my thoughts for the day
thoughts flying through my head of where im going, what to do, who to love. will it last? who knows? is she in love with me or is she just toying with me? her friends tell me not to hurt her. i would never do that. they say dont hurt her, what about...
Who am I?
who am i but a teenager always alone listening to rock and glued to my phone? who am i but an adult painted in grey just earning enough to live by the day? who am i but an old man senile and drunk face flushed red and eyelids glued stuck?
Who Am I?
Love, or lust; want, or need; think, or know; everything has a reflection or a different way to look at it. Yet, only he who can see the world around him crumble beneath his feet find the answers of his journey. One may think it is easy to determine...
Who am I? Chapter 2
#2 of don't believe everything you're told...they might just be lies acknowledgements for helping me thank you so much: vergennes toxxic here's chapter 2 in my story hope y'all enjoy :) chapter 2 who am i? !
Existence in Peril- Chapter 1
His amber eyes then flashed in surprise as the question that nagged him became glaringly obvious, who am i?
Demons (poem)
Tell me just, who am i? what is this world in which we take and give? who are we? doomed never to live. why is it that the sun never shines? where is the place that none are blind? who am i?
This is Me Challange...
who am i? who am i!?! please tell me, i sob, shout, scream these words but they fall upon ears that are dead who am i to walk this earth, what gives me that right?
"who am i? who am i? i am the destroyer of worlds! the demon of demons? i am...
Grey War -part one- Chapter 5
"who am i?" he asked. they both looked a worriedly to each other. ray answered. "we don't know." he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "look... maybe you have some id with you?
haunted by the past
His eyes opened to an unfamiliar ceiling and the usual questions of "who am i?" "where am i?" "am i wearing clothes?" filled his head and were promptly banished.
Monster I Have Become: Ch. 4
.\* 'but who am i, rukan? who am i and why do i deserve to live in this world?' \*how should i know? you need to think about this on your own. i can't help with it. now, i could help you with-" 'not yet, rukan. but you will.
This Is Me Challenge. Dreaming of the future.
I decided to do the who am i challenge for dragon's lair. who am i? i am longing, loneliness, fear and strength traveling in a single body.