The New Machine
When the data and the electro wave match it will create a black hole effect. sucking and absorbing everything in the area including the graphic. but its function right know is to create a part to link up to the new sector.
Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 38
It stared back; resolute, unwavering, a silver ring surrounding a deep, black hole. "i'm sorry, ander." he stuck his finger through the crack in the wood as far as it would go. "i can't come with you."
Honor Above All Else
"i'll go up there and make sure sam doesn't fly up into a black hole or something, you two have fun heh." alone in the gym, alec and kitt passionately locked muzzles, alec's paws running through kitt's long auburn hair.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven-- SAMPLE
The pistol moved a little when kulgan shifted, and adlis' eyes followed it like she'd been mesmerized by the tiny black hole at its tip. her breath was coming in short, shallow gulps. she couldn't speak, she couldn't stand, she couldn't even think.
Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Forty Seven
The little black hole what had once been my heart hurt so bad that my face felt like it'd only gotten a relaxing massage by comparison. feelings are the easiest drug in the world to get addicted to.
The Master's Tools
Amber rolled her black hole eyes. "you're an arbitrator, kacey!" had she forgotten about that? "that's why i'm trying to arbitrate between the commission and the free radicals, amber," kacey replied. "it's the most important job of my career."
Hard Landing
Try not to create a black hole or a gateway to hell or something, eh? and double-check it's not plugged in, will you?
Dragon Who
No matter which angle you looked at it, it didn't catch any light, almost like a black hole surrounded by a monolith. a creaking sound came from inside the cavern and lasted way longer than it should have. "oof, i will really need to oil that door!"
Vetraheil, time theories, and other information.
Situated on a subspace fragment, the sun is both a black hole and a star (somewhat similar to our own) simultaneously. as of right now, this is a gold star (it is literally fusing gold).
Messing with Matt
And the sight of the dark void far in the back of the muzzle that was the entrance to his throat, like some kind of all-encompassing black hole ready to swallow up anything that got too close into total darkness the finger holding matt down moved
The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 8: Do Not Look Down
Why wasn't she dead, there wasn't anything that should have let her escape from that grip, nothing can escape the pull of a black hole.
I f O n l y.. ~
It's fur was made of black holes and shadows. the dark night sky was jealous. the wolf's eyes, however, were an angelic white. they shone out like beams of concentrated angel dust.