
The content of this story is mature it should be treated as such. Though it does not contain any yiffing in the chapter shown it may be two mature for some, and in cases should not be read. Read at your own risk This story is for all...

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Tragic Life Part 3....

Was his mind playing tricks on him? "No couldn't be" they're the fox sat looking straight at him in the flesh. It became evident to Kyle that if the cute fox had made this much eye contact he must want something, so he slowed his swimming to a...

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Tragic Life Part Two

The hotel room was cold and Kyle was once again tired, rather worn out. The plane ride was uneventful, if somewhat dull. Hearing his friends.... Co workers talk about their families, wife, and children. It became quite annoying. He was the...

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Tragic Life

He looked over at his window and a tear rolled down his eyes. He was tired, but more than that he was lonely and feeling broken hearted. It had been two months since he was dating and just over a year since his last...

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A Bronze Rising: Mercy and Deep thoughts

The human trapped between my forelegs stank with the fear of his imminent demise - as well as other even less pleasant bodily secretions. Everything in my nature told me to end his life and then promptly devour him; I had been out hunting after all and...

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my thoughts for the day

thoughts flying through my head of where im going, what to do, who to love. will it last? who knows? is she in love with me or is she just toying with me? her friends tell me not to hurt her. i would never do that. they say dont hurt her, what about...

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MLP-Sanrose- A new World

"all heads turned to twilight as she was in deep thought. "what if this creature isn't from the future, but maybe its from the past?

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Toge Aida de Bara: Chapter 1: Shitashii Shiranai Hito

Kurama looked as if in deep thought as he fiddled with one of the leaves on the rosebud. "so, i guess we're all ready to kick some demon a\*\*," yusuke said with a smile as he finished walking down the stairs.

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Seperated by fate.

Dante snapped out of deep thought, realizing that the page was done and he had been drawing a collection of smiley faces on his hand. he reached over to the phone and hit the speed dial. "hey kingston?

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Clown Mare 4-3

He went into deep thought. a few years ago. prince blue dream was looking outside and noticed it was a good day with a bit of sunshine in the morning. while he looked outside the window with a good view, he noticed two ponies walking towards the house.

Sonic and Tails Love Story

One day tails was sitting on the couch inside his house in deep thought. for 3 years he had kept a secret from his friends that he didn't tell his friends, especially sonic. see tails was gay, yes that's right gay. he was deeply in love with sonic.

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Considering Retirement

The two spent the day together before taking the next space cruiser back to mobius, as they enjoyed the flight fara noticed fang was in deep thought before he looked at her with a serious expression. "fara....i think i'll retire." "really?"

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