Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 18: National Championship
#19 of Reaching for the Stars
I have a question, do you think 1 chapter every 15 days is too long? I'm considering moving to 1 chapter per week schedule as I've written several chapters ahead of this. Let me know what you think!
A flashback chapter! Yay!
"Why do we have to go here again?"
Tom lazily walked towards the university football stadium. It was 10 in the morning and he had just done his paper last night. There wasn't even any class until 15 later. Well, they were in the first semester anyway, so things were still cool for them.
In front of him, Lucy shrugged. "I just think it might be interesting."
The wolf shook his head.
"Lucy, you know we're not football fans." Martin said beside him. "I mean, what's the point?"
"At least it's better than doing nothing in your dorm."
"Doing nothing is still better."
Tom yawned; on one hand, he agreed with Martin, but on the other hand, he didn't know if he wanted to sleep again after the nightmare.
They arrived at the podium. Tom looked around, there were so many people here, but he wasn't feeling their excitement. Really, all that he saw in a football match was 22 people trying to take control of 1 ball. Exciting for them, but not really for him.
"Why's it this crowded again?"
Lucy bought popcorn from a stand next to the entrance. "Kan it's the Nat-Champ first stage. Our uni is facing Hampstertown University."
"That Hampstertown University?" he asked as they walked inside. True enough, people were wearing white and blue, their campus' colours. On the opposite side were people wearing red and black, the colours of the rivalling university.
"Yoi. It would be bad if we lost at the first stage."
"Isn't Nat-Champ provincial level?"
"It's National Championship. Wake up already, Mart!"
They climbed the podium, and sure enough, they couldn't find a good enough seat. Only after looking for some time did they find some empty seats. It wasn't the best, but at least they could see the playing field quite clearly.
Lucy ate some of the popcorn. Tom just leant on the seat and checked his phone in disinterest.
"Pass the popcorn." Mart said.
The game started not long after. After singing the national anthem and each university's anthem, the game started. As he predicted, he... didn't really understand the game.
But the players did look hot, though.
Some of them, no, all of them had great bodies. And because they were running all over the field, their bodies were printed on their jerseys. That at least increased his interest in the game.
"Guys, guys, let's sit over there." Lucy said when she saw several empty seats a few rows in front of them.
They moved there, and because it was closer to the field, they could see the game more clearly.
Whoa. Tom never appreciated a sporting event until now.
They were all sexy, and his gay mind did not focus at all on the ball, but at the ones running and gasping and trying their hardest to take the ball and kick it. There was a lion that piqued his interest, the way his mane majestically swung as he ran enthralled him.
A crocodile also played quite well. Not once during the game did his hunky tail touch the ground. That must take some practice to do. The crocodile then caught the ball and run a few metres, then passed it to his teammate.
There was also a wolf, or probably a coyote because his ears looked bigger, from the enemy team who moved so gracefully he wondered if he had a sixth sense. He could change his running direction in a bat of an eye, and even then, he could stop and kick the ball without breaking any sweat. And he was lean, the way his body printed on his jersey made Tom's mouth water a little.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, the ball was caught by his team. A panther caught it by his chest and ran across the field, playing with the ball as if it were nothing more than a toy. He jumped when a panda tried to take it, then went back to running and zigzagging, only to quickly pass the ball.
A German Shepherd caught the ball, but instead of running to the front a bit and kicking it into the other team's post, he retreated. Some of the other team's players tried to retake the ball, but he easily avoided them. With a quick jump, he used his head to pass it to a deer. Together, they ran back towards the post. Then, the deer passed the ball back to the shepherd who then kicked it.
The crowd erupted a loud cheer as it went in flawlessly.
The shepherd retreated to his teammates. Not long after, the ball was thrown back into the field, and the game started anew.
"Who do you think will win?" Mart asked him while handing him the popcorn.
Tom took the popcorn and ate it. "Based on this rate, I guess... we'll win. I mean, no disrespect at the other team, but our group play seemed better. It's still the first round, though."
The fox laughed. "Ten euros the other team will win."
"Dih. You seriously betting on the other team?"
Martin laughed again.
"Hush, quiet, you two." Lucy slapped Tom's thigh beside him.
The boys giggled a bit, then went back to watching the game.
Ten minutes later, the opposite team managed to gain a point, making the score even. Tom watched in amazement as the coyote cheered on the field, his teammates congratulated him. The goalkeeper then threw the ball back into the field and it started anew.
This time, a rabbit from the other team caught it and instantly ran towards the goal. He passed it to the coyote, then back to him. But the shepherd managed to snatch the ball away and gave it a powerful kick. It then flew across the field and was caught by a rat.
That coyote's tongue was out, and Tom blushed a bit when he lifted his shirt to wipe his face.
The first round was a tie. Without them realising, they were cheering for their team when it ended. Martin laughed when he realised that, saying that it was fun nonetheless.
