Dusk's Adventure day 5

umbra: o-okay. \*they walk towards the house\* dusk: do you like it so far, umbra? umbra: uh, it? dusk: some of raiden's pokemon umbra: raiden? asha: our trainer. umbra: oh...

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Dusk's Adventure day 5 epilogue

umbra, you're 14,795 pounds and 25.5 feet tall. umbra: wow.

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Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #4

He gave umbra a hug to purposely mess with him, before leaping off onto the ground. he then rushed over to grab umbra's tail with his maw, rushing as umbra fumbles. "you're coming with me whether you like it or not!"

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Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #8

Jolty thought for a moment, using his head to try and figure out where umbra might be located. "hmm...if i know umbra, he would be hiding in a nearby tree." he figured.

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Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #5

Jolty looked back over at umbra, lost in thought as he felt a rumble let loose in his stomach. "oh, i'm fine! you worry too much." he genuinely assured umbra, happy to find a new favorite drink.

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Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #10

umbra said with uncertainty in his voice. "what about all of the fruits we left back at the tree? should we try and go back?" jolty didn't stop walking as umbra finished speaking, instead keeping a good pace and a positive attitude as they continued on.

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Dreams Ch. 4

umbra had disappeared, without a trace. i kept looking around, trying to see if he would appear again. "i am sorry little one." i froze, then looked around quickly. i heard umbra, but he had stayed hidden this time.

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Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #2

Jolty went over to where umbra laid on the ground, and sat rump first in front of him.


Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #2

Jolty went over to where umbra laid on the ground, and sat rump first in front of him.

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Dreams Ch. 3

"umbra? umbra, no games. tell me where i am." i demanded "a boat." "wait what?!" i was taken back with how quickly he answered, and what his answer was. "if you don't believe me, there's a circle cut out right next to you.

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Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #11

umbra couldn't help but flourish red across his face from what was said.

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An Assignment In Overcoming The Terrifyingly Familiar Part 1

He's got skin that is a sky blue color with a grayish underbelly though right now it's being covered by his umbra uniform, his left flipper is gone and replaced by hard light that's right now a concerned bright orange color, he's 22 and a somewhat recent umbra

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