Starlight Part 9
#22 of Magnum's Storyline
Hi everyone, I hope you are enjoying the story so far^^ Have a good one :)
Magnum, Sabrina and Vanessa are walking through an outer area of the city where it is mountainous a little and forested, they are meeting up with Marie and Bensen to enjoy the day before the festival kicks in a couple days from now. Vanessa and Magnum are holding hands to show their affection, the mature skunk smiling in bliss while the doe walks next to him on his other side, the two women having enjoyed their time over the past few days with him, as they've gone out into the city together to help show him around even more and so everyone can see those blue eyes with renewed life in them. Not only that but he's opened up even more, as he's learning to express his emotions better while trying to help mend his still existing mood swings and occasional shifts to sadness and tears. It does trouble him greatly as he thought he would be past that stage, past his emotional disorders which only frustrates him even more, but the two women assure him that even if it doesn't go away, they'll always be there for him to talk to. The view of the two skunks comes into play, they notice their mom and Magnum holding hands as Vanessa greets them.
Before the wolf or doe speak up, Bensen decides to have some fun "So, I guess we're going to call you dad now?" with a chuckle earning looks from the women.
Magnum blinks in response, he sighs as he rubs his eyes with his left palm "Please, don't make it awkward."
The skunk shrugs "Relax, I'm just messing with you." he puts a hand on his shoulder "I'm glad my mom found someone to make her happy, your a great guy and I think she's lucky to have you."
Magnum feels himself frozen, he wasn't expecting such a response from him... he was expecting something else entirely....
Vanessa and Sabrina notice this instantly, they both know Magnum's history and that it's easy for him to slip into a different state of mind.
The wolf finally forms a sentence "Honestly, I think I'm the lucky one..." earning looks from everyone, tears start to form in his eyes "I've been through a lot... I never thought I would ever find anyone."
Marie moves over to him "Hey, it's alright now...", she gives him a half hug "Mom will make sure you're alright."
Vanessa gives the mystic a kiss "Marie is right hon, please calm down... you're with me now." as Sabrina places a hand on his back too.
The wolf takes a breath as he regains himself, he's relived that the skunks weren't going to yell and accuse him of stealing their mom... that's something he never wants to relive.
The group begins to roam around as they mill about, with Sabrina giving the wolf a tissue to wipe his tears and lightly blow his nose, that's what they liked the most about him, that he was honest about how he felt after getting to know you. Eventually Magnum fully relaxes and he begins to enjoy the outdoors, the calm guts of wind and somewhat humid atmosphere as the occasional passerby goes by them, Magnum is thinking to what to do with the festival as he really wants to directly do something but doesn't know what.
The hours tick by and they get deep into the path where the traffic is a little light, suddenly Magnum feels something as his senses hit him, he stops dead in his tracks, those with him noticing his change in demeanor instantly as he looks around with those blue eyes of his, scanning everything in sight while his ears twitch.
Vanessa becomes worried after a few seconds "Hon, is everything..."
Suddenly from his left Kathleen leaps out, Magnum forms an ice sword and catches her claws, the two locking each other in place as the group look on in horror.
The jackal gives a vindictive grin "Magnum! Tracking you across the stars is a real pain in the rear."
The wolf growls "And trying to avoid dealing with you even more so!"
Kathleen smells the air "Something is different... I know that smell...", she glances towards the group, her sense of smell tagging the mature skunk and doe, she looks back at him "My, you actually did it... but I can still read those eyes of yours, you still aren't past it!"
Magnum gives another growl "Even If not... I can still take you on as I have before! I will always stand to fight you Kathleen!" and he forces her back.
The jackal chuckles as she regains her footing "Such bravado, but all heroes die eventually... it's the villain who always comes back.", she taps her shoulder "But if you are insistent... how about this thought.... do you remember when I had my way with you?!"
Magnum freezes as he feels his anger about to come through while the others watch, Vanessa and Sabrina becoming concerned.
"Of course you remember, you didn't realize the predator I was, how you became my thirty-first victim as I forced myself onto you.", she licks her lips "And how over the next few months I repeated it over and over and over..."
"SHUT UP ALREADY!" the wolf zooms over to her, he swings his sword and misses as she dodges.
"You're getting rusty Magnum, has being away from the front effected you in anyway? If you want I can give you a treat." giving a wicked grin.
"I am going to destroy you!"
The two charge against each other to where they are zooming, both delivering a swing as they pass, Magnum's shirt showing bad cuts from Kathleen's claws while Kathleen has a decent cut across her torso, the two glance towards each other before swinging around and charge back into a clash.
For the four looking on, they are stunned at what they are witnessing but the most shocked are Vanessa and Sabrina, seeing Kathleen was more haunting then how the mystic described her, now they are witnessing the feud the two have had for so long, that now Magnum will fight and try to defeat her to protect them or die trying.
Magnum growls "Tell me Kathleen, what is it going to take to get you out of my life?! I JUST WANT YOU GONE!!! WHY CAN'T I SHAKE YOU?!"
Kathleen snickers "As I said, I will always come back to haunt you... you did get your revenge on me, but I became something more, the stuff of nightmares... and I enjoy mocking that fact. I am the being you can't kill no matter what you do, watching those eyes charge from our past makes it all worth while on my end, it'll make snuffing them out all the more memorable!"
The wolf pushes his sword against her "You are a demon yes, but all you were was a courtesan who preyed on the weak and helpless... and that hasn't changed one damn bit! You even threw your lot in with Circie, the siren who damned a million souls!"
The jackal gives a laugh "Don't you get it, women have always been your downfall... isn't that right... honey?!"
