Revised Psionics Write-up
empathic majesty: majesty is influence taken to its most powerful extreme. this ability is documented only among tier ix and tier x empaths, and only those classed as "true empaths".
Leap of Faith (Original)
That just meant i was a skilled minor empath. compared to the brute force a major empath could use... i was less than a fly. "lost in your thoughts?" a new voice spoke from next to me. "i was told to sit next to you." the voice said again.
"BLEU" - Harmony
Tbh, i did fit in all the criteria for weird labels like super empath, heyoka empath, blah blah blah. it's not something to brag about despite indeed having some crazy empathetic traits, i believe there is more behind than just mere labels.
The Sealed Planet: Chapter 24
Even without empathic sense, they could understand feelings and tried their best to help others.
Days of School (Prelude to Snowed In)
"is she an empath?" they asked conspiratorially. he looked at them without blinking, leaned in real close like he was about to share a secret, and said, "yes." their eyes widened.
The Search for Sethis: Part 2
I needed only one empath, and that's the empath i knew. sitting on the bar, i ordered a saukauri ale to call the bartender.
Journal Entry 4
Said that us empaths need to stick together. today, i was speaking with haven in his office about controlling my thoughts and emotions and haven suggested i get a hobby to keep me sidetracked in case i experience a breakdown or an episode.
Journal Entry 3
Haven has this gift, they call them gifts from god and what a load of bullshit that is, and his 'gift' as an empath, or what he considers to be an empath, is to take the person or thing that is harming or misleading the patient and he can manifest that person
"because i can empathize with you." "in what way?" "i was cast out of heaven." the devil's jaw dropped. "you?! an arch-angel, cast out of heaven? what did you do?!" gabriel gave a sad smile. "i understood.
The Elohim, Myth and Reality
But my people had a failsafe mechanism built into all our technology, which we all could activate remotely via empathic prompt.
New Recruit
A potential super hero is haven't a rough start getting his empathic powers under control. the solution: lock him up somewhere remote where he can figure himself out. but the leader of the team stops by with some news.
Interview: 'Erika' Yamazaki
.** you're an empathic psyker, don't worry, i know about espers and i am allowed to know about them. _erika grins slightly, somewhat excited at her thought_ **_she is one..._** bingo!