Chapter Ten: Familiar Surroundings
#8 of Drake's Path
I carried Silver along the forest path in the fading twilight. As Darrius and I reached the lakeside, the moon had begun to rise and it reflected magnificently off the lake, creating a wondrous sight.
I set Silver down on the soft grass surrounding the clear water. I strode over to the water's edge and gazed at the unfamiliar face staring back at me. My face had become like Silver's, but more rugged. It wasn't the same hue as hers either. I had a stripe of bronze fur running over each eye and dissipating on the back of my neck. My wings were still that of a dragon, but the thin membranes had darkened considerably, looking almost black.
Star landed on the shore next to me and stretched like a cat. After letting out a huge yawn, she suggested, Why don't we all get some sleep. Darrius and I are exhausted from the transformation and Silver is already asleep.
Will you keep us warm tonight? I shivered slightly as a cool breeze floated across the water. It's going to be getting really cold before long.
She walked over to where Silver was lying peacefully and lay down next to her. Of course I will. I enjoy being close to you and Silver.
What about Darrius? Are you going to allow him to sleep with us as well?
She snorted. Why wouldn't I? Her eyes sparkled suddenly as she gleaned my opinion from my mind. You thought that I didn't like him. She laughed. Get him over here before he freezes to death. Foxes don't have as thick of fur as wolves do.
Darrius just happened to look my direction just then and I waved him over. He got up, rubbing his arms to warm himself up, and scampered over to where I was standing with Star. You can sleep with us here tonight. It can get extremely cold around this lake at night. Star will keep us warm.
He nodded his gratitude and huddled up against Star's foreleg. Star laughed again then hummed in contentment.
It had been a very eventful week so far and things finally seemed to be calming down.
I settled down against Star's belly with Silver leaning against me. I closed my eyes as Star curled her neck and tail around us and covered us up with one wing. While the air became noticeably warmer, I found a feeling of affection in Star's mind that had never been there before. It was directed towards Darrius and I asked her what had caused this sudden change.
He was able to ease your suffering, for one. Plus there's just something about him that makes me feel so calm and comfortable when he's near. It's almost the same feeling I get with you. Though, he did lie to you about his age. He's only thirteen, almost fourteen. His day of birth is in a few days.
I looked over at the serene, sleeping fox and noticed for the first time the way that he seemed to grow younger as he slept. His normally mature looking face acquired a young appearance and he shuddered silently as he suffered through his dreams.
I carefully slipped out from against Silver and crawled over to the young fox. Silver awoke despite my precautions and followed me over to Darrius. I put a finger to my lips to signal her to speak with her mind and not disturb him.
Is everything okay love? She queried. She looked at the fox and I felt her emotions shift in her mind. She ran a hand across the red fur of the little canine and his fearful shivering ceased and a small smile spread slowly across his lips. He unconsciously shifted himself so that he was lying with his head nestled against Silver's belly and sighed contentedly. She looked down at this little creature's face with a gaze that spoke of love unlike ours, but like that of an older sibling looking out for the younger.
I smiled as I shut my eyes and leaned back against my golden dragon. I surrendered my own mind to hers and let myself drift off to sleep.
I awoke with Star and looked around underneath the golden wing that sheltered us. I could hear raindrops beating against the wing membrane and asked if Star wanted to move out of the rain. She stayed curled around us and said, No, it feels nice and refreshing. Besides I wouldn't want to wake these two. She flicked an eye towards Darrius and Silver, who were still sleeping.
I crawled out from underneath Star's wing and heard a small crack of thunder in the distance. I climbed onto her back and leaned against the ridges running along her spine to watch the lightning flash across the sky. The cool rain felt invigorating as it soaked my fur and I felt the heat from my dragon's scales seep into my body to stave off the coldness of the water. The warmth of her skin and the comfort of her thoughts lulled me into a slight daze, still drowsy from just waking up.
As I closed my eyes, I heard a bloodcurdling scream tear through the early morning air. I sat bolt upright and my ears swiveled forward to catch the direction of the noise. I scrambled down from my perch as Star folded her wing, revealing the two sleepers now awake. I belted on my new sword and wrapped the chain blade around my forearm.
Silver rubbed her eyes and asked groggily, "What was that Drake?"
I shook my head. "I don't know, but it could be dangerous."
Darrius strapped his sword and quiver to his back. "We should go check it out before it comes to check us out." He removed his bow from the quiver and removed two arrows.
I glanced in the direction that I had heard the yell from. Hey Star, could you scout over there. I've got a bad feeling about this.
She took to the air as another scream ripped through the air and Silver dropped her head into her hands. Both Darrius and I put a hand on her shoulders. I reached into her mind and sensed an intense feeling of loss well up inside of her. "Darrius I think that you should be fine doing this on your own. Star is already over there. Go, I'll stay here with Silver. If you need help, tell Star, and I'll come. Hurry!" He sprinted away to the far side of the lake.