Magnum uses his air powers to throw rocks at the demon and uses a hail of ice to try to shred her but all it does is eviscerate a tree, he gives a battlecry as he charges again, Kathleen comes from underneath and shoves him back, he quickly uses his air powers to prop himself up, he opens his mouth as he begins to charge his beam. Kathleen smirks as she readies the Negative Emotion Catalyst, she zooms around as the wolf tries to track her, she gets to close so he cancels his beam, he sees the strange jewel but before he can block it, it hits his exposed neck, the crystal shatters on contact and this black energy shoots into the mystic as he becomes frozen as he tries to scream from all the strong negative emotions impacting him.
Vanessa cries "MAGNUM!!!" as she tries to run over to him but Sabrina and her kids restrain her.
Kathleen begins to cradle him, his marks going from blue to black and light grey as those eyes of his slowly close and his tail droops, the four look at the scene in horror as the jackal slowly licks his cheek, she had finally done it, the mystic was finally defeated.
The jackal laughs "Don't worry, you can have what's left of him after I am done!"
Sabrina looks and notices his right digits are twitching a little, she nudges the others and they notice it too. Kathleen feels the wind pick up as the black markings give powerful dark sparks, the mystic head slowly orientates to where his eyes are lined up with hers as she raises an eyebrow. Magnum's eyes open and show this purple energy flowing from his eyes, the jackal feels a chill running down her spine, something is wrong.
Kathleen finally blinks "Magnum?" realizing there is no real light in those eyes.
The wolf glares and this powerful gust of wind tears her off him and she smashes into a stone wall, he raises his left hand in a clutch and the skies become a roaring torrent of wicked storm clouds, the wolf takes a step towards her "I am Anubis!" his communicator beeps and Elvo appears.
"Magnum, your vitals they are..." she freezes at the scene before her.
"Magnum is no more, I am Anubis... the darkness has come!" and he tosses the communicator into some bushes.
Vanessa grabs the communicator "Elvo! What do we do?"
Elvo is in full panic mode as she notices he's starting to input the launch codes for the Albion but she quickly locks him out using junk data "It's a long shot but talk to him, I don't know what is going on."
The skunk looks to him as Sabrina and her children look to her, he is her lover and she'll do her very best to get through to him, she hands the communicator to Sabrina and she begins to slowly walk towards him "Magnum, I know you are still in there... don't let this consume you! This Anubis... he isn't you, he can't be! You are too kind and loving for that."
Anubis looks to her "You were his mate, I applaud you for trying but it is ultimately pointless."
The skunk shakes her head "That's not true! I have learned his heart, his love and his pain, I can hear it crying for help and I will do my best to do so. I will help save him and I will help stop you!"
Anubis gives up on the codes "You are correct in that you know him and his heart, however his personality and soul are now shuttered away, if he can hear you he still can't do anything about it."
Sabrina's finally heard enough and joins the skunk "Let him go you freak!" as Marie and Bensen join them as well.
Anubis scoffs at their determination, but the four will never give up, Vanessa especially as she reflects on her time with him... she needs to figure out a way to get Magnum to fight back.
Vanessa cups her hands together over her heart "Magnum, I remember when you opened up, how you showed me that trust for the first time, I remember holding you when you cried and more importantly... the love you showed me and how you finally learned a woman's love and affection. You are my mate and I want you always by my side!"
Anubis growls, he raises a hand "Oh shut up with this nonsense!" he goes to use his powers but he quickly finds they aren't under his command, matter a fact he is frozen in place "What is going..."
The mystics markings flash for a second before starting to rapidly change from blue and purple energy, the group begins to cheer as it's clear their wolf is fighting back. Anubis growls and gives a roar before he falls to his knees, his eyes snap open as the markings on the right revert to blue while those on the left stay grey and black before being energized to purple as the eyes share the two colors, from the markings energy waves shoot out and create two separate beings of energy, one being Magnum encased in blue and Anubis baring an aura of purple. The four watch as the two stand up, Magnum giving an angry glare while Anubis looks extremely annoyed as the two begin to step towards each other.
Magnum sounds first "What are you?"
Anubis replies "I am your darker side, Anubis, the result of your Dark Change."
"Dark Change?" as the two being to circle around.
"Yes, you see when a mystic 'falls' they succumb to the change due to the concentration of negative emotion, thus becoming a corrupted mystic. The result is form with no restrictions under the prospect of power and over time their form can change, this information is buried deep with the essence that makes us what we are, we are thee apex predators, the creators and destroyers. It is what we are!"
Magnum shakes his head "I am a knight..."
"Who is a MYSTIC!!! You deny what makes you what you are, you are ashamed of what you are!"
Magnum's words hits the group, to hear how much he just hated for himself for what he was, how he despised the very blood that flows through him, there was no mistaking any of the malice in what he was saying. The part that hits them the hardest though is the pain in his voice as he screams of what he lost, that he use to value the most...
"Be that as it may, you are born with that rite, your parents had a sliver of the Mystic gene and while diluted it gave you your abilities. There is no changing such a thing, you are a mystic, it's what many fear the most... a being of ancient legend, a being of immense power... compared to these primitives you are a god!"
Magnum growls "I am no god! I am no angel! I will never view myself as divine! All i wanted was to feel normal, not to be some omen!" as the air around him begins to boom.
"You chose this path, you could have stayed on Earth and became this being of pure melancholy until I took control in the end. But you took to the stars to find something greater... and in the end you learned what you were, you forged yourself a new identity... but you never changed what lurked in your heart, you merely covered it up. Do you not remember the Crusade of Rage? You snapped in the end and turned the matriarchal oppressors to little more then ash and red mist, that is what you hated, your hatred of women unlocked your powers and when you realized the power you had at your disposal, you used it to crush everything in your path, you finally felt like you can have your revenge as you viewed them as the enemy!"
