I can't cry narritive.
#4 of stories
I thought it was pretty good to put on here as well if i am writting stories in class why not also put them on here :)
If you already have children don't hit them as much most adults had it harder than we did why continue the cycle? I am not too damaged as to where it affects my future because at the end of the day i love my parents for raising me as they did i turned out to a person who loves doing what he does just for the love and fun of it and if you do hit your child for every bad thing then you better hope they won't grow up doing the type of things that can land someone in prison im just saying :T
Joshua D Williams
Mr. Carver
Technical Writing
I can't cry.
By: Joshua D Williams
In everyone's life it's common for something to happen naturally but what if it doesn't happen to you or for you anymore....to be more precise I can't cry anymore. Everyone thinks that not being able to be sad or cry or not to be able to let out their sadness is a great thing, I can tell you now it's not. Crying is healthy for one's body to let out our resentment sadness pain and anger as the phrase 'let it all out' means no one can nor should judge you if you are crying over something little or big because it may affect everyone.
It started with my "punishments" and "tough love" that made me unable to cry anymore, I guess you could say i've been traumatized. Every time I would do something that wasn't right i would get yelled at or punished, and the scorned left the tear well drier than any ashy knee. It was meant to "correct" me and we all see how I ended up the inability to cry naturally, forcefully, or just spontaneously for no reason. Not saying I don't love how i turned out but i sometimes wish i could cry again even if it was over something small. Punishment after another i slowly grown a resistance to feeling emotionally hurt that I am in a way emotionally unstable.
I grew up telling myself not to show my true feelings to anyone afraid of being hit because of my opinion as a result I turned to stealing if it wasn't in a container with an alarm i would be unable to get it if it's a lock i can try my best to pick it and that's one of the skills i picked up because i was stealing. From each hit I took I came closer and closer into being one that feels without sadness and hate. Everyone cries once in awhile, but me I haven't cried since i was 10 years old.
No matter what I did I didn't care because pain doesn't bring me to tears anymore it only drives me to do better with the time i have left. I've become accustomed to not show the feelings to show interest in someone's hurtful or mean remarks that drive me to the edge, I threw them away and replaced them with something better; the ability to wake up everyday anew and feel and show that whatever is happening now doesn't affect me at all and if it did then i'll fix it myself because i've gained independance.
As I am now I am still unable to cry but I show more feelings than I used to, I show my passion for things that I love, my love for other people and certain individuals, my vanity as in the great respect and love for myself, my compassion for other life, my drive to keep going no matter what, my pride that keeps telling me I will do great things, my integrity to uphold and fight for what I believe is right and just, my sense of humor and laughter give my life meaning and signals everyone it's not that serious and most importantly my self esteem. It might as well be an organ in my body that acts as my main and primary fuel to keep living on, and I know it's not the healthiest thing to have and or do but it's the toughest thing that can even shatter the laws of physics. Even so 'spare the rod spoil the child'. That's how it goes but since it hasn't been spared when it came to me at times i was never scared of getting punished i am ready to take responsibility for my actions. My family's motto 'never back down never give up keep pushing and fighting until your bones give up and break down'. My mother and father did their best to raise me well now it is my time to show that their efforts were not in vain.