Tom stood up after the ten-minute break was announced. "I'm going to the restroom, want to come along?"
"I'm not. You, Lus?"
"Get another popcorn, ya, Tom."
He walked away and waved his tail. "Sure."
"You owe me lasagne."
Max laughed as John playfully kicked him. Both their tongues were out and they were heaving. Sitting on the bench, Max took a water bottle and drank from it.
The game ran smoothly. The other team was a formidable foe, and he didn't miss the livid but still respectful gaze given to him by the other team's captain after he made the ball in. This was the Nat-Champ, so it naturally came with the level, he guessed.
"You're all doing great." His coach said, entering the room. Everyone turned around to look at him. "Congrats, Rob, for making it in. You're the first second-year student who managed to make a goal in under 20 minutes."
Everyone cheered at him. He waved his hand and snickered at them.
The coach continued. "But we're not done yet. Remember, we have to be at least in a tie with them in order to get into the next stage. The Inter-Uni was only a steppingstone for you, former first year students, and now it's your responsibility to fight alongside the older years. Now you're playing in the real field. Nat-Champ is tough, so keep your heads up and feet down for the Isle!"
"For the Isle!" everyone cheered.
"Alright, you got 8 minutes of rest. Go to the restroom if you feel like it."
Max put his bottle back down and leant on the locker. God, that was glorious of him. He looked at the ceilings and grinned to himself.
"Hey, everyone, Max's smiling at himself."
He looked at them as everyone laughed and teased him. Scratching his nape, he just nervously replied. "Oh, come on, guys, at least let me celebrate for a while."
A sock was thrown into his face. He took it and glanced at them to find Octo grinning at him. "Nice kick back there, but too bad the mental health services are far from here."
Everyone laughed at the joke, even him.
Max then stood up. "I'm gonna go to the restroom. Anyone wanna come?"
"Me." said Octo, standing up and followed the shepherd.
"Don't fuck in the toilets, we've only got 8 mins."
Max gave Nathan the middle finger, to which the croc just laughed.
Fortunately, the restroom wasn't far. It was still outside the changing room since the ones inside had pipe issues, but at least they didn't have to get out to the masses. It was still their university, but because of that, he didn't want to be seen. Fangirls could sometimes be a chore.
Good thing the restroom was deserted. He walked to a urinal and took a piss, sighing as he did so. Next to him, Octo did the same and sighed too.
"Dude, don't tell me you're getting horny." He teased the panther.
The panther slapped his arse, making him lunge forward with a yelp. "I'm bi, not sexually insatiable." He then went to a cubicle. "I think I'm gonna go for a while."
"Seriously? Don't take too long!" Max stepped back and closed his zip. "And don't fap to my dick!"
"As if your dick turns me on."
Hearing that, Max chuckled a bit. He then walked to the washtable and washed his hand and face. There were several loose furs in his face. He should be shedding soon. Gotta remember to comb when I get back.
Lucky Octo and his short fur, he didn't have to go through shedding.
Speaking of Octo, surprisingly, he was bi. That scared Max a bit, but Octo never seemed to be... er, predatory. He was a regular guy; they hung out like usual, he acted like usual, they even shared some porn vids--hetero ones, of course. The only thing that reminded Max that he was bi was several moments when he glanced at him or any dude for longer than necessary.
That spooked him, but he guessed he'd do the same were he in a room full of girls. Besides, Octo never did anything to them, and that was comforting. Moreover, knowing how reserved was the panther, he knew he was safe.
And apparently, he was hot enough to make a bi person look at him, he chuckled a bit at the realisation.
The restroom door opened. Through the mirror, Max could see a grey wolf went inside. He closed the door, but when he saw Max through the reflection, the wolf jerked in surprise a little. "Um, excuse me." His ears went down.
"It's fine, dude," Max said and washed his face again.
The wolf went to a urinal and took a piss. Max just ignored him, instead kept trying to get the loose furs down. Shedding could take a lot of work. He washed his hand again then washed his face again.
Taking a glance at the wolf through the mirror, he then suddenly felt lucky. The wolf's fur was thick, especially the fluff behind his neck; that must be a disaster during shedding.
The wolf then went to the washtable and washed his hand in silence. Max almost chuckled at the way the other's ears were still flat when he took the soap, signalling how nervous he was.
"You're from Barrowisle, right?" He said, trying to strike up a conversation.
The wolf jerked a little, then looked at him. "Um, yes."
He just smiled, then went back to washing his face. "So, which team did you bet on?"
"I... um, uh..."
Max let out a chuckle. "Nah, that's okay. I know I'm gonna bet if I were you."
The wolf just chuckled nervously as he wiped his hand. He then spoke up as his ears went up, "That was a... that was a nice kick. Congratulations."
He looked at him and smiled. "Heh, thanks, dude. Gotta keep our campus' reputation."
"You're welcome." He said, then took several steps back. "Uh, I-I need to go. It's nice to meet you." The wolf offered a small smile.