Magnum knows he can't deny any of it, Anubis was absolutely correct on all fronts... he made the choice to go to space and he enjoyed the slaughter he did in the end, how he blamed women for all the wrong he went through. But he regretted what had happened later on, he hated he took so many lives in that bloody haze, he knows he could never undo any of it...
The blue marked wolf feels a tear leave "I know I could never go back and fix any of it, but I would never go back and carry out such a thing in such a manner ever again. I became a knight so that maybe I could find some form of redemption... there is another thing you must understand."
Anubis raises a brow "What is it?"
Magnum exerts control over his physical body, he pulls out his revolver and aims it at the side of his head which horrifies everyone "That I will even destroy myself to make sure what happened never does again! I will never go back to being the monster that caused all of that again. I have destroyed armies and worlds since then, but I did it following the doctrines of knighthood, to be the paragon who protected the innocent.", he places a hand over his heart with his eyes becoming more determined "I swear upon this weapon that I shall be a bulwark against evil. To shield the innocent and just, to put the dark and corrupt to the sword. My blade is to strike true. My armor to protect my body. My mind to resist the horrors. My will to see the battle through. Let those who lurk in the dark form their plans, I shall cast the shadow aside. And place unto them retribution... for now I am a knight!" reciting the freeblade oath.
Anubis just stands there in shock at the sight before him while Elvo, Vanessa, Sabrina, Marie and Bensen are on the verge of tears, hearing Magnum would rather destroy himself then risk a rerun of what occurred.
The black marked being smirks "But these crusades had another mission... another goal."
"I was hoping to die in combat, that I could find a foe that would just kill me and end my torment, my pain..." some tears leave his eyes "But I don't want that anymore, I want to live... I want to love... that's what I want.", he has his physical body work the revolver "And I'll do what I must to protect what I hold dear now."
Vanessa begins to cry as she wants to go to him, but Sabrina and her kids hold her back, they want to go support him to but hearing his words, they can tell he wants to and has to do this on his own.
A few more tears leave the mystics eyes 'Mom... I'm coming home...' as he has his physical form slowly begin to pull the trigger 'Vanessa, Sabrina, Elvo, Bensen, Marie, Marouge, Poralla and Derra... thank you... for everything.'
Eventually the revolver discharges, it's loud bang giving quite a thunderous crack as it's depleted uranium round travels, but Magnum realizes he's still alive, he slowly opens his eyes, he looks to his body and sees the right arm is black and dark grey now with the firearm pointing away with it's barrel smoking, he glances to see Anubis having his right arm raised and looking strained as the group watches them in silence. Anubis looks Magnum over as he takes the situation in, that the blue mystic will just keep at it until either the danger has passed or until he dies... those eyes go towards the group, he hated to admit it but he was going to fail no matter what, Vanessa and the others brought him back and now Magnum was going to end Anubis before he gets started... he looks back to Magnum and sees him with that determined look once more as he shows that he's ready to take back control of the gun. The two wolves stare at each other as they go about their thoughts, that this can easily become a stalemate.
Anubis gives a sigh "Then you will remain.", he smirks "Not many can do what you did, your powers are augmented now and are yours to put to use."
Anubis becomes consumed with purple while blue consumes Magnum, the two becoming balls of energy and shoots back into the mystics physical body, his eyes flashing white as the marking become blue once more, the crowd moves over to him as he drops the revolver which Bensen takes, they see he isn't responding so Vanessa and Sabrina touch his shoulders to try to snap him out of it only to be greeted by a flash of light and they now find themselves in what looks like a hospital room of some kind.
Vanessa looks to the doe who's eyes are fixated on something, the skunk follows her gaze to an incubator, the two move towards it and see Magnum as an infant with oxygen tubes wired to his nose. The two become surprised by this as they come to the conclusion they are in Magnum's memories, Vanessa goes to open the incubator but her hand simply passes through and not having any effect, she brings her hand back and looks it over to see it's fine, the two ladies look to the little mystic as they feel an urge to protect him with how vulnerable he is. The door behind them opens, a doctor walks in with two wolves right behind him, a wolf of brown and white fur with blue eyes with no hair pushing a wolfess in a wheelchair who's coat is grey and white with brown hair and blue eyes.
The doctor smiles "Here he is, your son." as he opens the ports on the incubator.
They both extend their hands and carefully caress their son, the male giving a light chuckle "Hey buddy, welcome to the world." and the woman goes "You came home a little early, but I'm not complaining."
The doctor readies a pen and the paper on his clipboard "Have you decided on a name for him yet?"
The wolfess gives a happy sigh "His name is Magnum."
The doctor writes his name down "We've never seen a wolf with this pattern before, no one knows what to think of it."
Magnum's father shakes his head "He's healthy and well, that's what matters."
Another bright light comes and Vanessa and Sabrina see the wolf looks to be a toddler, running around and playing with these plastic toys that look like machines, earning a coo from the doe and an "Aww" from the skunk, he just looks so happy.
"Magnum, breakfest is ready."
The wolf looks over "I'm coming mama!" leaving his toys on a table and he runs off.
The skunk starts to cry "Aww, he's adorable." and they follow the wolf.
The come to this kitchen and the see Magnum's dad reading a paper, his mom putting pancakes, bacon and eggs on some plates, all while Magnum dances in his seat, excited for his meal before going back to play some more. The two women smile at the wholesome sight... but then it hits them, these are his memories, meaning they were going to several events... including some of the darker stuff.
