Trailblazer Part 10
The void is ablaze with burning plasma, powerful shells, untold numbers of craft, power armored knights and so much more square off around the green and blue planet. Derra gives the order many have been waiting for, for the first time in thousands of...
Trailblazer Part 9
Magnum is moving around what looks like a city, the architecture looks to be mystic but other then that can't make anything else out. The mystic wolf turns a few corners to find quite a view waiting for him as he finds he is extremely high up,...
Trailblazer Part 7
The air is clutched in heavy energy as a constant storm ravages a twisted landscape, crimson lightning screams all around as wails of pleasure and pain make up the winds torrent as the sky is a shade of leering green with dark clouds. Sitting in...
Twilight Part 3
Annabelle, Saraphina and Farryn are touching Magnum's hands, the mystics eyes glowing pure white as the same goes for the three women touching him, Vanessa and Sabrina see their looks shifting... they are experiencing what they did, when they...
Twilight Part 2
The car ride to the Hell's Greaser's clubhouse is a little uneventful, Farryn and the two ladies with her are passing the time with idle chatter while Magnum falls asleep in Amara's ride given how tired he is. The vixen warmly glances to the sleeping...
Crusader Epilogue
Za'vara is standing where she was when she activated the massive relic of the mystic race, now that her race has returned, they can organize this chaotic universe. Two more mystic foxes approach her, one looks somewhat similar to Za'vara but her eyes...
Crusader Part 11
The crusade forces are nearing the target location, with the provided aid from Magnum and Elvo the knight orders have been upgrading their suits with the armor composition that the Order of Cerberus used, but only a small fraction of the suits have...
Crusader Part 10
Magnum, Elvo's automata and Derra with squad in tow walk the halls of the ancient ship, the Hunter of the Damned showing it's majesty and grace. Stone and marble statues of red, white and black line the walls and ceiling, depicting angels and cherubs,...
Trailblazer Part 2
Circie eyes her officer "What's the statues of our guests?" The twisted knights moves to her "The enemy has destroyed the fleet closest to them but have stopped, the forces along their route are joining each other or digging into better defensive...
Starlight Part 11
The two mystics are locked in close combat thanks to their swords, both looking into each others eyes as they tap into their powers, Magnum opens his maw and charges his beam, but the vixen disappears in a flash of light as he fires, the wolf quickly...
Starlight Part 10
It's the start of the Dove Festival and the three worlds are in celebrations, Magnum, Sabrina, Vanessa and her children are walking amongst the crowd of people as the kick off is about to start. While the latter four are excited, Magnum is a little...
Starlight Part 9
Magnum, Sabrina and Vanessa are walking through an outer area of the city where it is mountainous a little and forested, they are meeting up with Marie and Bensen to enjoy the day before the festival kicks in a couple days from now. Vanessa and Magnum...