Scribbles of the Insane #1
During this time, i pondered, "can someone have infinite charisma?"
Red Twilight: the avatar Awakend Chapter 4
charisma and lucca flinch at the sound of machinegun fire, tail lowers her ears but watches interested.
The Aesir Pantheon
Although he's rarely directly in the spotlight, few can resist the charisma that radiates from him whenever he is in the room. whether he's naked or clothed, he's always the best-dressed man in the room.
The Loa Pantheon
**associated powers:** epic charisma, epic strength, cheval, justice, prophecy, sky **abilities:** art, command, fortitude, integrity, melee, presence **rivals:** kalfu, raiden, sobek, tezcatlipoca, tyr, zeus
Dodekatheon Pantheon
**associated powers:** epic appearance, epic charisma,epic manipulation, arete **abilities:** animal ken, art, empathy, integrity, larceny,presence **rivals:** hephaestus, amaterasu, bastet, erzulie, freya, sif, tlazoltotl --------------
I could... make it worth your while'' said the kobold, as he winked to his interlocutor, knowing that no one would be able to resist his charisma.
Earth: The RPG Player's Guide
**luck** an average of fortitude and charisma which determines your ability to avoid receiving critical hits and to inflict curses and illnesses. slightly shifts the range of random values in your favor.
The End and The Beginning - Character Sheet - Aran Winwood
(good) bond: locked flaw : locked ability scores menu score racial bonus /final score strength 13 +2 15 (+2) dexterity 11 12 (+1) constitution 14 +3 17 (+1) intelligence 11 11 (+0) wisdom 11 11 (+0) charisma 12 13 (+1) [features & traits] second
Red Twilight: The Avatar Awakend Chapter 2
The music proper starts with charisma diego, a woman of possible spanish indian lineage with bright magenta hare and a tube top made of out of what looks like dragon hide taking the drums. her first roll mimics the sound of machinegun fire.
Cotton Fluff Bio
She discovered that she had a sort of natural charisma that helped her ease herself into social situations and quickly defuse tense situations. when she graduated she had to make some hard choices about where her life would take her.
Heart of Winter: DnD Game Lore
Few have the patience for tedious magical study and discovery but make up for it with their peerless charisma and intelligence. **_the mohl of autumn:_** metallic subterranean mole people.
The origin of shadows
Nigth, taking glances of the ruler of darkness walking on the fields, comforting the dormant in their nigthmares, watching the skies... a plan was schemed... by his own caprice, the ruler of ligth, writted a letter... a letter spiced with his own charm and charisma