Oblivion RP entry.

"captain burd is giving the men a speech, and it seems to have them quite riled. i can see your friends up there; your husband as well. burd has them all up in arms, and glaedr is flying through the air."

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After Staying the Night

"you being in an actual relationship means i don't get burd sex anymore!" "first, i can't believe your dialogue is actually spelled 'burd'. now," stan said, taking out a slip of paper from his shirt's pocket, "i've been saving this for this very moment.

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The Wolf That Danced

"call me fuzzbutt, burd." the wolf replied simply, rakishly raising an eyebrow.

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Marasian Morning - For Starling

**Marasian Morning** **By Hraefn** **For Starling** Between gilded threads of hypnotically fractured light, an aria descends from the heavens. The trees aglow with feathers of every color. The songbirds serenading the early risers of Marais. It is...

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TRTTD - Chapter 7: Silence

"you're not a burd-" "i am! that's why everyone's trying to hurt me..." he said, tears filling his eyes again. "just kill me already..." "i won't kill you, leo. and please... calm down. you'll hurt yourself." sel replied.

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The Albino

burds. . . rab-uts." he had once seen aidan's hunting party, when gathering for the colony: aidan jumped on a large bird and broke a wing before the others even came close. . . then snapped the neck. it was awfully impressive.

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