The City of the Damned (Part One)
#1 of City Of The Damned
Talon's nostrils flared at the scent of blood. It was a smell he had grown far to comfortable with...
Time had proven yet again to be the great deceiver, showing that even in this time of "Peace", his blade had to remain stained red. But... Such is the fate of a high dragon. Walking slowly, Talon eyed his surroundings with practiced silence. In the distance he spied a nearby city, the once towering obelisks of stone now nothing but filthy rubble. "...A waste..." Talon grumbled, his hand tight on his blade. Only the sharp snap of his wings flaring open cut the silence short.
Talon landed in what remained of the town square. Looted bodies laid strewn about, and the howls of what remained alive pierced the evening air. He noted a glint in the distance, giving away the presence of life nearby. With timed steps, he made his way towards the light, silently closing in on it's source. With an almost silent growl, he dropped behind a twisted piece of wood. With a smile, Talon sighed. ".Finally..."
A pair of armed guards stood vigilant between twin towers of stone. A hyena, his body black and horribly scarred; and A massive bull, who carried a pair of gore soaked maces. Both looked annoyed with their job...but neither looked friendly. The hyena spoke to the bull, although the distance strained Talon's ears. The bull nodded, walking back into the shadows of the massive rocks. For a moment, it looked like he walked ..down? Talon thought carefully, waiting for the top of the bull's horns to disappear around the rocks; before he walked confidently forward, his hands in the open.
The hyena snickered as Talon walked closer, his expression wild as he placed a hand on his hip. "Well...look at what we have HERE!" His smile faded as he reached into his belt, gripping a wickedly sharp shank. He half pulled it own, growling as the dragon walked closer. "You should have minded your -Urk-" His words cut short as Talon's scaled fist plunged into his gut. The dragon's silver eyes glinted dangerously as he leaned over to whisper in the Jackal's ear. "You talk to much." He stood back up, entering an odd staircase that seemed to lead into the ground. As he walked, the Hyena pulled him self to the top of the steps, blood beginning to drip out of the corner of his mouth. With a whimper, he howled; the keening wail echoing down the stairs. "Hope you like Barka, dragon scum...he's gonna make you--" Yet again, the insult was cut short. It seemed Talon's clawed foot had found it's way into the Hyena's mouth.
[Hope you all liked the short(ish) Read. It will get much, much more intence in Part 2...Just give me a few days to write it!]
[Be sure to watch me!]
___Chapter 2___[