Max smiled back. "Sure."
With a quick wave, or more precisely a quick wave from that quite long tail, the grey wolf exited the restroom.
He went back to catching the loose furs on his face. That was nice, he thought. Fangirls were abundant, fanboys were common, but it was nice meeting someone who didn't look up at him as if he were a literal star. The best fans were those who supported him and not worshipped him.
He sighed; it must now be more than 8 minutes. They had to go back.
"Octo, you done? We gotta get back."
"A little bit more." The cubicle door opened. "Come on."
They both exited the restroom and went back to the locker room.
Tom was not trembling, but he was close to that. He had just met one of the football players, and he was very, very, veeery hot.
Those bulging muscles were just... umph. He was also drop-dead handsome and smelled so masculine and sexy. He was just... the dog was... fuck it, he was out of words, he was just perfect. In the field, he was dominating the game, but in person, he was so friendly.
Suddenly he wanted to get home and snuggle in the bed like a fangirl.
He bought the popcorn and went back to the podiums. The second round should start in any minute now.
Tom handed the popcorn to Lucy and sat down, trying his best not to smile.
A few moments later, the teams were back on the field. He flustered a bit when he saw that German Shepherd there, running to his position on the field. He adjusted his jersey a little bit, and Tom's face reddened at the sight.
The second round was more intense than the first one. Throughout the game, Tom's eyes kept watching the players instead of the ball. Amongst the players, the German Shepherd seemed to be the captain. Their team played so well. They seemed to be so in sync with each other, and in the centre of it was the shepherd.
He accepted many passes and almost made a goal several times.
The other team was also strong. They could counter the attacks quite well. Their defence was almost impeccable. There were some slips, but they were quick to retake the ball. It seemed like watching an impenetrable shield being hit by an unyielding arrow.
After their popcorn was finished, the game ended in a tie. Neither team made a goal in the second round. However, they were gasping for air. The game seemed to have drained them of their strength.
The commentators asked about the possibility of extra time, but it was cancelled. The game today was a tie.
"Come on, guys. Let's go home."
Tom stood up and walked away when Martin pushed him. "It was kind of fun."
"I know, right?" Lucy giggled. "That was intense. And this was just the first stage; I wonder how the next stages would be."
"Hellish, I reckon." said the wolf as they went down the stairs.
When they were out of the stadium, though, Tom took another glance to the entrance, wondering if he could see that German Shepherd again. Probably he'd forget about him in a couple of days.
He walked to Martin and put his hands in his pockets. "Hey, Mart, you want to get some snacks?"
"I'm so. Fucking. Exhausted."
Max almost threw himself to the bench. He was exhausted, so exhausted until he could feel his bones turning into jelly. "You're not the only one, Andy."
Said lion muttered something inaudible.
He took a bottle and drank it until it was empty. His tongue was out and he was gasping for air; that game seriously took a toll on his team. He wanted to get back to his dorm and sleep as quickly as possible.
The coach said something about they were great and that was an intense game, but he couldn't really make out the details. All he did was nod and yell "for the Isle!"
After being dismissed, he gathered all his belongings and walked outside, limping. Oh right, his legs. Were they still attached? He didn't realise they were.
"You look like crap." Yohan said as he bumped into him.
Max leant to him. "I feel like one."
"That was heroic of you, you know. Almost making it a few times when none of us could."
"But it wasn't enough."
Yohan slapped his back. "Come on, you're seriously saying that wasn't enough? Well, technically it wasn't but compared to anyone else, that was more than enough."
The shepherd just huffed, but then groaned a bit when he felt a hand ruffling his head fur.
"Guess he'll be dead soon, huh?" one of his upperclassmen teased him.
"You bet. Better hide his body, quick."
"I'm right here, you know!"
They laughed.
On the way out, they met the other team. The coaches exchanged some words and congratulations, and Max just walked to the side to lean on the wall.
"That was a good game. Thanks a lot."
He turned his head. "Yeah, you too." There was that black coyote from the other team. Like him, he looked thoroughly exhausted, and the smell was filling his nose.
Eh, John smelled worse.
"You play like a pro, really." Max said with a small smile. "How can you move so gracefully?"
The black coyote laughed a little. "Nah, I'm not that good, but yeah I used to dance a lot, maybe that's why."
"Cool. Name's Max, by the way." He said, giving out his hand.
The other replied the gesture. "Lucas. And your kicks were powerful."
Max chuckled. "Thanks."
Yohan then called him, making him realise that he was being left behind. "Eh, I gotta go. Thanks for the game. See you in the next stage."
"You think you'll get into the next stage?" Lucas smiled lopsidedly.
Max laughed. "Strong words from someone whose defense I almost broke a few times."
They both laughed again, and Max waved his tail as he left.
He heard the coach wanted to buy them some food, and he only groaned no. Food can wait, sleep could not.
Wait, maybe he could do with that food. His stomach betrayed him and grumbled.