Another flash comes and they see that they are now at a school and see it looks like Magnum's first day of school overall and he looks so nervous, he tires to interact with some of the other kids but they either ignore him or just stare at him in surprise, he looks like he's on the verge of tears which really sets the women off as they feel bad for him, but a couple kids go over to him and ask him if he would like to play with them, he clears his tears and they go off to play. A few more flashes and they see him getting picked on more harshly as the years go one by a good chunk of the other students with a few of his friends back him up when they were around, they eventually see Magnum finally snap knocks one of the bullies out with a pretty serious punch.
Another flash comes and the see that Magnum is asleep in his bed and looks to be in his early teens, Vanessa kneels next to him as she notices he's cuddling a body pillow, the two hear voices towards the door, they make their way to the closed doorway and they begin to listen in.
They hear his mom "Brom, there is something we need to talk about."
Magnum's dad chimes "What is it Farryn?"
A sigh escapes his mom "Do you think we should let Magnum know where we stand with each other? I think it would be best."
"You want him to know that we're having issues? He's only 14, his main concern should be school. Besides, what would he think of us if he knew we were having issues?"
"But would it better if he knows so that he can emotionally understand, I mean we're still his parents, he wouldn't think any less of us."
"Your his mother though, he'll side with you."
"Magnum may lean towards me, but he loves both of us. I'm not talking about separating, I just want our son to know we've drifted."
Eventually it turns into a bit of an argument, but eventually Farryn enters Magnum's room, she looks to her sleeping son, she lays next to him, having kicked the sheets from dreaming, she embraces him as he looks to be having a bad dream, gently calling for her, she kisses the top of his head as she rubs his back.
Farryn sighs "Mama is right here, it's okay my baby, just try to sleep." as she manages to get the covers over them, he soon calms down and relaxes "There you go sweetie.", she kisses the top of his head "Mama loves you." as she holds him.
Vanessa watches the scene before her, seeing Magnum having some pretty bad nightmares this far into his life tells her a lot, seeing his mom come in and comfort him showing the two were close, it reminds her of comforting her own children when they couldn't sleep, but seeing or hearing her always put their minds at ease no matter how bad it got.
Another flash comes and they can hear Magnum's parents having an argument, hearing them going back and forth as his mom wants to still let Magnum know so that he isn't blindsided while his dad sounds that Magnum would be better kept in the dark until he gets situated. The two hear whimpering behind them, they look to see Magnum laying on his bed with his back towards the door, they go over to him and see him crying into his pillow and talking to himself, worried about his parents. Soon his mom knocks and enters, she looks to be in tears and she sees her son in turmoil, she lays behind him and holds onto him to help calm down, the wolfess just looks so defeated.
Magnum cries "Mom, you'll never leave me right?"
Farryn nuzzles him "You are my son Magnum, I'll never leave you."
What happens next with another flash breaks their hearts, seeing Farryn with some luggage while Brom tries to talk to her paints a very bad picture, she looks to her son, she tells him that she loves him as he notices she is no longer wearing her wedding ring, she goes to leave but Magnum tries to chase after her only to be stopped by his dad as he cries out to her. Asking why she's leaving and wondering why despite promising him she wouldn't do it she is. Vanessa begins to cry at what she is witnessing, it's clear now that Magnum had nothing to do with his mom leaving and that she and his father were having problems. The mystic eventually tires himself out and his father helps out up only for the younger wolf to go to room and the slam is so loud pictures fall from the walls, followed by a scream that sounds like it could peel paint. For both of them it hurts to see the wolf in so much pain, especially Vanessa she lets some tears slip.
Another flash comes and they see Magnum with Kathleen before her transformation, not doing anything besides hanging out, but the two women freeze as they realize what happens next... Kathleen takes the mystic and slams the back of his head into the concrete wall, they both turn around and cover their ears, not wanting to hear what is transpiring. A second later they see Magnum at a kitchen table, he just looks so miserable as he opens some anti-depressants as his hand shakes, his phone showing a text that Kathleen enjoyed using him, Magnum finally growls, he gets up and throws the pills against a window, smashing clean through. The sheer pain on his features tells them everything they needed to know as he stiffly moves, huffing as he clutches his chest over his heart.
"I have had it... I'll show them... I'll show them what I can do!" he waves his hand, unleashing wind by accident which blows the table against the wall earning his attention, he looks at his hand as he feels his heritage unlocking "I know what to do... I have had it with women! No matter who they are, no matter what coat of paint they have they are all the same... a bunch of using bawds that take advantage of me or try to destroy me!" losing control of his anger to where he's shaking.
Vanessa and Sabrina are taken aback by the display as he manipulates water and tests his beam attack on an extremely small scale, he sits down as he leaves a note for his dad:
This is the last thing you'll ever here from me, there's a few things I need to do and I have no idea where it'll take me. I am not going to drag you down with me, please live your life as best you can, but I need to be alone for a while.
I love you, your son Magnum
Magnum puts the pen down as another flash happens, Vanessa and Sabrina see that they are on the edge of a road with some apartment buildings on the other side, even from here they can see Kathleen on the other side escorting a stallion to one of the buildings, the two eye her with disdain and they wish they could just go over to her and slap her. Kathleen makes her way into the building and a few minutes later this blue beam goes by them and obliterates a massive chunk of the building which forces them to jump, they turn to see Magnum slowly come out of the woods, those blue eyes full of malice and hate, he sweeps the area in front him with his beam, wiping everything out within a few seconds. The skunk and doe are frozen in place at the sheer display of power, they wonder how such an attack played in his combat roles.
