[Commission] Damsel in Distress

The villain sets me on his death machine, a just in the nick of time, superman comes in, breaks the machine, saves me and punches the bad guy. news report reads 'villain defeated. local reporter rescued by superman'.

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An epic battle pursues

Ending with a completely scratchless akeralis and a battered and cut superman.

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superman or the hulk?" dawn asked munching on a french fry. charlie didn't even look up from his food. "superman. hands down." dawn's jaw dropped. "no freaking way! the hulk is like a thousand pounds of raw strength, dude!"


Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 8

Sweet heart picked up the top item in the box, a silver box entitled "superman the animated series.

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Gotham Yule

Batman also sends word of this to superman in metropolis and mister terrific in the watchtower of the justice league orbiting the earth.

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 4- This Hell Sure Looks Like Paradise

Chy laughed, "god it's like your 7 and going through your superman phase again." i smiled, "ah, i remember those days." "you liked superman?", tyler asked.

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On The Playlist #3

It was his turn to be superman.

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Pooh And Friends With The Iron Giant

The giant flies towards the missile, acting like a real superman.

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What I'm Made of

Enough left in the shreds i collected to save what i was my hands shake holding over where the blood sinks through the gauze funny how in the heats of moments all of life seems to pause~ only one question is asked in that moment of time "if i was superman


Demonic Possession

Eddy thought about superman and how cool it would be to have superman as a brother. eddy also thought about a dog victor had had as a child.


The Rise Of Drunko, The Crime Fighting Hobo

Who needs batman, superman or snickers aquaman when you can have a hero like drunko, the hero that society didn't need nor desired :p it is a small introduction to a large series i'm planning to work on.

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Refined Kryptonian Dream

Of half baked idea stuck in her brain about way this country should be ran, so amy and i clashed took three hours to hold her down, dumbasses even shot both of us with .50 caliber rounds, all it did was piss her off, only way she was brought down is when superman

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