The Starling Master

Amid his multitude of birds the starling master goes, amid the winds he walks on, that billow through his clothes, where no man knows to look for him. only a starling knows.

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The Baptism Is Long But The Song Is Everlasting

It was easy to see why he'd let the plump starling handle the talking up till now.

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Marasian Morning - For Starling

#2 of commissions my half of a trade with the beautiful, kind, sweet and infinitely lovely starling over at furaffinity.

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dog detective story...(old..lil long...srry...)

starling blinked in surprise, suddenly was next to her. "foo know where we live?" starling asked and picked him up off the ground by the collar, her eyes over-dramatically wide.

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Pokemon D/P Journey to Jublife

"starly, the starling pokemon, starly flock in great numbers. they may be small, but they can flap their wings with great power." "alright chimchar, we have to catch this starly.


Vignette: Snow

Vicious winds were whipping snow all around, sometimes helter-skelter, sometimes in organized plumes that resembled starlings swarming in a cityscape. for brief moments, the wind would cease, with flakes hanging in confused, uncertain limbo.

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Roberts Did Not Remember, Bobo Had Other Ideas

"yeah," said the starling as his eyes resume the downward march of time. eddy claps his paws down on his husband's chest, they're hard, but twitch nonetheless, "i don't mind so long as you make sure i never call the police while you're at it."

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[Detective Thursdays] Silver Knife

Which is when i made a starling discovery that had me storming into jim's office. "she still had a gold bracelet!" "what?" "the tabby, she was still wearing a gold bracelet when we found her. so was our second, except that they were earrings."

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Shattered Feathers: Blockade. Chapter 1

"by the way, dex, ask commander preia starle how my shooting has improved...have a good evening."

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Play Me a Song Ch:1

"today our star violinist will be playing a modern day classic by lindsey starling. ladies and gentlemen please assist me in welcoming our favorite lynx-wolf hybrid xav moonrose as he plays shatter me."

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Bad Day

"don't ever leave me," she said in an almost saddened tone as she closed her eyes and pressed herself against his chest starling him for a minute before deepening his embrace. "i would never leave you anorith. why would you even say something like?"

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Pokemon D/P Off to Oreburgh

"staravia, the starling pokemon. staravia flies around forests and fields searching for bug pokemon. they usually stay within a huge flock." "sweet! not i have a staravia!" i yell out in glee. "you're still not gonna beat me.