They get transported again and now they see Magnum is confront his mom with another wolf standing in the corner close to his mom, they can tell Magnum is struggling to keep it together as he tries to talk with her, the problem is that he is very emotionally charged and unstable, his mom does try to talk with him, to explain why it all played out the way it did but Magnum is so overwhelmed he simply can't listen even if he wanted to. Vanessa can see it in her eyes, that Farryn still holds her son dear and wants to give him closer as she's trying to calm him down so that they can talk, but they can see the frustration in Magnum's features, he eventually snaps and they can see the adrenaline as he doesn't pay attention his powers are working as his mom backs up a bit while the other shivers and a split second later, Magnum gives one hell of a scream and what was once a house explodes from the air current being unleashed, the mystic almost crashes to the ground, Magnum puts on a look of horror as he looks around him, he finds his mom and finds that she's dead, the mystic cries as in a fit of rage and loss of control he lost his mom for good.
Magnum rises "I need to leave this world, I must get to my craft, I don't know if it'll work or not but I need to leave... there is nothing left for me here."
Next thing they know they are in a warzone as this hulking suit moves about and is fighting what looks like law enforcement, the suit is bulky with hazard stripes on the legs, the left arm holding a decent sized shotgun while a large sword in held in the right and wired to the suits generator. Bullets are bouncing off the armor as it lumbers around, the shotgun booming at those in cover while those that get into it's strike range are cut down.
They hear Magnum's voice come from the suit "I was going to let you live, all you had to do was walk away! I'm sorry but I can't have any witnesses..."
Seconds later a storm envelops the area, the sheer power on display here is nothing short of incredible as he slowly but completely wipes the officers out before making to his improvised craft. They get teleported to what looks like inside of a ship but it looks like it's in a state of disrepair, the see the mystic crying as he's all curled up into a ball with the shotgun to his suit right next to him. Vanessa and Sabrina wish they can go over to him and tell him everything will be alright, they have to keep reminding themselves that this has already passed a long time ago, no matter how hard it gets. The wolf knows he's lost it all, that his sheltered life was destroyed and everything he had wanted to do was gone with everything he knew being shattered... he just looks so scared and alone as his markings give off these black sparks.
Magnum brings the shotgun over to him, he releases the magazine and tosses it as he sees the drum is empty, he opens the action a little to see there is only one shell left, he releases the action, he takes a few deep breaths and he brings the shotguns barrel to just under his chin, the opening aligned so it'll completely destroy his brain... all he wants is for the pain to stop, no matter what. Vanessa panics as she feels her instincts kicking in, she runs over to him only for her to phase through him.
A familiar voice chimes "Wait!", Elvo appears next to him, which warns his gaze "Please, don't do it!"
The wolf blinks at her as tears stream "Why? I have nothing left."
The a.i. kneels next to him "I understand it's bad, but maybe I can help you... I can lend an ear and help point you in the right direction.", she extends her hand "My full designation is Evolutionary Learning Virtual Overseer, but you can call me Elvo for short. What's your name?"
Magnum raises an eyebrow "I am Magnum." looking a little uncomfortable but he takes her hand.
Elvo gives a nod "There you go, we have a start... please, put the weapon down."
The wolf eyes the shotgun, his finger still on the trigger, he frees his finger as he really thinks about his current situation, he works the action to eject the shell and tosses the firearm, he looks to Elvo "Where... where do we start?"
"We need to repair the ship first... and I am intrigued by your suit... maybe we can build off of that.", she embrace him which scares him for a moment "Right now though, I want you to get your emotions out, cry, yell... I won't judge you." displaying genuine concern.
Magnum eyes her with stunned eyes at first but they quickly fill with tears and he buries his face into her chest, unleash a torrent of tears and sniffles, the coyote begins to pet his back as she begins to hum a soft tune. The skunk and doe begin to cry themselves, seeing Elvo and Magnum interact for the first was really something to behold, how desperate Magnum really was at some form of interaction and didn't care what it was from.
The scene comes to an end all of a sudden the ladies find themselves in a warzone, artillery and laser fire claiming the air, in front of them is an opening with a few female soldiers, all three canine with two being wolves and another being a fox, they are firing theses blasters at something, the thuds of heavy steps comes, they look and see another suit, this one is about as bulky but far more smooth, it bares these electrical coils and only bares a sword, the red lenses of the eyes glowing like a demons while the black plates on the helmet add to the effect. The three soldiers fire their weapons by the electricity from the coils quickly makes the shots ineffective, the suit swings it's sword and sends out this bolt which electrocutes the fox to death as she screams.
One of the wolves growls "Come on big boy! These have to do something to you sooner or later.", the other goes "Our weapons are useless against him! We must withdraw!"
The armored golem lunges and cuts into the first wolf, it delivers a punch which send her body flying, the other wolf tries to run but she's stopped by an electric bolt, she slides on the floor, she gets on her back and tries to slide away while begging for her life as her attack approaches her, it places it's right foot on her chest, she tries to force it off but it doesn't budge, slowly the suit begins to crush her, she screams in pain as her rib cage begins to go, begging for her life but it falls on depth ears as she's crushed to death. Two more soldiers come, a female cougar with a rocket launcher and a ferret with a blaster, the suit gets off the wolf and begins to advance against them, the cougar fires, the arcing electricity causing it detonate prematurely but does do some damage, she quickly tries to reload but the suit grabs her neck with it's left hand as her ally fires her blaster at him, a second later her neck snaps like and she's smashed into the wall of the bunker while tossing her aside. The ferret raises her hands in surrender as it approaches her, only for her to be cut down without mercy.
Magnum's voice comes from the suit "Elvo, all hostile eliminated, proceeding to next sector." as he moves on.
