Qnta Rising, Prologue: Q'llaeri Cyclle Book 1
As he began to gather his senses anew, a realization dawned as he saw his sister's unmoving body. blackness began to overtake him, leaving his horror unresolved. his last vision was of karan qo'a's hor'a staff coming down on his head.
I can't cry narritive.
I've become accustomed to not show the feelings to show interest in someone's hurtful or mean remarks that drive me to the edge, i threw them away and replaced them with something better; the ability to wake up everyday anew and feel and show that whatever
Ozan Riverwhisper- A Character Study
_as sunrise sparkles on light'nd dew the beasts of day arise and though the wait has made me sore it hasn't touched my eyes the hunted crosses through my sight resolve is back anew if aim and magic's at my back my arrow's flight be true_
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 18: National Championship
The goalkeeper then threw the ball back into the field and it started anew. this time, a rabbit from the other team caught it and instantly ran towards the goal. he passed it to the coyote, then back to him.
Duty Chapter 2: Bed Talk
This was the place where their relationship began, and once again here they were, starting anew. reis lowered his head, kissing marcus's forehead. "i love you."
Chikorita Catches a Mudkip: Chapter 3
They both lost it again, dropping to their sides and laughing anew. jennifer just stood watching her two pokémon, not sure how to take all this. well, it looked like they'd make a good team after all, perhaps even a good couple someday.
Anima World Part 1
But then, in the year 2012, that faithful discovery shook the world of science and magic, and with it, political tension started anew.
SPQR Chapter 6
An entire decade of work to make the people of rome confident in the abilities of the senate was being undone in a matter of a scant few months and the dictatorship of a decade ago began anew, as the senate once again became a "rubber stamp" for the emperorâ
The Avalon Agency: a propaganda poster
Therefore, between 1940 and 1945, war broke anew in the world: humans and magical beings fought directly against each other for hatred, vengeance and for establishing their dominion over the world.
A Libertine Looks Forward
Kodyax and aurora nuzzle lovingly as the crowds below cheer for the new year as the officers behind them clap as the pair joins them and festivities bein anew in earnest.
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 29: Regulation 3
Xavier frowned anew. "and that brings up a very good question: how were you able to override the--" the question was cut short as the apartment's door blurted out the lock override alert.
As he was greeted with nothing but pink too, the drake began to salivate anew. thoughts of a nap vanished, and he drunk in the smells coming off the beast before him.