Why am I different?
But, it's not about avoiding adversity, but overcoming it. overcoming adversity makes us strong, so that when we are tested, that we will be up to the challenge.
Sparks of Friendship REWRITE!
It was a normal day at the dog playground. Normal, until I heard rumors from Aniro and a few of the others that there was a gang of rogue coyotes that had wandered from the deserts to the west of the dog suburbs in search of food and that they could...
The Road Of Life - Chapter 5
There is always a time in our lives when we face adversity. it is in those vital few moments that our true characters are shown. it is in those moments where we are either revealed to be heroes or villains.
Races of Mundus-Humans
Indeed, the ability to face adversity head on is likely the reasons humans are the most common race in mundus. **physiology** physically, the humans of mundus reflect humans of earth in their ability to adapt.
Soar (2019)
Soar The Mosquito's Plexiglas nose distorted the view to the outside world. Lying prone, stuffed into the stubby nose was fifteen year old Alvin Paulo. The young Doberman admired the scenery from his perch, watching southern Canada...
Ovni Biography
He is particularly adverse to the thought of killing or severely injuring another sentient being, but has had to do so as the situation called for it.
[Character Profile] Suzaku-ou
Humans fascinated him, their short life spans and determination and perseverance even in the face of adversity inspired him into 'helping' them at certain times. much to the chagrin of his siblings.
FurLibs 2017 - The Grand Furry Pastime by Ianus (and panel attendees)
From young \_\_\_chinchilla\_\_ playing stickball in the park to big star athletes like the famous \_\_plain old regular cat\_\_ player \_\_martha\_\_\_ \_\_jones\_\_\_, who braved the adversity of lacking any \_\_toe-beans\_\_ and led the \_pittsburgh
Paranormal Activity
This can sometimes have an adverse effect on those involved, sometimes even making their "problems" worse. it is observed that some of the better ways to deal with such entities is to research clues that may be found in the place of the haunting.
A Bronze Rising: The Offer
A mountain wind gusted and though i felt its pleasant coolness against my scales, it seemed to have an adverse effect on the young man who curled up tightly, clutching his rags about him.
A taste of your own medicine (7)
End flashback my head ached and my back felt like it had been pressed to a metal table for days, for all i know it had been, one of the pds sufferers had had an adverse reaction to the nerotriptalin but who could blame him, it brought back memories about
Just Breathe - Introduction
It's amazing how long between breaths you can really get without adverse effects when it causes mortal pain to simply draw air into your lungs. inhale, cough up more blood, exhale. it's almost a routine. every second breath causes me to cough.