if it wasn't for me being straight.....and you with this otter i might have tried to get you past three years."