Chapter Ten: Familiar Surroundings

I set silver down on the soft grass surrounding the clear water. i strode over to the water's edge and gazed at the unfamiliar face staring back at me. my face had become like silver's, but more rugged. it wasn't the same hue as hers either.

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Life From A New Perspective - Chapter 3 - Surrounded by Strangers

#3 of life from a new perspective chapter 3 - surrounded by strangers "dad, do you think she'll be all right?" "yep, i'd say so. she's still breathing and her bleeding stopped a while ago.

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Your tool though darkness surrounds you now you'll make it through, somehow though darkness surrounds you now you'll make it through, somehow you'll make it through, somehow

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A moment of rest

It's a warm summer night as you find yourself deep in an ancient forest, surrounded by a mix of giant redwood trees and shorter evergreens.

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The Pit of Depression - medium poem

I'm alone when you're gone alone when you're around darkness surrounds me yet it does not taint your vision of me. all i think, hear, and see is the pit inside my heart. the pit that surrounds me the pit that controls my being.

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Venturing: Empty PinPoint

Reappearing on kyro's side, we looked and stared at our newfound surroundings. white walls surrounded us and stretched further into the distance where a void of darkness awaits at the other end of the halls.

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Part 1-Pain and loss.

Looking up at the surrounding woods, he noticed something both good and bad. he was becoming less and less familier with the surrounding areas. this ment he was reaching the end of his territory, yet, he didn't want to have to leave.

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A New Year, A New Life, A New Love: Chapter 1 - Everything Is Never As It Seems (Part 2)

Unable to find anything malevolent in his surroundings, he swiftly rose and continued to look around the area, tension and alertness showing in every line of his body.

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A Celestial Garden

She floats there, drifting through the cosmos, peering around, before swimming towards a nearby white pinprick - a white dwarf star surrounded by small, stony balls of rock.

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Answer Everything: From Sources

Pitch dark was my surroundings, making it hard to see what was there. as my pupils grew within my eyes allowing me to see in the darkness surrounding me, i gasped with a breath of surprise to see what was there. another creature was there.

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Human minds must never see the truth and horrors that surround them. when all is brought to light, and mens' hearts despair, know that i'll be watching, smiling, begging you to dare.