The two women are stunned, this is but a glimpse of the Crusade of Rage that they heard so much about... and it paints a very terrifying picture to finally see it.
The scene changes again and Magnum is kneel with his hand on the hilt of a sword, he is wearing a blue cloak while wearing white armor underneath. The room is huge with balconies and rows of seats, on the far end is a large stand with decorated warriors of both male and female of various races.
A voice sounds "Recite the oath!"
Magnum closes his eyes as he bows his head "I swear upon this weapon that I shall be a bulwark against evil. To shield the innocent and just, to put the dark and corrupt to the sword. My blade is to strike true. My armor to protect my body. My mind to resist the horrors. My will to see the battle through. Let those who lurk in the dark form their plans, I shall cast the shadow aside. And place unto them retribution... for now I am a knight!"
The same voice chimes "Rise Freeblade Magnum, the Mystic Crusader!"
Magnum raises to his feet and raises his sword as the crowd cheers as he smiles to the sword in pride, they look to just behind him and there is an entirely new suit, this one is very different from the previous two, on it's back is this massive pack with the massive beam cannons and thrusters with two propellant tanks on the sides, the legs have thrusters and on each arm is an extended sword that looks like it can fold into itself for storage.
Another transition occurs and it's another battlefield but far more immense, Magnum is going around in another suit, this one baring the words "Magnum" and "Force" on the right and left arm respectively, the helm, the shoulder armor more box-shaped with teal and dark blue plate-work on the chest, he looks up to the sky which shows even from where he is a massive fleet as warriors adorned in green and black power armor form up around him, he opens his mouth and charges his beam, those eyes give a focus glare and he fires, scorching the heavens as visible explosions cascade, creating falling debris burning up in the atmosphere, those eyes go down as he readies his sword and helmet at the advancing army, he puts his helmet on and gives the order to charge. The green knights advance as they unleash powerful energy and heavy weapons with these tanks backing them up while Magnum flies around, he smashes into a massive spider walker and disables it but gets hit pretty quickly by a railgun knocking one of the shoulder plates off while an anti-tank rocket hits his backpack and a tank round hits the suits torso which forces him to crash into one of the walkers legs, all while losing an energy pistol in the process. He soon gets up and tosses the helmet before charging into the fray on his own, using air and water to try to absorb and deflect the blows, time skips ahead to where the battle has ended, a vixen with body paint and an officer uniform begins to look around, the dust clears enough to where Magnum is visible, his armor and sword are broken while he has a bloody nose, he slowly rises while tossing the broken sword, he raises a hand in a fist and howls into the sky while his suit sparks from the sheer amount of battle damage.
Vanessa and Sabrina are amazed by all of it, he has created so much technology and his display of fighting capability was nothing short of impressive, the scene switches again, this time to space and the image of another unit is instantly in view, this one has blue gems on the chest, shoulders and legs with blue markings similar to those around his eyes on the chest, the helm in this glare-visage as it's outlined in gold paneling, the biggest thing is the pack which has these two massive parts where wings would be and being held in the left hand is this massive beam cannon that has primarily a dark blue body that looks plugged into the suit. The suit aims the beam cannon and fires while the mouth on the helmet emits Magnum's natural beam attack, both striking ships and obliterating them.
Suddenly the find themselves back where they are in the real world, the look to see the mystic's features returning to normal, but now there is blue and purple energy going around him as the corners of his eyes weep bloody tears, the group helps him up as he's a little light headed.
Vanessa gives him a kiss "Hon, are you alright?"
Magnum blinks at her in response and gives a nod "I will be."
Kathleen crawls out where Anubis smashed her, Magnum's gaze goes to her and he takes few steps closer to her as he retrieves his ice sword, he uses wind to keep Kathleen retrained and she can't break free as she soon finds herself on her knees, the wolf has the sword evaporate as he stops dead in his tracks while the jackal looks up at him with a snear.
Magnum gives her a glare as he raises a hand and forms of sharp shard of ice "I am not afraid of you anymore Kathleen!", he has the shards strike her to pin her down even more "Now... GO BACK TO HELL!!! WHERE YOU BELONG!!!" and fires his beam attack.
Kathleen screams as the beam hits her, the beam cascades and destroys the demons form along with part of the hill, the mystic takes a few deep breaths as he regains himself, the energy around him fading away while everyone watches him. Magnum feels tired and he goes to fall but Vanessa catches him, Sabrina joins her and the two hold him close as they snuggle him, both streaming tears as they look at him, he's barely conscious but he seems fine. Sabrina quickly wipes the blood away and begins to hum to him, both women focusing on cuddling him. Slowly a bright light arrives in front of them, Magnum's mother slowly steps out with angel wings and a halo, Sabrina decides to move as she knows what his mom likely wants to do. The wolf kneels and embraces her son, her touch causing his eyes to open instantly, tears instantly stream as he embraces her and she gives him a kiss to the top of his head.
Farryn gazes at her boy "Mama's here Magnum, everything is alright." giving him a warm smile in her motherly tone.
Magnum shutters at her words a little "How can you even say that to me? After what I had done?" he looks to her "I don't deserve your forgiveness at all." giving a whimper.
The wolfess sighs warmly "You have always had a hard time handling anger.", she nuzzles him "And that's just it, you were angry and confused... I should have just came to you and let you know that your father and I were falling apart. You should have been prepared for it.", she looks him in the eye "But it's nothing that you did that lead to it sweetie, you were never to blame, it was all us. You were a perfect son... heck you still are to me."
The mystic looks to her "Please stay... what can I do make you stay?!"
Farryn forms tears in her eyes "I'm sorry my son, but I can stay like this, I came because you needed me and the conditions were perfect.", she hugs him "But I will always be with you in your heart, I'll always be there even if you can't see me."
