welcome to the pride lands
Check us out tsume: oh my god you look so adorable, your little lion cub ! jake: hey,me too tsume: we look adorable !!
The Path of the Dragon Lover
They're so adorable." she reaches in and strokes yor head with a a talon. you say, "ma'am, you are such a gorgeous yellow."
Balance of Power Part 2: Gentleness and Curiosity
That adorable blush..." a soft purr split the silence of the high air, and josh knew that his mount could feel the warmth through his fur and _his_ feathers.
Fat Pool Fun
"you're absolutely adorable." he whispers, "here, lay down on the table."
Chapter 1: Origins of an Unusual Srothar
A good deal of people uttering out 'biscuit' probably meant no harm in it; some even complimented his name for sounding 'adorable' (not that he was sure he -liked- being called 'adorable', but a compliment's a compliment?).
Through the airport
"you are adorable." the young canine blushed deeply and hide his face with his paws. "now, let's get your collar." she showed an oversized pink collar with ones on it and set it in place.
The Good That Won't Come Out (Pundamentals #2)
Mass that others could adore. you take up space. you have mass. if you doubt yourself, please know you matter. you definitely matter to people. sincelery, you're long gone friend
Comfort Zone ("Under 1000 words" story example)
Only two years old, the adorably small girl stood at the door, a look of pure genuine concern on her face as she saw her mother looking so distressed on the bed.
Surviving Solitude part 9
He looked adorable, curled into a ball, his hands under his pillow and head resting it, slightly tucked in. his knees were up close to his chest, and the blanket covered the back half of him, which i couldn't see.
Westfurd University| Chapter 2
Now you're the one with the adorable puppy face. i manage to snag a smile from her and she readjusts her chair. that urge to leave seemed to dissipate.
Pop Goes the Weasel
She had this adorable sweater on... the sweater's what i remember the most, it was this deep navy blue with a little teddy bear on the front. she was graced with being the first to greet h'narghl.
"What package?"
He doubted she could find any way to be more adorable than she already was even if she didn't realize her adorableness. lucian watched the edge of her lip tuck between her teeth the moment he finished his words and had doubted wrong.