Q for Quicksand
He wasn't sure just how deep the pit of quicksand was, but today seemed as good a day as any to test it.
Wolf Rescue
The story is in reference to a picture done by toughset where toughsetta is chest deep in quicksand and isn't letting anyone save her.
Illusionary Peril
He said before he went in for a kiss, their last kiss together as the quicksand slowly worked their way up their heads...
Points of View - Second Person.txt
The cave we've rested in was the entrance for a gigantic waterbed, which made itself clear after the first sun rays poked through the holes in the celiling disguised as quicksand traps.
Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 8: Crossing the Swamps
Minato, unbeknownst to luke, was already trying to cast psychic down on the two of them, straining to lift them up and out of the quicksand below.
Centuries would pass before quicksand would be disturbed again.
Scorched Earth
"sawtooth took care of the quicksand pit." if there was anything antlions were good for, it was digging quicksand pits to trap prey. "you know, i don't think sawtooth liked her very much."
No Rest for the Weary
quicksand surrounded her, coating her whole body in sticky soil which actively resisted her every motion. she tried to open her wings and jump into the air, but she couldn't pull free of that clingy muck.
North and South Chapter 12: Castle Trap
Hageshi was next to go under, forced to release his father earlier from the fatigue brought on by the pallossand and watch him sink into the quicksand next to him.
Something i didn't know i could gain an energy for the worst of times, relieving with each drop, my anguish like a drain removing the painful moments i lives through quick as a blink it leaves a clean slate, repairing the mental gate i let fall apart & sink quicksand
Rambling reasoning - 62. -
Worry to the destination unknown, or some reason, we must hurry as the morning nicks our heels, farther into the night we run tiring only if we're caught by the sun time an illusion to eyes that don't are to sleep a wink into thoughts deeper than quicksand
The Farmer
More victims of the swamp, it was said, like those people who disappeared into the bogs and quicksand that swallowed them up, never to be seen again.