Magnum takes in her love and warmth, he was hugging his mom again, something he never thought he would ever do again, to him no matter how long this lasts it'll never be enough. That detail is something Farryn knows all too well, he was always closer to her then his father, when ever he was scared or needed help she was always the one he went to. The sight brings tears to everyone's eyes as Magnum holds onto his mom, crying into her once more as his emotions flood.
Farryn looks to Vanessa as tears stream from her eyes "Please, from one mother to another, please take care of my boy. He has a big heart and he's full of love."
Vanessa sadly nods "He's in good hands mom. And believe me, I know he is."
Magnum notices his mother starting to fade "Mom, please don't go! Please!"
Farryn gives him one more nuzzle "I'll always be with you Magnum, don't think of it as goodbye... think of it as see you later. I love you my son." and with that she finally fades.
Magnum cries "Mama! MAMA!!!" and he tries to get up to go after her.
Sabrina and Vanessa hold onto him with the latter going "Hon, everything is going to be okay."
The wolf shakes his head "NO IT'S NOT!" as he keeps thrashing "MAMA! ...... MAAAAAMAAAAA!!!!" screaming into the air in pain and in sorrow.
Za'vara looks over "You have what?!"
A mystic operating the tracker is looking at her "We have confirmation on Magnum's signature, we have his location."
The mystic vixen smirks "Plot a course and get us there!"
Derra looks at Marouge and Poralla "The sensors have picked Magnum up!" with a huge grin.
Marouge nods and grins "Thank goodness.", she looks to the void "All ships are to head to that location now! All hands at yellow alert!"
Poralla looks out into the void, her prayers have been answered, to hear that Magnum is still alive brings tears to her features, she glances up 'Thank you.'
Kathleen is on the bridge of Circie's flagship...
"DAMN IT!!" the jackal howls into the air.
The unicorn sighs "We do have his signature..."
Kathleen growls "If we have it then so do they, we'll be destroyed before we even get close.", she looks to the mare "Besides, that catalyst didn't kill him, if anything it made him stronger in the end."
Circie taps her staff "This I have to hear."
The jackal shakes her head "Maybe later, I need to blow off some steam!" grabbing one of Circie's cultists as she leaves the bridge.
One of the corrupted knights approaches Circie "Orders Mistress?"
The unicorn gives a sigh "We won't engage, let's let them just kill each other.", she looks over to the navigator "Take us back to the stronghold, we're done here."
The group is back at Vanessa's, the wolf is laying on the skunks lap, tears still flowing here and there as Vanessa pets him. the wolf is exhausted and looks defeated, Sabrina, Bensen, Marie and Elvo look at the poor thing as they all remain silent. For Vanessa and Sabrina, they saw what the others didn't see, they saw a general overview of what his life was once like and while not perfect he did seem happy, but after his parents split up it became a very bad domino effect of bad luck that nearly destroyed him entirely, but more importantly they saw how he had developed up until now to a degree and how much he has changed in all that time.
For Magnum, he's trying to sort his emotions... emotions that always hit him hard, he'll always hate himself for what happened in the past, from his point of view he'll never find any way to redeem himself over the loss of his mom. She was always there for him, was always there when he needed someone to talk to or when he needed a shoulder to cry on... a huge part of him died that day and nothing will ever change that, to a degree he even thought death was too good for him.
Marie and Bensen glance to their mom as they put themselves in Magnum's shoes, if she died they would want her back too, they would want some form of closure. Closure... that's a word the mystic no longer even knows the real meaning of that word, while it's nice to hear from his mom she has no negative feelings, it's his own self-loathing that drags him down. Vanessa has an idea, maybe it could help...
The mature skunk gives a sigh "Hon, I know how you feel and how hard it is to some degree. Sabrina and I went into your memories somehow and we saw you grow from a baby to an adult, we saw the world through your eyes and from what we heard, your parents loved you with all their hearts, they didn't mean to put you through hard times, at least not like this. Like your mother said, she and your dad drifted apart because they couldn't make it work... that's part of life sometimes, I went through a few relationships before I met my late husband. True I don't know what it feels like to watch your parents argue almost non-stop to where you become afraid for what may happen. But when we went through your memories, I saw two parents loving their child and that no matter what they were always there for their son, weather they were together or not. Despite their disagreements they still tried to make sure you safe, happy and healthy. I can see it in your eyes that you don't think you can forgive yourself, but your mother does, she wouldn't want you to mourn like this and be so hard on yourself. Celebrate her life and the memories the three of you had as a family and it'll help you get through it." some tears form in her eyes "That's what I had to do."
Sabrina kneels and begins to pet him "It was an accident, when we saw how horrified you were and the remorse... you never intended for it to go that far, I know some may see it differently but we saw the whole story." she nuzzles him "Please, stop loathing yourself... you have been through so much and now you have a real home and life. But most importantly, you have people in your life who love you for who you are." she puts on a smile "And we love our mystic wolf."
Magnum thinks on it for a moment and they are both correct... after years of putting it all on himself he forgot what he enjoyed in life, he remembers some of his favorite memories with his parents, how they were always together, for him he took it they weren't together then he would never see the other parent and that's what really hurt the most. He reaches into his pocket which catches their attention, he pulls out two photos, one of just his mother and father smiling at the camera and the other having all three of them with Magnum looking like he was around 11 or 12 at a park that they use to go to a lot, for him it wasn't the big things like birthdays or any holiday, he was just happy they were there for him, that he and his parents were happy. So when things went south he felt it hit his heart very hard, he just always thought they would be together because he thought the bonds were stronger then they really were.
