An Odd Holiday Story
"hey, where's tungsten?" kodi asked, "i don't know....oh no, tungsten!"
???: Steel Deacons
tungsten hunters, these little conglomerations are the dogs-of-war so to speak, they are quadrupedal machines designed as guard dogs, scrap harvesters and general company for steel deacon, the tungsten hunters aren't that smart, they roughly par on the intelligence
To tungsten, according to the map. it would be a long walk and he didn't have a horse. carefully, sven folded the map and put it away and continued his trek. he would get there in due time. "hmm?" the ground felt different under his boots.
The Machine Stops
"it's a tungsten-bearing ore. we don't have any wolframite on board outside of the samples in our lab, but we do have some tungsten. and...
The Patchwork Soldier Part VIII
A quick squeeze of the firing stud and an infantry squad went down in a blizzard of tungsten darts. a lunatank rolled up.
Isolation-Excerpt 20-Kojak Auqifier
Suddenly my dark cavern was bathed in led light and i could hear solid granite crumbling away underneath was most certainly diamond studded tungsten drills.
Isolation-Excerpt 35-Heavy Metal
The massive tungsten bit flew over our heads and crashed into the wall behind us.
Last Stand of The Frej [Prologue]
The engines finally shut off, and the frej was now in position to fire its precise and devastating main armament: the 'horn of odin' mass driver cannon, which fires a one-thousand ton bullet of tungsten steel and depleted uranium, which is capable of piercing
#5 of the war of man, anthros and machines; the second great war "upon this iron alter do we hammer the formless carbon with blunted tungsten and simple titanium to form the steel upon which we war!
Universal History of the 38th Dimension: Vol 1: Part 1
(of super dense tungsten packed with nuclear fission technology!!!) **2025 january 12th:** the surviving american army relentlessly pushed on for their great nation, obliterating and destroying any enemy on their way to hong kong.
Zero Point: Second Arc 3- Cerinia
The stubby carbine spoke, the officer's uniform doing absolutely nothing to stop the torrent of tungsten projectiles that cored him. "target down. securing one, make that two hostages."
Demon willing to kill
When he enters he enters the school building tungsten middle high that caters to only pre k-6th graders since 2008 after a recent incident following the whole 7th grade student body to rape and killed their 7th grade female teacher named mrs.jacques wilko.