Universal History of the 38th Dimension: Vol 1: Part 1

Story by Auni38 on SoFurry

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#1 of Universal History of the 38th Dimension

The first part in the series were I describe the history of my own Sci-Fi universe were nearly all he events take place in, unless otherwise stated! So please read and enjoy. (Political mumbo jumbo is contained a bit in this part)

This article is purely about my own universe where my characters roam and revolve around in the Sci-Fi Stories. It is not meant to offend any organization, country, persons or groups. If you are heavily offended, please state your reasons in a polite manner, so I will resolve the issue with as much effort as I can. And as always, please have a nice day.



History since 2014 A.D on Earth to 2120 A.D


The world was now changed. And it would now be forever changed. Years of war on Eastern Nations by the UK and the USA had left the East of the world in shambles. Who knew, a simple rumor, a lie , could change the course of history on our dear planet? Who knew, that the already frustrated West would launch a full assault against the East, after, unwittingly accepting a lie. Who knew, they would smash each and every major power in their way to protect the Western Nation's citizens? Just who knew what schemes of evil men and women would cause? Who knew...? That the world would be forever changed?

2014, September 1st:

The president of America banged his fist on his table. He knew the assault against the terrorists would continue tomorrow morning. But it was not enough to satisfy him. He was worried sick, scared and most of all, angry.

Days ago, his best spies had received information about a new group of supposedly fanatical terrorists, with the most grand and evil motives ever witnessed in the course of Earth's history.

The president drank another glass of liquor, trying to get himself to sleep. He knew that getting drunk wasn't probably going to help, but he was old and frail, and most of all, he worried too much.

According to the Intel he had received, they plan to take control of America's new kinetic bombardment system, and with the help of the Eastern Nations, equip them illegally with weapons of mass destruction, and obliterate the Western Superpower once and for all.

And with the thoughts of million things revolving around his head, he drank one more darned up useless hangover causing shot of alcohol, and fell dropped asleep onto his bed.

2015, January 12th:

"John! Switch on your EVA and move your ass! We've gotta stop those guys from taking control of our kinetic bombardment system!" Sgt. Kelly quickly shot down another one of those dreaded mercenaries inside the Queen of Wrath control module. Then he quickly turned the valve and started opening the door leading to Queen of Wrath missile launcher module.

His friend, John quickly reloaded his plasma rifle and switch on his voice and touch controlled EVA. Then the duo quickly jumped out into space, with their EVA autopilots set with a course to the Queen of Wrath launcher module. They had to hurry, time was running out for the Western Nation of America.

"Enemies 12 o'clock!" Shouted Kelly through his radio transmitter to John. Both of them saw enemy cosmonauts locked and loaded with their plasma rifles and EVA suits, getting ready to shoot at them.

However, the American soldiers acted first. Both of them shot down the cosmonauts, with only a small number of EVA adjustments being made every time. As they commenced on, and when they reached a stable speed, the EVA would switch off, and only when they needed a slight adjustment, it would be brought into effect.

They finally reached the door allowing access to the launch room but they had no luck opening it. So in a desperate attempt to open the door, both of them started kicking the door, but their efforts were fruitless and time ran out.

The Queen of Wrath adjusted itself to face the White House of America with the aid of its RCS thrusters. Then, they shot America's own weapons against it.

A missile separated from its holder, and then with power of the new plasma fuel, went directly towards the White House. 14 Missiles like this followed for different locations of America... 14 missiles ended it... Just, 14 missiles... (Of super dense tungsten packed with nuclear fission technology!!!)

2025 January 12th:

The surviving American army relentlessly pushed on for their Great Nation, obliterating and destroying any enemy on their way to Hong Kong. The American and British armies had now got closer than ever before to the enemies' doorstep. They had crushed millions on their way to China, to put down a threat to Earth once and for all.

What they don't realize, is the fact that they are doing nothing but contributing to their own destruction... The lies of a few men, can indeed destroy the known world...

2025 December 10th:

December 10th was a sad day for the whole world. The hostile actions caused by the lie of one man had disrupted, and destroyed the world.

First, China was blamed for the destruction of the White House and other US territories. Then, the Indians were blamed for the destruction of the ISS. And after that, the Russians were blamed for the nuking of South America.

But who caused this activities is a question. A super brainy revenge seeking nerd? Or your not so friendly neighborhood gun hoarder?

Well, maybe both of them would fit. A man with a mysteriously unknown personality and ideas decided to basically end the world for his secret plans and motives.

And one must agree that he should appear at least once in a story. And also one must agree that he is an absolute mysterious ass bent on the destruction of himself and his army through nuclear warfare.

Now! As I was saying, December 10thwas a very sad day for the whole world. All the nations, nearly all the space stations had been blown to cinders and bits. And only now, did the world realize the truth. The truth, hit every nation, hard in it's butt...

" United we Stand , Divided we Fall."


The rebuilding of the fallen world took decades. Many nations flocked with each other for protection and supplies. There was now no more east or west. It was now all combined, forming a universal collaborative government controlled through collaboration of Nations, there was no more U.N, only collaboration of Nations.

The wars were over, and when they finally discovered how to make a Hyper Drive, the time of Space Adventure and unity came into being. A time, of discovery and exploration... A time, of finding the mysterious and things that lie in the void... (Include furries and anthros)


Man has now indeed became a more united species than ever before. Although corporate a$$es still go for the money, one can assume that with the creation of Sol Federation, and the new rules of socially accepting differences and cultures have brought peace and prosperity to humans.

Now, the solar system is totally conquered. Humans now rule Mars, Venus, Mercury and even the icy dunes of Pluto.

They have now created one of the most formidable federations of time. A federation where all the people of the Earth are united. Where the humans of the Earth are united. The formidable, Sol Federation _of the Milky Way... A federation, (with respect and salutes to Civilization V and ETC) that will stand the test of time!!! _

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