An Untitled Literary Reference
Well i wrote up a story about it and its nothing special its just something that i felt was my thousand words for this lone picture. so without further adue. here is an untitled literary reference. !
Today's Tom Sawyer
The fox looked around, scratched his head, and began to explain his reason for being the modern incarnation of his favorite literary hero "because... because i wanted to, 'dat's why.
That Time Before Winter
That's another literary quirk you'll find is common with me: i enjoy challenging myself by emulating well-known literary templates; in this case, only the rhythms, mind you.
Suddenly: "Adrenaline inducing, testosterone filled, dangerous, stupid, illicit, loud, these are all a few words that sum up how I ruined my life." "It's not surprising really, if you're a nobody and you're good; you attract attention. Usually it's...
Perceptional - Pt 7: Closing a door
If you found something that is just murderously glaring at your literary sensibilities, let me know! even if it's just a typo. if something (somehow) tickled your literary sensibilities (ha fat chance), let me know so i can keep it going!
Whispers of the Frostbound
#1 of whispers of the frostbound embarking on this literary journey, this is my first genuine attempt at crafting a story. i've drawn inspiration and knowledge from the myriad of audiobooks i've devoured and the fanfiction i've delved into.
Little Miss Chaperon-Rouge
Shortly before sunset, deep in the French forest of Abrac, little Miss Chaperon-Rouge skipped between the trees, singing a merry song. She was a pretty and melodic young lady, and over her right arm she carried the basket of bread and cakes she was...
Amber Silverblood Bonus Chapter 2: Christmas 2014
They're going to be joining our little literary family before too much longer." "literary family?" edgar asked. "the heck is that supposed to mean?" the blonde dreamboat ignored him.
Stork Inc. [Archives]
This is a literary experiment and open to feedback on refinement and continual ideas. plumes of white smoke were being pumped out by several spires, bouncing up and down as they vivaciously pushed out the benign emissions.
Sessility Gruffloafer Scoffrouse, the Conjurer Cat
On my literary journey, and the studying therein, the philosophers revealed to me, the school of thought of sin! of its wrath and greed and lustfulness, of its pride and gluttony, but i settled on the sin of sloth: the perfect sin for me.
If you are bothered by literary errors avoid the "draft" chapters until they are updated and the draft designation removed.
Writing Advice: Before You Write
It's got nothing to do with love, but the literary movement romanticism. as with many ideas from 1800 to 1850, it's well past its sell by date, and has an unhelpful hangover that can still linger into attitudes about writing.