'They are right, mom and dad wouldn't want me to be like this, they would want me to come to terms so that I can enjoy my life again... maybe I know how I can...', he sighs as he hugs Sabrina and Vanessa "I think I know what to do... but I need some help."
Vanessa gives a nod "Sure, what can we do?" relieved to hear he has an idea.
Magnum has Elvo get ready with some music and the group begins to look around to try to find what Magnum is looking for and they do, they see a place that does music where some people use music to relieve stress or tributes. The wolf is nervous because he isn't a fan of crowds, but he has to do it, not just for him but for his parents and for everyone else who just wants to see him happy. He has Elvo prepare the song, the small crowd being surprised to see him as he gets on stage... he knows what song to sing, it was always one of his and his parents favorites, he didn't understand it at first... but now he knows the meaning behind it. He looks to see Sabrina, Vanessa, Bensen and Marie in their seats with no doubt Elvo accessing the cameras to watch.
Magnum takes the microphone in one hand as he puts the stand off to the side "Greetings, some of you have probably seen me around, the name is Magnum and I'm here to share a song with all of you today. Some context real quick, this song is dedicated to my parents, I still have my dad but my mom is no longer with us." earning some sad awws from the audience "This song, is one that they always sung to me as they always wished me the best." he gets a little choked up as he glances up "Mom, I love you and thank you for everything."
He gives Elvo the signal that he's ready and the music begins to play, he does his best to keep it together as he wants to cry but he can do that after he's done singing.
"May the good lord be with down every road you roam.", he starts to move a little to the left "And may sunshine and happiness surround you when you're far from home." he stops and takes a couple steps forward "And may you grow to be proud.", he puts his free hand over his heart "Dignified and true.", he smoothly takes a few steps to the right "And do unto others as you'd have done to you." he fully faces in the crowd "Be courageous and be brave, and in my heart you;ll always stay..", he begins to walk back to the left with more rhythm "Forever young, forever young, forever young, forever young." with the chorus vocals playing to help him, he stops as he puts the microphone towards his lips a little more comfortably "May good fortune be with you, may your guiding light be strong.", he points to the ceiling loosely "Build a stairway to heaven with a prince or a vagabond.", he feels a large tear leave his right eye which everyone notices "And may you never love in vain.", he puts his hand back over his heart "And in my heart you will remain...", he begins to do some loose dance steps "Forever young, forever young, forever young, forever young.", he stops "For... eveeeeeer young!", beginning to pop he left ankle back and forth "Fo oh oh oh ever young!", he raises his hand in loose fist in enthusiasm "Yeah!"
The entire crowd is in tears as they feel the emotion in his movements and his voice as more tears slowly move to his eyes, Sabrina, Vanessa and her kids can't hold their tears either, he was getting his emotions out there and it was definitely helping him. At that moment his pictures of his parents and him appear on screen and some of the crowd just begins to cry at the sight as Magnum slows down to a stand still.
"And when you finally fly away I'll be hoping that I served you well." with his eyes practically drenched so he quickly clears them "For all the wisdom of a lifetime, no one can ever tell.", he raises his pointer "But what ever road you choose...", he clutches his heart "I'm right behind you... win or lose!", he begins to do another slow dance routine like he did before "Forever young, forever young, forever young, forever young.", he stops "For... ever young!", he leans a little forward "For or or ever young!", he makes his way back to where he was when he started his performance with a little more energy "For... for... ever young!", he stops and he's really doing his best to keep himself from crying "For... ever young."
The music fades and Magnum gives a bow as the room cheers and there isn't a dry eye in the house, Magnum waves at the crowd before looking at the photos behind him and blows a kiss at them before exiting the stage 'Mom, dad... I love you guys, I hope one day we'll all be together again. Until then I'll live my life the best I can, I still have a long way to go and I have to better learn my emotions and mantle health and I have something that I have been missing for a long time.' he gets to Vanessa, Sabrina, Bensen and Marie and both he and the mature skunk share a hug 'Love. But most of all I have to re-learn to love myself... maybe being a mystic, isn't so bad after all.'
The mystic gets his pictures and he begins to cry happy tears as he and the others begin to leave the place.
Vorca is looking over the footage from the news reports from Balleva, from the mysterious storm to the damage the area suffered, she gives the order to have her forces attack the first day of the celebration, it no longer matters now, they must launch the operation. She looks at the battle plan, alien or not, secret weapon or not it was time to spring the attack... she's just hoping that nothing goes wrong, then again her forces are the best equipped so from her point of view there is no way they could lose against the other forces.
After a more pleasant evening, Marie and Bensen have left to go home to get ready for the Dove Celebration, as for Magnum he's cuddling with Vanessa and Sabrina, the wolf is sound asleep as he rests, the two women kiss his cheeks, he actually looks a lot more at peace from his features.
Vanessa happily sighs "He's had a crazy day." in a whisper.
Sabrina nods "It's good to see him try to handle his feelings in such a way.", she looks at the skunk "Those memories though, I have never experienced anything so surreal."
The skunk looks to him with those purple eyes of hers "Seeing him in action was really something along with him accepting his identity.", she nuzzles him "They are an emotional species with very powerful abilities, it's their emotion that gives them strength and aids their expression.", those eye go to the doe "I can kind of relate being a make up artist... can you because you are an actor?"
Sabrina blinks, she softly nods "I think I know what you mean, like how I put emotional weight in my performances to make them more impactful?"
Vanessa confirms with a nod "Exactly, at least that's how I understand it."
The two ladies say their good nights to each other, they give the mystic another kiss and they soon fall asleep with the mystic wolf.
To be continued...