talon stood up tall, smirking as the name was mentioned. "flair? flair sparktooth?" talon cracked his knuckles as the bigger drake chuckled, licking his fangs. "the one and only.
City of the Damned - Chap VII
talon merely sat watching, mulling over the events that had transpired... and he could only name one faerie who spoke elder draconic. "...edar iguyo...?"
City of the Damned - Chap VI
talon spun into his landing, and a spar of thick black blood followed by a roar rewarded his move. talon's blade had cut the beast's wrist to the bone, rendering his hand useless...dead.
City of the Damned -Chap V
He looked at talon's head with a smirk, flicking his head forwards. "what happened here? the blood looks fresh..." talon grunted, smirking. with a wink, he told kiarua about how he was captured, about the kiss.
City of the Damned-- Chap IV
talon stepped back, grunting. he had killed his fair share of "undead". his thoughts were simple, as always. if it could move, and cause harm....then it could be destroyed.
City of the Damned (Part Three)
talon roared, pulling in animilistic rage. the chains pulled taunt with the sound of metal on metal, but held strong. collapsing on the ground talon slept, as the nightmares came again. he woke again, his feet dragging on the ground.
City of the Damned (Part Two)
-talon lightbringer
The City of the Damned (Part One)
Walking slowly, talon eyed his surroundings with practiced silence. in the distance he spied a nearby city, the once towering obelisks of stone now nothing but filthy rubble. "...a waste..." talon grumbled, his hand tight on his blade.
talon said, giving her a half smile. "it won't?" logan titled her head, looking up at talon. talon shook his head. "don't worry young logan, you'll earn a last name in time."
Rexi & Talon: 19 -- Talon
#19 of jack: rexi & talon talon discovers that his master can sing, after all. and a salon is no place for a unprepared half-elf ... # rexi and talon ### by onyx tao * * * ## 19.
Jack: Rexi & Talon -- 22 -- Talon
#22 of jack: rexi & talon a conversation with the general # rexi and talon ### by onyx tao ### © 2014 * * * ## 22. talon you have tempted me ... successfully.
Eric Talon: Bodyguard
#1 of eric talon another rp turned story. this time showing my amoral reality altering character eric talon.