Silver groaned in discomfort and she leaned against my chest. I opened my mind to her and she poured her hurt into me. What is causing you pain, my love?
Tears formed in the pits of her eyes. I could feel him again, Drake. She looked up at me with deep sorrow written across her features. My twin brother Locke, I could feel him again.
Silver had told me that all of her family had been murdered by Enforcers and that she was the only survivor because of being rescued by Bane. She always spoke of her twin with the highest affection. Being a twin, she held a special bond with her brother and when he was killed, it was like she lost half of herself.
But now she said that she could feel him again. I didn't see how this could make her sad.
I felt him then he was gone again! Why, Drake? Why? She sobbed into my shoulder.
Drake! We've got one wounded here! Darrius called out to me from Star's back as she hurtled towards us.
I cradled Silver in my arms. Darrius, Will you be able to heal this one like you did Ilkena?
I-I don't know. It's very serious and I'd need Star to help me. The damage is extensive and it might not work. But I'll try.
Thank you. I comforted Silver until they returned.
Darrius held a creature in his arms as he jumped off of Star's back. He ran over to us and I heard a male voice say, "Set me down Fox. I can stand now, thank you." Darrius set the creature on his feet and supported him as he stood.
He was a fox-wolf with black fur and a stripe of brown running up the center of his head. His tail was longer than Silver's or my own and had a tip of blazing white. He wore just a pair of cloth shorts, torn just below the knees. Ruffling behind him were two large, black-feathered wings with small claws at the bend of each.
Silver looked up momentarily and gasped, eliciting the same reaction from the fox-wolf.
"Silver." He breathed.
Locke. Her voice rang with affection for her long lost brother. But I saw you get killed! Bane even checked the rest of the house when he rescued me. There were no survivors. How-?
He quieted her with a raised finger. It is true that there was no one left in that house. I had seen the Enforcers coming and managed to get away with Clef, but he became horribly sick and I was unable to do a thing to help him. He died a week after we had escaped.
Silver unwrapped her arms from around me and crushed her twin in a hug. "I'm so happy to see you again Locke!" Tears flowed freely from her eyes once more.
Locke let out a small yelp and Darrius pulled on Silver to loosen her hold on her brother. "Be careful, I wasn't able to completely heal his insides; the damage was too extensive for my knowledge."
Silver looked at the little fox and nodded. "Bane taught me a healing technique that could mend all wounds given enough time or energy." Drake, may I-?
I smiled as a response. Of course you may. He's your brother.
She drew upon her own power, then mine, and lastly Star's. She had no lengthy incantation to recite; she simply concentrated on what she wished to do.
A small glow enveloped Locke's torso and he closed his eyes. I slowly felt my strength being drained as Silver traded time for strength in her act of healing.
After a measly two minutes, the glow faded and Locke reopened his eyes. He returned his sister's hug now without fear of hurting himself.
With tears streaming down both of their faces, Darrius and I stood next to each other in front of Star, waiting for the small reunion to end. The fox looked to me, then down at my gold sword, and then back up to me; voicing a silent question: Have you decided on a name yet?
I nodded. "I've decided upon Wolf-Claw."
His eyes grew in surprise. "A good name indeed. It shall be called Kaldien then. May it serve you well."
Locke turned from his sister to Darrius. "Thank you again... Darrius was it?" He brought his wings in front of him and clasped them together with their claws, basically wearing the feathers as a cloak. "I met someone who mentioned a Darrius. She was a fox like you but I can't remember her name. She had presented me with something to give to a Darrius Talon. My guess is that you know her?"
Darrius took a step forward in anticipation. "Did she have a white diamond shaped patch on her hands?"
Locke shrugged. "Don't know. Didn't think to look. We were going separate ways and she asked me to deliver it since I was coming this direction. She gave me a message for you as well. She said to tell you that she would be seeing sooner than you expect at the Crystal Lake."
Darrius sank to the ground, seemingly disappointed. I crouched down next to him and asked, Do you think it might be your sister?
He scratched at the ground with his claws. I thought that she might have been, but it's not like her to have others deliver items for her. She was very stubborn about that.
I'm sorry.
He stood back up and grinned at me. That's okay. I have you guys now. I'm happy here. But I do find it strange that another fox was the one with the message. I hadn't met any other foxes on my journeys.
Weird. Maybe- I stopped as I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and a sense of desperation flew across the forest from far away.
I looked around, seeing that everyone also had felt this. There was something coming, it was bringing trouble, and it was big. Very big.
And as it grew steadily closer, we all shared a single thought: This could be bad.