A taste of your own medicine (7)

Story by Mallow the Dragon on SoFurry

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"Matt, Mattew, MATTEW!" I awoke with a start at my name being called. I opened my eyes and all I saw were bright lights, medical center lights. I groaned, "where am I" I asked with a surprisingly scratchy voice and sore back.


The tv alerted us to a new message, I clicked play and the scanner showed one humanoid life form detected on earth. "What does it mean?" Asked my son in a quizzical tone, "I don't know" I replied with concern in my voice. What could be down there? How could it have survived? Than the count rose to two, how was this possible? Now it was up to sixteen and rising by the second, climbing and climbing until it just stopped. Twelve billion sixty two million seven thousand and twenty one new humanoid life forms detected on earth. This was not possible, I did a scan for atmosphere and the radiation count was still off the charts, way to high for life in the surface to remain animated.

A message from the head of the government was received and automaticly played on our tv, "citizens of Marz, we know that you have received a scan from earth registering a high amount of humanoid life, we are sad to inform you that the human populous has reanimated, not enough to make coherent thought but enough to shamble around and feed off of rotting corpses, earth has experienced this problem before in the year 2013 and the currently medicated partially deceased syndrome sufferers have been instructed to move to the nearest spaceport and wait for help to arrive and take them to a safe location until further notice, we will be sending our finest medical personnel to help treat the risen."

We stood silently for a long time just staring. Every single human has risen from the dead, not just the ones from 2009 but everyone that was killed by the sun. This was going to take a long time to fix.


My head ached and my back felt like it had been pressed to a metal table for days, for all I know it had been, one of the PDS sufferers had had an adverse reaction to the nerotriptalin but who could blame him, it brought back memories about him getting cooked by the sun blowing up. My shift was almost over so I packed up my gear and took the next shuttle home, there were a lot of undead on the shuttle, but they were the ones from 2009, not the new ones. There were so many that were stranded on earth that needed to be saved that each country had communities of them using medicine stored for emergencies to help the doctors before they got there and because of that the number of them almost doubled, I was not complaining because they certainly helped take the number for us to wrangle up down considerably.

When I finally got home I was greeted with smiles and hugs, my shift had been almost a year. Crispin was always painfully obvious and that's why I like him, "you look awfull" was the first thing he said to me, all I replied with was "thanks". We have a ritual in our house that when someone is feeling awful the first one to bring it up has to do something for them, " bring me the Advil capton obvious" to that we all laughed and he walked off to bring me the bottle so desired at the moment, especialy since i still get gravity sick all the time.