Remembering those years part 1
"i'm viki, that's rob, the guy you're sitting next to and this is diz." diz gave a warm smile and held out his paw. "welcome to dale park." charlie took his paw in the others and shook it his eyes glancing into diz's.
Tales of Furope: Death of the Phoenix
diz yelled out, and though he didn't seem to know what he was doing, either, lykanos the wolvenmurr took it as diz wanting to play a game of fetch, which was both insulting to diz, and insulting to lykanos the wolvenmurr's own intelligence.
Tales of Furope: The Indecesive Phoenix
It was the thought of diz, however, that finally brought clarity to the quest to come, and a proper introduction to the quest itself, because this new narrator was actually pretty awful at his job. "wait...diz! diz the indecisive!
Aline e Afonso.
- tá um pouco difícil de anotar nesta escuridão - diz aline. - permaneça determinada - diz afonso. aline assente e termina. - ainda vamos explorar ou vamos voltar? - ela pergunta.
Crisis Chroinicals
diz summoned his weapon back and blocked an attack by damien. muxlix shot and hit diz, which made is weapon explode. diz was sent flying back and smashed into his own thrown, breaking it.
Party Like a Wolf
Good one diz," replied the wolf in red shorts. diz nodded, "i have my moments." "lykanos, the wolves have spoken. you'll be holding my weenie on your snout like a 'good boy'.
The New King of Furope
At the end of the skirmish, diz the indecisive was diz the pancake, flattened into the ground and beaten to a pulp, unable to move. "kind arbiter! have we proven our worth?"
Ferret's Five - The Big Reveal
diz found himself clutching the dash as the lapine kicked it back and barreled their way down the street.
"Daggers of Darkness, Book 2, The Heart of Élendor": Chapter-6
"get us up, diz--gotta get this back to james," john replied, trying to keep from growling. "huh?" "haul _ass_, dammit!" "hey, don't you..." "_now_, diz...chew my tail later!"
Remembering the years Part 2
"ah i'm sorry diz..." charlie added quickly, his ears folding over his head as he looked away. "i... i was merely getting comfortable... and your paw was nice and warm..."
"Daggers of Darkness, Book #4: An Unexpected Discovery", Chapter-9
For the record, diz...that part you've said about 'not being much', _are_ 'much'.
Gaid 2 riting gud: Srsly (episod 1)
**1. if u ever tink dat riting laik diz iz akkseptable u r fail** i could tell you all about how 'i' frequently goes before 'e', and split infinitives, l33t text and putting asterisks into your text for those all important \*sigh\*s.